The origin of life as seen by a geologist who loves astronomy 05-01-2025 THOMAS Pierre Life on Earth was born about four billion years ago, shortly after the formation of our planet, 4.54 billion years ago. While the transition from…
Once upon a time when life appeared: chemistry in the earth’s ocean 4 billion years ago 05-01-2025 VALLÉE Yannick Some 4 billion years ago, the Earth was largely covered by a huge ocean. This ocean contained a large number of small organic molecules, which…
Origin of the first cells: the engineer’s point of view 05-01-2025 DANCHIN Antoine In a realistic scenario of the origin of life, a primeval metabolism begins in water at the surface of minerals. These promote the polymerization of…
Symbiosis and evolution: at the origin of the eukaryotic cell 05-01-2025 SELOSSE Marc-André, JOYARD Jacques The cell of eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants, fungi) differs from that of prokaryotic organisms (Archaea and Bacteria) by the presence of several specialized organelles, such…
The dangerous liaisons of oxygen and life 05-01-2025 LEQRAA Naoual, VALLÉE Yannick Oxygen is life! In any case today many biological processes could not take place without molecular oxygen, O2, and many organisms die when they are…
The biosphere, a major geological player 05-01-2025 THOMAS Pierre The biosphere, that is, the terrestrial environment and the living organisms that have developed there, deeply shapes the planet Earth. With the genesis of carbonaceous…
The first complex ecosystems 05-01-2025 VANNIER Jean Today’s ecosystems are amazing in the complexity of the interdependent relationships between the organisms that make up them. Energy and biomass circulate through food webs…
The first terrestrial ecosystems 05-01-2025 GUÉRIAU Pierre, MONDEJAR FERNANDEZ Jorge The establishment of complex continental ecosystems is probably the most important event in the history of multicellular life after the Cambrian and Ordovician radiations that…
Massive extinctions in geological time 05-01-2025 LANGLOIS Cyril At least five times in the past, a large number of species have disappeared in a short period of time [1]. The study of these…
Crude oil: evidences for its biological origin 05-01-2025 BAUDIN François “Will the defendant please rise! Please state your first and last name, age and origin?” Petra Oleum, Old and Biological would answer all the crude…
What is biodiversity? 05-01-2025 JOYARD Jacques Biodiversity concerns all living organisms, their interactions with each other and with their environment. All levels of life are concerned: from the gene to the…
Symbiosis and parasitism 05-01-2025 SELOSSE Marc-André, JOYARD Jacques Living organisms are permanently closely associated with each other. Their interactions can be classified according to the level of association of the organisms involved, the…
Theory of evolution: misunderstandings and resistance 05-01-2025 BREGLIANO Jean-Claude Modern evolutionary theory, based on Darwin’s work, constitutes a profound mental revolution for our representation of the world for at least two reasons. On the…
Lamarck and Darwin: two divergent visions of the living world 05-01-2025 BREGLIANO Jean-Claude The last two decades have seen an accumulation of scientific data on so-called epigenetic phenomena, changes in the expression of genes induced by the environment…
Inheritance or convergence? The winding paths of species evolution 05-01-2025 MAZEL Florent, LAVERGNE Sébastien, DOUZET Rolland, THUILLER Wilfried How can we explain that some species are more alike than others? Species are the product of their history: evolution. They represent the leaves of…
The adaptation of life to environmental constraints 05-01-2025 DESPRÉS Laurence The diversity of living forms, or biodiversity, is reflected in phenotypic variations (expression of variable traits), themselves largely caused by genetic variations both within species…
The fixed life of plants and its constraints 05-01-2025 BRIAT Jean-François Plants are fixed to the soil by their roots, which supply them with water and minerals, their leaves capturing solar energy to fix the carbon…
How do plants cope with alpine stress? 05-01-2025 STREB Peter, CORNIC Gabriel, BLIGNY† Richard At high altitudes, plants can be subjected to strong constraints: high light and UV radiation, low CO2 concentration, large temperature variations… These parameters vary over…
Reproductive strategies of alpine plants 05-01-2025 TILL-BOTTRAUD Irène, AUBERT† Serge, DOUZET Rolland When environmental conditions are difficult or peculiar, such as in high mountains, plants must adapt to ensure their reproduction. Two main strategies allow alpine plants…
DNA barcodes to characterize biodiversity 05-01-2025 POMPANON François, SHEHZAD Wasim New high-throughput molecular biology techniques make it possible to identify species in our environment. By characterizing short fragments of DNA that persist in the environment,…
What biodiversity in the city ? 05-01-2025 MACHON Nathalie Even if the urban environment imposes very strong constraints on the animals and plants that inhabit it, the biodiversity of our cities is rich in…
Dialogue and cooperation among bacteria 05-01-2025 LAMI Raphaël, TEYSSEDRE Anne Are social communication and cooperation the prerogative of animals? Absolutely not: they also exist in plants and unicellular organisms, such as bacteria. Among the latter,…
Bats and viruses or how to live together in harmony 05-01-2025 LARCHER Gérald Bats have long been ignored or even despised, and in recent years they have been the subject of increasing public and research attention. Endowed with…
Distribution of biomass on the planet 05-01-2025 JOYARD Jacques What does the biosphere represent on Earth? How is the biomass distributed between oceans and continents? While hiking in the mountains, in the forest or…
What makes butterflies so colourful? 05-01-2025 DEBAT Vincent, ELIAS Marianne, LLAURENS Violaine Butterflies, with their delicate patterns and bright colours, are the most popular of all insects. But beyond their beauty, what can the study of their…
Adaptation: responding to environmental challenges 05-01-2025 BREGLIANO Jean-Claude Since Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Charles Darwin, we know that living beings were not created once and for all by a divine force to constitute…
The genome between stability and variability 05-01-2025 BREGLIANO Jean-Claude The genome of living beings is permanently affected by anomalies, due to accidental errors or agents inside and outside the body. Fortunately, enzymes correct most…
Genetic polymorphism and variation 05-01-2025 VEUILLE Michel Genetic polymorphism is the existence of alternative states of DNA, determining the variation of the organism’s higher levels of integration. There are different kinds of…
Genetic polymorphism and selection 05-01-2025 VEUILLE Michel Polymorphism has caused controversy about its role in evolution. But if it essentially follows a neutral evolution, it serves as a reference, in contrast, for…
Epigenetics: the genome and its environment 05-01-2025 KHOCHBIN Saadi Modern biology is discovering so-called “epigenetic” mechanisms that allow the genome to modulate its functioning without modifying the information contained in the genes themselves. Knowledge…
Biodiversity responses to global changes 05-01-2025 TEYSSEDRE Anne Deforestation, fragmentation and pollution of habitats, intensification of agriculture and livestock farming, urbanization, massive emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, acidification of the oceans,…
A carbon cycle disrupted by human activities 05-01-2025 JOYARD Jacques, SOMMERIA Joël All living beings are built from carbon atoms. These are extracted from atmospheric CO2 by plants, algae and certain bacteria, using solar energy: this is…
Shedding light on photosynthesis 05-01-2025 JOYARD Jacques, MOROT-GAUDRY Jean-François What is the most essential for life on Earth? Water, of course; but probably light too… and photosynthesis that enhances it for the benefit of…
The path of carbon in photosynthesis 05-01-2025 MOROT-GAUDRY Jean-François, JOYARD Jacques How is the carbon from carbon dioxide – CO2 – present in the atmosphere integrated into the organic matter that makes up living organisms, the…
Effects of temperature on photosynthesis 05-01-2025 CORNIC Gabriel Terrestrial plants are regularly subjected to strong temperature variations. These variations can reach an amplitude of 40°C or even more, both in polar regions and…
How to feed plants while polluting less? 05-01-2025 BRIAT Jean-François, LEMAIRE Gilles Is it possible to fertilize crops while respecting the environment? This question, at the heart of our society’s environmental concerns, has no simple answer. Plants…
The tireless-quest for water by plants 05-01-2025 SAUGIER Bernard How does water reach the leaves of large trees? What tricks do plants develop to cope with the lack of water? How does vegetation modify…
How do plants tolerate a salty diet? 05-01-2025 LUU Doan Trung Soils can become naturally saline, for example due to sea spray. But they can also be saline due to human activities. The latter phenomenon is…
Plants that live on air 05-01-2025 BROUQUISSE Renaud, PUPPO Alain Use nitrogen from the air to synthesize its essential biomolecules? Plants achieve this feat by establishing a mutually beneficial association with soil bacteria. After a…
Cellular impact of solar UV rays 05-01-2025 DOUKI Thierry The Sun is essential to life, whether through photosynthesis in plants or the production of vitamin D in humans. However, it is a source of…
Light, vision and biological clocks 05-01-2025 LE TALLEC Thomas Since life appeared on Earth, various selection forces have influenced the evolution of living organisms. Among these forces, light generated by our sun probably had…
Listening to cetaceans 05-01-2025 PATRIS Julie From the famous modulated song of humpback whales to the ultrasound sonar of pink dolphins in the Amazon, the mammals inhabiting the oceans and rivers…
The flight of birds 05-01-2025 BLONDEL Jacques The conquest of the air by animals is a remarkable evolutionary invention that opened fantastic opportunities for many animal groups, both invertebrates and vertebrates. A…
Plants water needs 05-01-2025 ITIER Bernard Water is essential for plant growth. If there is a lack of rainwater -particularly in the perspective of climate change- what can man do to…
The root system of plants: from the shadows to the light 05-01-2025 GRONDIN Alexandre, GUYOMARC'H Soazig, LAPLAZE Laurent Roots are a prime target for crop improvement towards a more frugal and environmentally friendly agriculture. However, root traits have long been neglected in breeding…
Role of forests in the planet’s carbon balance 05-01-2025 WIGNERON Jean-Pierre, CIAIS Philippe On a global scale, forests are the main continental carbon sink. However, on a more local scale, while some forests are carbon sinks, others are…
The orientation of migratory birds 13-01-2025 BLONDEL Jacques Birds face many challenges during their migrations, not least orientation. How do they set a course and stay on it, what landmarks do they use…
The Tara Oceans expedition explores the diversity of plankton 05-01-2025 VINCENT Flora, BOWLER Chris The oceans cover two thirds of our planet, and they are where life was born more than 3 billion years ago. The ocean is a…
Corals: Ocean engineers are under threat 23-04-2019 COURTIAL Lucile, ALLEMAND Denis, FURLA Paola Coral reefs are one of the most complex and richest ecosystems on our planet. They are based on a bioconstructed mineral (or biomineral) structure built…
Oysters: the little-known architects of coastal environments 10-12-2021 POUVREAU Stéphane, DI POI Carole, FLEURY Elodie, LAGARDE Franck Oysters are essential marine invertebrates in our coastal ecosystems. These architects of the environment provide many ecosystem services while supporting a flourishing economic activity that…
Biodiversity on rocky coasts: zoning and ecological relationships 05-01-2025 MANNEVILLE Olivier The Atlantic rocky coasts, subject to tidal sway, make it easy to observe the organisms that colonize them. Depending on the level and living conditions,…
Amazonia: a huge ecosystem in constant evolution 05-01-2025 PAVE Alain The Amazon region is home to the second largest forest on the planet after the Siberian forest, but the first in terms of biodiversity. The…
Peatlands and marshes, remarkable wetlands 05-01-2025 MANNEVILLE Olivier Peatlands are wetlands whose vegetation produces peat that is very rich in organic carbon. The quantity of water entering the system and its chemical quality…
Lichens, surprising pioneering organisms 05-01-2025 ASTA Juliette Remarkable pioneers, lichens have conquered the most extreme environments. They are able to grow on the rocks of alpine peaks or those of rocky coasts…
Microbes in extreme environments 05-01-2025 FRANZETTI Bruno There are few sterile places on the planet. Glacial deserts, hot springs, ocean bottoms, hypersaline environments, rocks of the earth’s mantle… even these hostile environments…
Why is the tiger mosquito so invasive? 09-03-2021 SHERPA Stéphanie Where do invasive species come from? How are they introduced? Increased trade has led to an explosion in the frequency of introduction of alien insects…
How do birds adapt to a changing climate? 05-01-2025 BLONDEL Jacques What can be done, being a bird, to adapt to a climate that is inexorably warming? Three solutions: fleeing under milder skies, adapting locally or…
What is the impact of air pollutants on vegetation? 05-01-2025 GARREC† Jean-Pierre Plants are at the forefront of air pollution because they are fixed organisms at the basis of the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The…
When invasive plants also wander in the fields 05-01-2025 CHAUVEL Bruno Biological invasions are easily perceived by the general public, who see the development of populations of exotic animals or plants on roadsides, ponds or urban…
Nitrates in the environment 05-01-2025 GERMON Jean-Claude The agricultural origin of nitrate leaks into the environment is no longer disputed. It results from the natural functioning of the nitrogen cycle and the…
What is the ecological impact of light pollution? 05-01-2025 LE TALLEC Thomas Light pollution is a phenomenon associated with the use of artificial lighting by humans. In fact, it alters the natural cycles of light and alters…
Climate change and globalization, drivers of insect invasions 05-01-2025 ROQUES Alain, AUGER-ROZENBERG Marie-Anne Global warming and globalization of trade have a decisive impact on the geographical distribution of insects. There is an exponential increase in the establishment of…
Lichens and environmental quality 05-01-2025 ASTA Juliette Without structures insuring physical protection, like the plant cuticle, lichens are directly exposed to their environment. Rainwater and air directly enter the organism, dust is…
Collembola: actors of soil life 02-05-2019 SALMON Sandrine An unsuspected diversity of invertebrates swarms under our feet when we walk on the ground in a forest, meadow or garden. Invisible communities are active…
Ants as sentinels of the impact of global change 05-01-2025 CORDONNIER Marion Climate change and urbanization are determining factors in the distribution of species, dramatically threatening their persistence. Biological invasions modify the interactions between different species and…
The oyster, the sentinel of a coastline to be preserved 05-01-2025 HUVET Arnaud, SANCHEZ Wilfried, POUVREAU Stéphane, FABIOUX Caroline In the category of marine molluscs, the oyster is an essential species of our French coasts and has strong economic and heritage stakes. An ingenious…
Alpine alluvial landscapes and biodiversity 05-01-2025 GIREL Jacky Riparian vegetation communities along watercourse provide specific habitats at the land-water boundary, where water, sediment and energy flows interact with the vegetation itself. River dynamics…
Mathematical models can help to better manage fishing 05-01-2025 AUGER Pierre, LETT Christophe Fishing provides an important part of the food for people in some developing countries. This can lead to a worrying cascade of overfishing, collapsing catches…
Impacts of agriculture on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning 05-01-2025 TEYSSEDRE Anne Since its beginnings in the Neolithic period, the expansion of agriculture has been accompanied by technical innovations that have progressively increased agricultural yields and enabled…
Environmental constraints and oxidative stress in plants 05-01-2025 DIZENGREMEL Pierre Plants cannot move and are therefore particularly exposed to environmental fluctuations and external attacks. Environmental conditions are very rarely optimal, leading to the concept of…
Plant resistance to stress: role of respiration? 05-01-2025 DIZENGREMEL Pierre Yes, plants breathe! Their growth is the result of a delicate balance between the photosynthetic acquisition of carbon and the respiratory restitution of part of…
Fertilisers in France in the nineteenth century 05-01-2025 KNITTEL Fabien In the nineteenth century, farmers used organic soil conditioners and/or fertilisers in varying proportions. In Western Europe, agricultural yields were insufficient to guarantee food security…
What is nature? 05-01-2025 DUCARME Frédéric Nature is a common notion, which everyone is familiar with as long as we are not asked to define it. This is normal: there is…
The Great Green Wall: a hope for greening the Sahel? 05-01-2025 GOFFNER Deborah, PEIRY Jean-Luc The Great Green Wall of Africa (GGW) is a pan-African initiative to combat desertification in the Sahara Desert and the Sahel. Originally conceived as a…
Restoring savannas and tropical herbaceous ecosystems 05-01-2025 LE STRADIC Soizig, BUISSON Elise When people think of savannas, they think of the vast African landscapes where elephants, wildebeest, giraffes or lions used to roam. With the seasons, the…
How vertebrate extinctions threaten tropical forests 05-01-2025 ALBERT Sébastien Most tropical trees produce fleshy fruits that are eaten by vertebrates (known as frugivores) that disperse plant seeds. The regeneration of tropical forests therefore depends…
The promises of ecological rehabilitation in port areas 05-01-2025 BOUCHOUCHA Marc, CARLIER Antoine, CURD Amélia Can we remake what we have undone? The construction of ports in coastal areas leads on the one hand to a total and irreversible destruction…
Ecological networks: how to reconcile biodiversity conservation and land-use planning? 05-01-2025 CLAUZEL Céline In the face of accelerating environmental degradation, biodiversity conservation can no longer be reduced to the simple protection of natural areas. Environmental policies are now…
Biodiversity is not a luxury but a necessity 05-01-2025 BLONDEL Jacques Biodiversity, a contraction of the term “biological diversity”, appeared in the public sphere at the Earth Summit (1992). Two meanings are recognized in the word.…
Biofuels: is the future in microalgae? 05-01-2025 MARECHAL Eric Are we at the end of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) and will we know how to do without them? What alternatives are we considering?…
Biodiversity and crop adaptation to climate change in developing countries 05-01-2025 THUILLET Anne-Céline, VIGOUROUX Yves Global warming has accelerated since the 1970s. This climate change has a major impact on crops and threatens agricultural production. In the countries of the…