AUCLERC Apolline

Graduated from a Master in Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution with a specialization in Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Management (Université Paris Sud-XI; 2008), a Doctorate in Ecotoxicology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem (Université de Lorraine; 2012), a Postdoctoral fellowship in the United States (Université du Michigan; 2013), Apolline Auclerc is now Senior Lecturer in soil biology / ecology since 2013 at the University of Lorraine, within the ENSAIA and the Laboratoire Sols et Environnement. His teaching and his research projects are placed in the study of taxonomic diversity (development of participatory science tools in particular) and the functional roles played by meso and macro invertebrates in the soil in highly anthropized environments. Apolline Auclerc is a leader or partner of projects around soil biodiversity such as the Campus France project on the study of soil biodiversity at rare earth mining sites in China (2018-2020), the ANR BISES project (Biodiversity of urban soils and sustainable cities 2020-2023), the ADEME SEMOIRS project (Evaluation des Services Ecosystémiques provided by urban micro-farms and their Soils 2018-2020) and the BUILDs project (Building urban intelligent living design solutions - Knowledge Alliances Erasmus + Europe ). Apolline Auclerc also brings its scientific expertise to the young company Sol & co
Articles published on this website:
- Soil biodiversity, published in Soil, Living soils - The Monday 24 January 2022