

1. 什么是被污染的大气?


图1. 一些主要空气污染物及其来源(交通、工业、农业、生物量等)和对环境和健康的影响。就臭氧而言,我们谈论的是地球表面附近的污染所产生的近地面臭氧。



2. 植物的生理响应


2.1. 污染物对植物的渗透

图2. 叶表面环境的示意图。气孔主要位于叶片表面,是植物与大气进行气体交换的首选场所。在植物释放的挥发性有机化合物中,许多萜烯,如α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、异戊二烯是夏季空气污染的罪魁祸首,特别是在森林地区和山谷。这些有机化合物的细胞大小在10到100毫米之间。
[来源J.P.Garrec](Pollutants present in the atmosphere大气中存在的污染物;Boundary layer 边界层;Cuticule 角质层;Epidermal cells 表皮细胞;Mesophyll cells 叶肉细胞;formaldehyde 甲醛;Gas released by the plant via stomatas 植物通过气孔释放的气体;α-pinene a-蒎烯;β-pinene β-蒎烯;isoprenes 异戊二烯;Particules 颗粒;Epicuticular waxes 表皮蜡质;Intracuticular waxes 角质内蜡质;Guard cells 保卫细胞;Ostiole 孔口;Sub-stomatal cavity气孔下腔;Water film:水膜)





图3. 污染物浓度从大气到叶片内部逐渐降低的示意图。(Gas phase 气相;Liquid phase 液相;Concentration gradient 浓度梯度;concentration in air:在空气中浓度;concentration in canopy:冠层浓度;concentration in the boundary layer 边界层中的浓度;concentration in the sub-stomatal cavity 气孔下腔浓度;concentration in intercellular spaces 细胞间隙的浓度;Cellular interfaces 细胞界面;Symplast 共质体;Apoplast 质外体;Liquid 液体;concentration apoplast 在质外体浓度;concentration in symplast:共质体浓度)[来源:J.P.Garrec]


图4. 各种气体和颗粒物污染物影响植物的方式的示意图。(Particules 颗粒物;Vegetation is often a transitional step towards the soil 植被通常是向土壤过渡的一个中间步骤;Surface deposits 表层沉积;Leaching 淋溶;Resuspension 重悬;Leaf Decomposition 叶片分解;Deposit on land 地面沉积;Hydrophilic and/or low molecular weight gaseous pollutants 亲水和/或低分子量气体污染物;Nitrogen oxydes 氮氧化物;Ozone 臭氧;Penetration by stomatas 气孔渗透;Trapping in epicuticular waxes 表皮蜡质收集;Stomatas 气孔;VOCs 挥发性有机物;HAP 羟基磷灰石;Lipophilic and/or high molecular weight gaseous pollutants 亲脂性和/或高分子量气态污染物;Surface deposits 表面沉积物;Roughness 表面粗糙;hair 茸毛;waxes 植物蜡)



2.2. 答案取决于植物

图5. 当植物受到干旱、过度光照、病原体攻击、土壤盐分等各种胁迫时,产生活性氧(ROS)是一种经典的防御策略。当植物暴露于空气污染物时,情况也是如此。(Atmospheric pollutants 大气污染物;Gas 气体;Soil salinity 土壤盐碱化;Excess of Potassium,Nitrogen & Chloride ions 过量的钾、氮、氯离子;Heavy metals 重金属;
Aluminium 铝;Cadmium 镉;Lead 铅;Copper 铜;Mercury 汞;Arsenic 砷;Biotic stress 生物胁迫;Parasites & diseases 寄生虫和疾病;Excess light & High temperature 过量光照和高温;Drought 干旱;Water deficit conditions 缺水条件;Reactive Oxygen species 活性氧)


  • 因此,在受到氢氟酸(HF)污染的情况下,钙在细胞内的代谢会受到破坏(钙以CaF2的形式沉淀)。
  • 在受到硫氧化物(SO2…)污染的情况下,这种气体的还原性能将干扰光合细胞器的功能(叶绿素降解)。
  • 另一方面,酸雨会引起矿物质不足,导致叶片变黄,这是由于雨水对Ca、K和Mg等矿物质元素有淋滤的作用。



  • 产生不溶性沉淀物(氟污染时形成CaF2);
  • 通过释放还原形式的污染物(SO2污染时释放H2S,NOx污染释放NH3)进行解毒;
  • 由细胞色素P450和一些抗氧化酶介导的酶促降解反应[8],[9]。谷胱甘肽、维生素E和维生素C以及类胡萝卜素等非酶促的抗氧化物也可能参与其中。





  • 炎热的天气里,高温导致空气中臭氧浓度非常高,但同时也使气孔关闭。结果是,在这些时段,这种污染物对植被的影响非常小。这是在2003年热浪期间在森林中观察到的。
  • 在夏季,高海拔森林周围空气中的臭氧浓度很高,昼夜变化很小。由于这些区域的空气湿度大导致气孔大开,因此可以观测到臭氧的强烈影响。
  • 另一方面,在低地森林层,空气污染的特点是臭氧浓度平均、昼夜变化很大。由于这些地区的空气湿度较低,气孔开放就不那么重要了:由于这两个原因,观测到臭氧的影响较小。

2.3. 答案取决于污染物

图6. 出现植物叶片坏死是不同空气污染物作用的结果。平均阈值浓度根据暴露时间变化。(空气浓度(μg/m3))[来源:©J.P.Garrec] (Temps d’exposition 曝光时间;Concentration dans I’air 空气中的浓度;an 年;mois 月;semaine 星期;jour 日;heures 小时)






3. 症状学




3.1. 局部污染物


  • 首先,它们能促进生长,从而产生有益的施肥效果;
  • 但随着时间的推移,它们会造成生态系统的富营养化[12]、矿物质缺乏、影响生物多样性(嗜氮植物受到青睐)以及降低植物对各种压力的抵抗力,从而产生负面影响。


  • 与交通有关的污染物。这些包含有机化合物,如BTX(废气中的挥发性有机化合物),或无机化合物,如类铂:铂、铑、钯(催化转化器)、钛(飞机发动机)等。
  • 农药(除草剂、杀菌剂、杀虫剂)等植物保护产品在喷洒过程中,进入空气后产生与农业有关的污染物。
  • 焚烧设施的排放物,特别是含有二噁英、呋喃、多氯联苯等有机化合物。



3.2. 区域污染物


图7. 臭氧对烟草叶的影响。照片©J.P.Garrec。


  目前认为,植物界与空气污染有关的产量损失90%来自臭氧[15]。然而,这一观察结果必须考虑到人为生态系统(田间作物等)中植被的生长:臭氧的负面影响常常被大气中二氧化碳增加对光合作用的积极影响所掩盖(工业时代之前二氧化碳浓度为280 ppm,而目前为400 ppm以上)。


3.3. 全球污染物


  • 甲烷或CH4,由食草动物消化产生或者是在稻田等厌氧环境产生的气体;
  • CFCS和HFCS[17](用于冰箱制冷或作为溶剂);
  • N2O(农业中大量使用化肥产生);
  • 甲基溴[18](在蚕桑业土壤中用作消毒剂)


4. 对自然和人类生态系统的影响

4.1. 对生态系统的影响

图8. 臭氧对植被的影响:从植物细胞到生态系统。(Foliar metabolism and physiology 叶面代谢与生理;Stimulation of the anti-oxidative metabolism 刺激抗氧化代谢;Reduction of photosynthesis 减少光合作用;Disruption of stomatal conductance 气孔导度破坏;
Leaves and canopy 叶片和树冠;Appearance of foliar injuries 叶面损伤外观;Alteration of leaf senescence 叶片衰老的变化;Alteration of leaf chemical composition 叶片化学成分的变化;
Plant growth 植物的生长;Reduction of biomass accumulation 减少生物量积累;Disturbance of the reproduction 生殖障碍;Alteration of carbon allocation 碳分配的变化;Alteration of crop quality 作物品质的改变;Underground processes 地下过程;Alteration of the production and decomposition of litter 凋落物产生和分解的变化;Alteration of carbon and soil nutrient recycling 碳变化与土壤养分循环;Alteration of soil microbial and animal communities 土壤微生物和动物群落的变化;Ecosystem-based services 基于生态系统服务;Decreased productivity 生产力下降;Reduction of carbon sequestration 固碳减少;Alteration of the water cycle 水循环的改变;Alteration of the nature of living communities (flora, insects,microorganisms) 生物群落(植物群、昆虫、微生物)性质的改变)[来源:©J.P.Garrec]





图9. 空气污染对植物的影响,由此对自然生态系统(A)或人为生态系统(B)的影响。(Whole plants responses 整个植物响应;Phenology (flowering, etc…) 物候学(开花等…);Growth 生长;Foliar system 叶系统;Secondary metabolism 次生代谢;Pollination efficiency 授粉效率;Pathogens 病原体;Food quality 食品质量;Herbivores 食草动物;Reproduction 繁殖;Decomposition 分解;Competition between species 种间竞争;Mineral elements cycles 矿物元素循环;Floristic composition (Biodiversity) 植物区系组成(生物多样性);Biogeochemical cycles 生物地球化学循环;Yield 产量)[来源:©J.P.Garrec]


图10. 日落时的索纳山松林(埃特纳,西西里)。[来源:©照片Angelo Failla(抄送BY-NC-SA 2.0),来自Flickr]


4.2. 对人类的影响



表格. 污染物对植物的影响及其对人类的后果概述


5. 对植物-昆虫关系的影响


5.1. 昆虫对植物定位和识别的干扰

图11. 桦尺蠖的工业黑化症。这种蛾子整天一动不动地待在桦树树干上,掠食性鸟类看不见它(A,典型的白色形状)。19世纪工业革命后,黑色外形,黑化型(B)在污染地区占多数[来源:照片©Olaf Leillinger;许可CC-BY-SA-2.5和GNU FDL]

  空气污染通常会导致植物颜色的变化,从而强烈影响与之相关的昆虫体色。19世纪,在英国的工业区,严重的空气污染导致地衣消失,桦树树干变黑。然后人们发现一种体表通常为白色带黑色斑点的桦尺蠖(Biston betularia)以一种变异的、颜色更深的形态出现 (图11)。这是因为与浅色蛾相比,深色蛾更难被发现,更难被鸟类捕食(参见生物体对环境的适应)。20世纪80年代巴黎的眉纹天蚕蛾(Samias cynthia)也出现了同样的现象,污染使其食用植物变黑之后,眉纹天蚕蛾从浅米色迅速进化为深棕色,以适应环境。




5.2. 昆虫植物营养资源的变化




5.3. 植物抗虫性的改变


  • 臭氧和二氧化碳像许多其他引起氧化应激的空气污染物一样,增加了植物中酚类化合物的浓度,从而降低了昆虫所喜爱的叶片营养和味道品质。
  • 同时,臭氧和二氧化碳通过促进角质层蜡的产生,改善了以角质层所代表的物理屏障的特性(参见在保护与防御之间:植物表皮)。
图12. 植物和昆虫之间营养相互作用的一些例子。A、 蜜蜂觅食花朵(照片©John Sevens,[公共领域],来自维基共享资源);B、以木槿果实为食的萤火虫(照片©Calimo(自己的作品)[CC BY-SA 3.0],来自维基共享资源);C、蚜虫(照片:MedievalRich[CC-BY-SA-3.0],通过Wikimedia Commons);D、毛虫吃树叶(照片)Daniel Mietchen(自己的作品)[CC0],来自维基共享资源);E、 葡萄柚上的墨西哥苍蝇(照片:美国农业部杰克·戴金加),Bugwood.org,[CC BY 3.0],来自维基共享资源);F、 忍冬潜叶虫(照片Kenraiz Krzysztof Ziarnek(自己的作品)[CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.5-2.0-1.0],来自维基共享资源)。


6. 总结

  • 气体空气污染物通过叶片气孔进入植物,而颗粒污染物则被叶片表面的微观结构捕获。
  • 空气污染物的植物毒性取决于其化学性质。
  • 污染物通过产生自由基(羟基自由基)和活性氧衍生物(ROD)在植物体内诱导氧化应激,从而导致叶片受损。
  • 植物利用气孔关闭等过程来限制污染物的吸收。
  • 一些外部因素会对植物响应空气污染的生理过程产生积极影响。因此,干旱导致气孔关闭,从而保护植物。
  • 空气污染通过改变植物的生理和生化特征,对生态系统、包括植物与昆虫的相互作用具有决定性的影响。
  • 氮化合物没有很强的植物毒性,但对植被影响很大:首先会产生有益的施肥效应,但长此以往造成生态系统富营养化,产生负面影响。
  • 空气污染中的臭氧污染造成植物界90%的产量损失。
  • 虽然各种颗粒污染物对植被的影响很小或没有影响,但它们会通过食用的植物污染人类和动物的食物链。
  • 空气污染改变了植食性昆虫所利用的植物的营养品质。
  • 空气污染改变了植物对昆虫的防御能力。




[1] 就空气污染而言,我们指的是地面臭氧,这是一种在大气下层、靠近地球表面的地方形成的二次污染物。这种臭氧与地球平流层中浓度相当高的臭氧不同,主要位于15至20公里的高度。平流层臭氧吸收了来自太阳的近97%的紫外线,形成的臭氧层保护生物体免受紫外线辐射的危害。

[2] https://www.airparif.asso.fr/pollution/effets-de-la-pollution-batiment

[3] 应该注意的是,NOx和NH3通过直接气固转化、通过与水滴成核以及通过NH3在NOx上反应形成硝酸铵来产生PM。

[4] Misztal, P.K., Hewitt, C.N., Wildt, J., Blande, J.D., Eller, A.S.D., Fares, S., … Goldstein, A.H. (2015). Atmospheric benzenoid emissions from rival plants those from fossil fuels. Scientific Reports, 5, 12064. http://doi.org/10.1038/srep12064

[5] 一方面是自然排放(H2O、CO2、萜烯、异戊二烯),另一方面是压力相关排放(乙烯),最后是污染物生物还原排放:SO2生成H2S,NOx生成NH3

[6] 臭氧与角质层外蜡(不饱和烃)成分之间的反应就是这种情况,产生臭氧化物和羟基氢过氧化物(HHP),以及O3+C2H4反应导致形成羟甲基氢过氧化物 (HMHP)。

[7] Baier M., Kandlbinder A. Golldack D. & Dietz K.J. (2005) Oxidative stress and ozone: perception, signalling and response. Plant, Cell & Environment, 28(8), 1012-1020.

[8] 例如,超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶或抗坏血酸过氧化物酶。

[9] Foyer CH, Noctor G. (2005) Redox homeostasis and antioxidant signaling: a metabolic interface between stress perception and physiological responses. Plant Cell. 17, 1866-1875.

[10] 考虑到边界层和气孔的扩散阻力。

[11] Garrec J.P. & Van Haluwyn C. (2002) Biosurveillance végétale de la qualité de l’air. Concepts, méthodes et applications. Editions Tec et Doc Lavoisier, Paris, 118 pages.

[12] Eutrophication caused by atmospheric nitrogen deposition is currently the most significant impact of air pollution on ecosystems and biodiversity. Eutrophication of terrestrial ecosystems due to air pollution. Annual Indicator Report Series (AIRS), In support to the monitoring of the 7th Environment Action Programme. As of November 30, 2017; Jones L., et al. (2014) A review and application of the evidence for nitrogen impacts on ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 7, 76-88, ISSN 2212-0416.

[13] Garrec J.P., Sigoillot I.E. (1992) Les arbres malades de la mer. La Recherche, 245, 940-941.

[14] 臭氧也是一种次级污染物,它是在太阳的作用下,通过运输(特别是VOCs、NOx)排放的不同气体污染物之间发生复杂反应而产生的。

[15] Holland M., Kinghorn S., Emberson L., Cinderby S., Ashmore M., Mills G., Harmens H. (2006) Ozone and Crop Losses 2006 (ICP Vegetation 报告德夫拉合同 EPG 1/3/205).

[16] See ICP vegetation reports; Mills G., Hayes F., Jones M.L.M. & Cinderby S. (2007). Identifying ozone-sensitive communities of (semi-) natural vegetation suitable for mapping exceedance of critical levels. Environmental Pollution 146: 736-743.

[17] 1987 年,在蒙特利尔,主要的CFC生产国决定停止生产CFC。在欧洲,自2000年以来,市场上没有氟氯化碳,自2002年起必须回收和销毁。为了取代氟氯化碳,制造商随后采用了氢氟碳化物,氢氟碳化物已被广泛使用,但也会对环境产生影响。2016年在卢旺达基加利签署的一项协议中记录了停止使用氢氟碳化合物的情况。

[18] 溴甲烷是蒙特利尔议定书(1987年)涵盖的物质之一。自2005年以来,甲基溴的生产和投放市场已被禁止,但严格管制用途的克减除外。

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: GARREC† Jean-Pierre (2024年3月11日), 空气污染物对植被有什么影响?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月15日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/vivant-zh/impact-air-pollutants-on-vegetation/.


What is the impact of air pollutants on vegetation?

Plants are at the forefront of air pollution because they are fixed organisms at the basis of the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The nature and extent of the impact of air pollutants on plants will depend on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the affected plant, and the properties of the pollutant(s) encountered. According to the nature of the pollutant, various physiological disturbances can be observed on plants, over areas ranging from the local scale to the entire planet. They will immediately affect ecosystem functioning and in particular plant-insect relationships. They can also have effects on human health, as plants are the source of many food chains.

1. What is a polluted atmosphere?

The atmosphere, the gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth (see The Earth’s atmosphere and its gaseous envelope) contains a number of natural constituents: a mixture of gases (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and also some other minor gases including 1% argon, CO2, neon, helium, ozone [1], etc.), water (solid, liquid and vapour) and solid or liquid, inorganic or organic particles in suspension (aerosols).

Figure 1. Some of the major air pollutants, their origin (transport, industry, agriculture, biomass, etc.) and their impact on the environment and health. In the case of ozone, we are talking about ground-level ozone generated by pollution near the Earth’s surface.

The atmosphere is polluted when the content of some of its natural constituents is higher than normal and/or when it contains new components (see Air pollution; How does the law protect air quality?; Outdoor air pollution: understanding to inform and prevent). But air pollution is mainly referred to as air pollution when these increases lead to levels of components such that they have harmful effects on the various components of different ecosystems (plants, animals, etc.), on humans (health effects) and on materials [2].

Depending on the type of component considered (Figure 1) [3], these increases may concern very small areas as well as the entire planet. If air pollution has always existed (because of volcanism, fires, for example), it is with the advent of the industrial era that it has become a real problem for the environment and health (see Air pollution; Focus Birds: flying air filters).

2. Physiological responses of plants

While plants, due to their fixed life and wide distribution, are among the first victims of air pollution, they can also be a source of secondary pollution. During high heat, they emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as terpenes [4], one of the precursor gases of ozone (Figure 1). In cities in the hot regions of the USA, it is recommended not to plant certain trees (pines, oaks, etc.) in order not to increase ozone levels. Plants also emit fine particles (pollens, spores, wax compounds, various particles) which, if they have no effect on plants, can have effects on human health (allergies).

2.1. Penetration of pollutants into plants

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the environment of leaf surfaces. Stomata, located mainly on the surface of the leaves, are the preferred site for the plant’s gas exchange with the atmosphere. Among the volatile organic compounds emitted by the plant are many terpenes -α-pinene, β-pinene, isoprene- responsible for summer air pollution, particularly in forest areas and mountain valleys. The size of the cells is in the range of 10 to 100 mm. [Source J.P. Garrec]
The penetration of pollutants into plants is mainly through the leaves (Figure 2). There may also be a slight penetration through the stems and trunk. Before reaching the leaf, the pollutant will first have to pass through the “boundary layer” which corresponds to the layer of air not agitated in contact with it (Figure 2).

The thickness of this layer depends on the size and shape of the leaf, the presence of leaf hairs (or trichomes) and wind speed. Its thickness is in the order of a few tenths of a millimetre.

During the temporary presence of a pollutant in this boundary layer, many reactions are likely to occur because the incident pollutant will react with:

Depending on the nature of the reactions that will or will not occur at the boundary layer, the concentration of the pollutant that will enter the plant can vary greatly. Some products of these reactions are even more phytotoxic than the pollutant itself [6].

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the decreasing evolution of the concentration of a pollutant from the atmosphere to the inside of the leaf. [Source: J.P. Garrec]
Gaseous pollutants enter the plant like other atmospheric gases (CO2, Oxygen,…), mainly through stomata present on leaf surfaces. On the other hand, a large part of the organic pollutants will be absorbed mainly by the lipid structure of the cuticle (Figure 2). Only a small part will penetrate the leaf, then diffuse and react between and within the different internal compartments that constitute the apoplast and symplast (Figures 3 & 4).

Figure 4. Schematic representation of the behaviour of the various pollutants (gaseous and particulate) towards plants.

Particulate pollutants (organic or inorganic) are first captured by foliar surfaces (thanks to the micro-structure created by the presence of epicuticular waxes, trichomes, etc.), in a size range that is generally between 1 and 10 µm. In forests, this particulate deposition can vary between 280 and 1000 kg per hectare. Subsequently, meteorological conditions such as wind, sun and especially rain (leaching of leaves, dissolution of inorganic particles) influence the characteristics of this deposition (Figure 4). Thanks to the effectiveness of the cuticular barrier, organic or inorganic foliar deposition often causes only a slight penetration of pollutants into the leaves and therefore limit their physiological impacts.

After penetration, the physiological response of plants to air pollution will depend on the two actors involved: on the one hand, the characteristics of the plant and, on the other hand, the nature of the pollution.

2.2. The answer depends on the plant

Figure 5. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a classic defence strategy when plants are subjected to a wide variety of stresses (drought, excess light, attack by pathogens, soil salinity, etc.). This is also the case when they are exposed to air pollutants.

Plants react to air pollution by producing reactive oxygen derivatives. After penetrating the leaves, and as for most biotic and abiotic stresses (see The fixed life of plants and its constraints; How do plants cope with alpine stresses?), the pollutants will first of all induce an oxidative stress with the production of free radicals (hydroxyl radicals) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) likely to cause damage at different levels (Figure 5) [7]. In particular, these ROS will have three main targets at the cell level: lipids (at the membrane level), proteins (at the amino acid level) and nucleic acids (adduct formation).

At the same time, the pollutant will cause specific stress related to its own physico-chemical characteristics:

  • Thus, in the case of pollution by hydrofluoric acid (HF), there will be a disruption of the cellular metabolism of calcium (precipitation of calcium in the form of CaF2).
  • In the case of pollution with sulfur oxides (SO2…), the reducing properties of this gas will disturb the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus (degradation of chlorophyll)
  • Acid rain, on the other hand, causes mineral deficiencies leading to yellowing of the leaves due to rainwater leaching of the mineral elements Ca, K and Mg.

When facing these stresses, the traditional strategy of defending the plant aims to limit the absorption of the pollutant and increase its tolerance to it. It consists in implementing: (a) physical processes, i.e. closing stomata, falling leaves…; and (b) chemical and biochemical processes.

These chemical and biochemical factors correspond to:

  • production of insoluble precipitates (formation of CaF2 in the case of fluorine pollution);
  • detoxification by the reduced form emission of the pollutant (H2S in the case of pollution by SO2, NH3 in the case of pollution by NOx);
  • enzymatic degradations by cytochromes P450 and a number of antioxidant enzymes [8],[9]. Non-enzymatic antioxidant compounds such as glutathione, vitamins E and C and carotenoids may also be involved.

When a “pollution stress” is installed, the plant will therefore set up (more or less quickly) processes that will be added to the pool of defence processes already present in the plant. Following the aggression, the plant’s resistance to the pollutant will result from the combination of these various processes. For this reason, there is a specific scale of plant sensitivity for each pollutant and for each plant.

Visible and invisible damage. During low pollution and/or when the plant’s defence systems are sufficient to limit the physiological impact of a pollutant, this resistance still has a physiological cost, which is characterized by decreases in size, in yield… We then speak of “invisible damage”.

During heavy pollution and/or when the plant’s defence systems are not sufficient, irreversible damage appears such as cell death (leaf necrosis, among others). This is referred to as “visible damage” due to air pollution.

Plants react according to environmental conditions. The plant, like all biological systems, is sensitive at the same time to abiotic factors (temperature, humidity, light…) and biotic factors (age, diseases, genotypes…) in its environment. If diseases have a negative impact, other factors can have a positive impact on the plant’s response to air pollution. Thus, drought leads to the closure of stomata, which protects the plant, while the increase in CO2 promotes photosynthesis. The daily evolution of air pollution will also affect the response of plants. This is what field observations show:

  • During hot weather, high temperatures lead to very high ozone concentrations in the air but at the same time to the closure of stomata. The result is a very low impact of this pollutant on vegetation during these periods. This was observed in the forests during the 2003 heat wave.
  • During summer periods, ozone concentrations in the air around high altitude forests are high with slight day-night variations. As the high air humidity in these areas leads to a large opening of the stomata, a high impact of the ozone present is observed.
  • On the other hand, at the level of lowland forests, air pollution is characterized by average ozone concentrations, this time with strong day-night variations. As the air humidity is lower in these areas, the opening of the stomata will be less important: for these two reasons, a lower impact of ozone is observed.

2.3. The answer depends on the pollutant

Figure 6. Appearance of foliar necrosis on vegetation as a function of different air pollutants. Average threshold concentrations as a function of exposure time. [Source: © J.P. Garrec]
Depending on their chemical nature, pollutants are more or less phytotoxic. Laboratory experiments have classified the main air pollutants (at equal concentrations in air) in the following order of decreasing phytotoxicity (Figure 6):

Hydrofluoric acid (HF) > ozone (O3) > sulfur dioxide (SO2) > nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

This classification is only given as an indication because there is a whole range of sensitivity of the different plants for each pollutant. For example, tobacco is very sensitive to ozone but not very affected by fluorine pollution.

In addition to the phytotoxicity of the pollutant, plants response will depend on the dose received (i.e. concentration x time). The dose is often calculated from the concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere. It is the calculation of the flows of pollutants that have actually entered the leaf organs [10] that provides the best information on pollution-damage relationships in vegetation.

Finally, at equal doses, the shorter the application time is, the greater is the pollutant impact. This “peak effect” is usually explained by the fact that, over short periods of time, the plant does not have time to start its defence systems.

3. Symptomatology

Symptomatology analyze the signs or manifestations (symptoms) expressed by plants in response to physiological disturbances induced by air pollutants.

This symptomatology is important because it can be used as a method of bio-monitoring of air quality with plants [11]. This original method makes it possible to detect and estimate levels of air pollutants only by studying the visible (by observing necrosis) or invisible (by biochemical analyses) disturbances they cause on plants.

As the pollutants present around plants are very numerous, it is interesting to classify them, for symptomatological observations, according to the extent of their impact zone: local, regional or global.

3.1. Local pollutants

Local pollutants will have, at the plant level, impacts on at most a few tens of kilometres around their emission sources. These are mainly nitrogen compounds emitted directly from pollution sources (primary pollutants), mainly NOx (from transport) and NH3 (from agriculture and transport). These nitrogen compounds are paradoxical pollutants as they are not very phytotoxic but have a strong impact on vegetation:

  • they have a beneficial fertilizing effect by promoting growth in the first place;
  • but they have a negative impact over time by causing eutrophication of ecosystems [12], mineral deficiencies, effects on biodiversity (nitrophilic plants are favoured) and a decrease in resistance to various stresses.

Other local pollutants in the air are particulate deposits. It should be remembered that the vast majority of air pollution sources are both emitters of gas and dust (particles). Particulate deposits are composed of an inorganic fraction (heavy metals), but also an organic fraction (PAH, etc…). They include, among other things:

  • Transport related pollutants. These are organic compounds such as BTX (VOCs in exhaust gases), or inorganic compounds such as platinoids: Pt, Rh, Pd (catalytic converters), titanium (aircraft engines), etc.
  • Pollutants related to agriculture following the transfer of plant protection products such as pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides) into the air during spraying.
  • Emissions from incineration facilities with in particular organic compounds such as dioxins, furans, PCBs, etc.

All these different particulate pollutants have little or no impact on vegetation, but they cause contamination of the food chains of humans and animals via plants.

For some local pollutants, the impact may be more pronounced. The massive use of more or less biodegradable detergents discharged into the sea leads to water and then air pollution (from the formation by winds of spray loaded with detergents present on the surface) [13]. The deposition of these surfactants on the leaves will then promote the penetration of salt into the plants, causing their subsequent decline and death. Impacts of this particular pollution can be observed on the edges of certain coastal forests around the Mediterranean.

3.2. Regional pollutants

Regional pollutants can have impacts over several hundred kilometres around their emission sources.They mainly include acid deposition, with mainly the presence of H2SO4 and HNO3 in wet or solid deposition. They are secondary pollutants because they are the result of interactions between primary pollutants (SO2, nitrogen compounds) and ozone [14].

Figure 7. Impact of ozone on tobacco leaves BEL W3. Photo © J.P. Garrec.

Acid deposition has a low impact on plants: yellowing of needles and decrease in tree vitality due to leaching of the ions they induce. On the other hand, ozone is a very phytotoxic gas due to its direct and highly oxidizing effects on the plant’s various physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration, etc.). It is the most worrying pollutant currently affecting vegetation and ecosystems because it causes yield losses of up to 5 to 10%, and the appearance of leaf necrosis (Figure 7) now visible in natural environments. But it also has indirect effects on vegetation because it is a greenhouse gas linked to climate change.

It is now considered that 90% of the yield losses related to air pollution in the plant world come from ozone [15]. However, this observation must be put into perspective for the growth of vegetation in anthropized ecosystems (field crops, etc.): the negative effects of ozone are very often masked by the positive effects on photosynthesis of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere (280 ppm before the industrial era compared to more than 400 ppm currently).

Following this significant impact of ozone on vegetation and in order to detect and assess its effects, numerous lists have been drawn up indicating the sensitivity of plants present in different natural or anthropogenic environments (forests, grasslands, field crops, etc.) to ozone, depending on the climatic zones encountered (Western and Central Europe, Mediterranean coast of Europe, etc…) [16].

3.3. Global pollutants

Global pollutants have global impacts.They mainly include CO2, which is a pollutant linked to the massive use of fossil fuels by transport and industry. CO2 is a paradoxical pollutant, which will have direct beneficial effects on plant growth via its essential role in photosynthesis. But at the same time, it has indirect harmful effects on plants through the greenhouse effect and the resulting climate disturbances. Other global pollutants include:

  • Methane or CH4, a gas produced by digesting herbivorous animals, anaerobic environments such as rice fields;
  • CFCs and HFCs [17] (used in refrigerators or as solvents);
  • N2O (from the massive use of fertilizers in agriculture);
  • Methyl bromide [18] (used as a disinfectant in sericulture soils)

All these other gases only have an indirect effect on vegetation via their roles in the greenhouse effect. They are also, with the exception of CH4, ozone-depleting gases with the possibility of another negative impact on plants as a result of increased solar UV-B fluxes reaching the ground.

4. Implications for natural and human ecosystems

4.1. Impacts on ecosystems

Figure 8. Effects of ozone on vegetation: from plant cells to ecosystems. [Source: © J.P. Garrec]
Plants are the basis for the functioning of most terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Physiological disturbances of plants under the impact of air pollution will then cause complex and very varied effects on these different ecosystems (Figure 8). For example, community disruptions resulting from changes in competition between species following the elimination of sensitive species will have an impact on biodiversity, with biodiversity being depleted in most cases.

For a long time, pollution has been considered as responsible for acute toxic effects on ecosystems with sudden imbalances (massive plant mortality). Nowadays, and in our regions, the chronic effects of air pollution on ecosystems have also been observed, with progressive but often equally dangerous changes over time.

The consequences of eutrophication and the acidification of natural environments under the respective effects of nitrogen compound deposition and acid deposition are clear examples of these progressive alterations in ecosystem composition following the impact of air pollution on vegetation. Similarly, ozone -by accelerating the development and ageing of vegetation, and by reducing the vegetative cycle- will reduce the growth of plant species in natural environments with a slow repercussion on the balance of ecosystems.

Ultimately, as they move up the food chain, these slow disturbances eventually affect the entire ecosystem and lead to changes that can be very serious. We have developed (see below) the consequences resulting from this in the context of the plant-insect relationship.

Figure 9. Representation of the consequences for natural (A) or anthropized (B) ecosystems of the effects of air pollution on plants. [Source: © J.P. Garrec]
Yield losses are more or less observable in anthropized ecosystems (large-scale cereal and oilseed crops, production forests). However, biomass is not necessarily reduced in natural ecosystems, as resistant species can occupy empty niches. Thus, softwoods are replaced by hardwoods in areas subject to fluorinated pollution. However, the resulting communities will be more uniform, often with less stable ecosystems being less resistant to the various biotic or abiotic stresses they experience. In Figure 9, we have schematically represented the different consequences of the effects of air pollutants on vegetation in natural ecosystems compared to anthropized ecosystems.

Figure 10. Pine forest in Tramonto da Monte Sona (Etna, Sicily). [Source: © Photo Angelo Failla (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), via Flickr]
In these communities, a number of individuals from sensitive populations are disappearing. But selective action can also occur on the most tolerant individuals or species that survive, resulting in the selection of a particular phenotype. For example, on the Etna’s slopes, which is a particular source of air pollution by fluorine (HF), a pine forest is present, despite the tree’s high sensitivity to this pollutant (Figure 10).

4.2. Impacts on humans

The impact of air pollution on plants in natural ecosystems can have direct consequences for humans and their health, mainly as a result of the consumption of contaminated plant products from these ecosystems (fungi, berries, fruits, etc.). Indirect consequences for humans following environmental degradation are also possible: risks of erosion or landslides, possibilities of flooding and modification of the water cycle and micro-climates with the disappearance of the vegetation cover, without forgetting the negative aesthetic effects linked to biodiversity losses such as the absence of trees for example.

But it is the impacts of air pollution on plants in human ecosystems (or agrosystems), summarized in the table below, that will most directly affect humans and their health through the contamination of many food chains.

Table. Summary of the effects of pollutants on plants and their consequences for humans

5. Impacts on plant-insect relationships

In an ecosystem, vegetation constantly interacts with its entire environment. Air pollution, by modifying plant physiology and biochemistry, will have a decisive effect on these different interactions, and in particular on plant-insect interactions. The three key plant parameters that govern these interactions – recognition, nutritional qualities and defence systems – will be affected with varying degrees of consequences.

5.1. Disturbances in the location and recognition of plants by insects

Figure 11. Industrial mechanism of the peppered moth. This moth spends the day motionless on birch trunks, invisible to predatory birds (A, white typica shape). The black form, carbonaria (B), became the majority in polluted areas after the industrial revolution in the 19th century. [Source: Photos © Olaf Leillinger; License CC-BY-SA-2.5 & GNU FDL]
Air pollution often leads to a change in plant colour, which strongly influences the colour of associated insects. In England, in industrial areas, heavy air pollution led to the disappearance of lichens and the blackening of birch trunks in the 19th century. It was then found that the peppered moth (Biston betularia), a moth usually white with black spots, was found mostly in its mutated, much darker form (Figure 11). This is explained by the fact that dark butterflies, which are more difficult to spot, were better protected against bird predation than light-coloured individuals (see The adaptation of organisms to their environment). The same phenomenon was observed in Paris in the 1980s in the ailanthus silkmoth (Samias cynthia), which dramatically evolved from light beige to very dark brown to adapt to its environment, following the pollution that blackened its food plant.

Air pollution also disrupts chemical communication between plants and insects. By acting indirectly on chemical communication substances (chemical mediators), certain pollutants such as ozone disturb plant-insect relations (e. g. recognition of spawning grounds):

  • via their physiological effects on plants, for example on the emission of terpenes limited by the closure of stomata;
  • by degrading or modifying the physico-chemical composition of chemical mediators, rendering them ineffective.

Finally, air pollution also causes changes in leaf recognition in insects. Pollutants such as ozone or CO2, by promoting the production of cuticular waxes and thereby modifying the physico-chemical characteristics of leaf surfaces (see Focus Between protection and defence: the plant cuticles), have repercussions on the recognition of these by insects.

5.2. Changes in plant nutritional resources for insects

Air pollution induces the presence of external elements in or on plants that can have serious consequences on associated insects. The high accumulation in plant organs of toxic air pollutants such as heavy metals, arsenic, fluorine and certain plant protection products are often the cause of poisoning and mortality of phytophagous insects (in chewing insects and “sucking insects”) and pollinating insects (bees, etc.).

In plants, air pollution – like many other stresses – causes qualitative and quantitative changes in primary and secondary metabolites. There is often an increase in concentrations of amino acids (proline), soluble proteins and sugars in the leaves, increasing their nutritional quality for some insects.

Pollutants such as SO2 and NOx, which increase sulfur and nitrogen concentrations in plants and improve their nutritional qualities, also have a positive effect on insects. This is particularly true for roadside and highway plants, which are important sources of NOx. But on the other hand, the CO2 pollution often present with NOx leads to a decrease in nitrogen concentrations in the leaves following the modification of the carbon/nitrogen ratio.

5.3. Alterations in plant defences of against insects

Phenolic compounds and foliar cuticle, which constitute respectively a chemical defence system and a physical defence barrier for plants, are likely to be modified by pollutants:

  • Ozone and CO2, like many other air pollutants that induce oxidative stress, increase concentrations of phenolic compounds in plants, thereby reducing the nutritional and taste qualities of leaves for insects.
  • At the same time, by promoting the production of cuticular waxes, both ozone and CO2 improve the characteristics of the physical barrier represented by the cuticle (see Focus Between protection and defence: the plant cuticles).

Figure 12. Some examples of trophic interactions between plants and insects. A, bee foraging for a flower (Photo © John Severns,[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons); B., firebug feeding on the fruit of a hibiscus (Photo © Calimo (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons); C, aphid (Photo MedievalRich [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons); D, caterpillar feeding on a leaf (Photo Daniel Mietchen (Own work)[CC0], via Wikimedia Commons); E, Mexican fly on a grapefruit (Photo Jack Dykinga, USDA, Bugwood.org, [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons); F, Lonicera leaf miner (Photo Kenraiz Krzysztof Ziarnek (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons).
Thus, in many examples, the impact of air pollutants on plants increases both their nutritional and their defensive qualities. The resulting positive or negative changes in plant-insect relationships will therefore depend on the combination of these two contradictory effects on the insect. However, since these relationships will also depend on the feeding pattern of the insect (mandibulate- or sucking-lapping type, piercing-sucking type, borer or miner type, Figure 12), it is difficult to define a universal model. However, in situ, it is an increase in insect populations on plants that is most commonly observed in polluted areas.

6. Messages to remember

  • Gaseous air pollutants enter plants through leaf stomata while particulate pollutants are captured by the micro-structure of leaf surfaces.
  • The phytotoxicity of air pollutants depends on their chemical nature.
  • The pollutants induce oxidative stress in the plant with the production of free radicals (hydroxyl radicals) and reactive oxygen derivatives (ROD) that cause damage in the leaf.
  • The plant uses processes such as stomatal closure to limit the absorption of the pollutant.
  • Some external factors can have a positive impact on the plant’s response to air pollution. Thus, drought leads to the closure of stomata, which protects the plant.
  • Air pollution, by modifying plant physiology and biochemistry, has a decisive effect on ecosystems, including plant-insect interactions.
  • Nitrogen compounds are not very phytotoxic but have a strong impact on vegetation: a beneficial fertilizing effect in the first place and a negative impact in the long term by causing eutrophication of ecosystems.
  • 90% of the yield losses due to air pollution in the plant world come from ozone.
  • While the various particulate pollutants have little or no impact on vegetation, they contaminate the food chains of humans and animals through the plants that are consumed.
  • Air pollution alters the nutritional qualities of plants used by plant insects.
  • Plant defences against insects are altered by air pollution.


References and notes

Cover image. Tobacco leaf necrotic under the action of ozone. [Source: © J.P. Garrec]

[1] In the case of air pollution, we refer to ground-level ozone, a secondary pollutant formed in the lower layers of the atmosphere, near the earth’s surface. This ozone is to be distinguished from ozone found at a fairly high concentration in the Earth’s stratosphere, mainly at an altitude of between 15 and 20 km. By absorbing nearly 97% of the ultraviolet rays from the sun, stratospheric ozone forms a layer that protects living organisms from the dangers of UV radiation.

[2] https://www.airparif.asso.fr/pollution/effets-de-la-pollution-batiment

[3] It should be noted that NOx and NH3 produce PM by direct gas-solid conversion, by nucleation with water drops, and also by reaction of NH3 on NOx to form ammonium nitrate.

[4] Misztal, P.K., Hewitt, C.N., Wildt, J., Blande, J.D., Eller, A.S.D., Fares, S., … Goldstein, A.H. (2015). Atmospheric benzenoid emissions from rival plants those from fossil fuels. Scientific Reports, 5, 12064. http://doi.org/10.1038/srep12064

[5] These are on the one hand natural emissions (H2O, CO2, terpenes, isoprenes), on the other hand stress related emissions (ethylene) and finally emissions from the biological reduction of pollutants: H2S formed from SO2, NH3 formed from NOx.

[6] This is the case of the reaction between ozone and components of epicuticular waxes (unsaturated hydrocarbons) that produce ozonides and hydroxyhydroperoxides (HHP), and the O3 +C2H4 reaction that leads to the formation of hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide (HMHP).

[7] Baier M., Kandlbinder A. Golldack D. & Dietz K.J. (2005) Oxidative stress and ozone: perception, signalling and response. Plant, Cell & Environment, 28(8), 1012-1020.

[8] For example, superoxide dismutase enzymes, catalases or ascorbate peroxidase.

[9] Foyer CH, Noctor G. (2005) Redox homeostasis and antioxidant signaling: a metabolic interface between stress perception and physiological responses. Plant Cell. 17, 1866-1875.

[10] Taking into account the diffusion resistance of the boundary layer and stomata.

[11] Garrec J.P. & Van Haluwyn C. (2002) Biosurveillance végétale de la qualité de l’air. Concepts, méthodes et applications. Editions Tec et Doc Lavoisier, Paris, 118 pages.

[12] Eutrophication caused by atmospheric nitrogen deposition is currently the most significant impact of air pollution on ecosystems and biodiversity. Eutrophication of terrestrial ecosystems due to air pollution. Annual Indicator Report Series (AIRS), In support to the monitoring of the 7th Environment Action Programme. As of November 30, 2017; Jones L., et al. (2014) A review and application of the evidence for nitrogen impacts on ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 7, 76-88, ISSN 2212-0416.

[13] Garrec J.P., Sigoillot I.E. (1992) Les arbres malades de la mer. La Recherche, 245, 940-941.

[14] Ozone is also a secondary pollutant resulting from complex reactions under the action of the sun between different gaseous pollutants emitted – in particular – by transport: VOCs, NOx.

[15] Holland M., Kinghorn S., Emberson L., Cinderby S., Ashmore M., Mills G., Harmens H. (2006) Ozone and Crop Losses 2006 (ICP Vegetation Report for Defra Contract EPG 1/3/205).

[16] See ICP vegetation reports; Mills G., Hayes F., Jones M.L.M. & Cinderby S. (2007). Identifying ozone-sensitive communities of (semi-) natural vegetation suitable for mapping exceedance of critical levels. Environmental Pollution 146: 736-743.

[17] In 1987, in Montreal, the main CFC-producing countries decided to stop producing CFCs. In Europe, CFCs have not been available on the market since 2000 and have had to be recovered and destroyed since 2002. To replace CFCs, manufacturers then adopted HFCs, which have been widely used but also have an environmental impact. The end of the use of HFCs was recorded in an agreement signed in Kigali (Rwanda) in 2016.

[18] Methyl bromide is one of the substances covered by the Montreal Protocol (1987). The production and placing on the market of methyl bromide has been banned since 2005, except for derogations for strictly regulated uses.

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引用这篇文章: GARREC† Jean-Pierre (2019年5月2日), What is the impact of air pollutants on vegetation?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月15日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/life/impact-air-pollutants-on-vegetation/.
