Claude Grison, Research Director at CNRS, is director of the Laboratory of Bio-inspired Chemistry and Ecological Innovations (ChimEco, CNRS-Université de Montpellier). It develops interdisciplinary research activities focused on the search for ecological solutions in the face of environmental changes: soil degradation, pollution of the aquatic environment, multiplication of invasive plant (aquatic plants) and animal (mosquitoes) species, scarcity of natural resources. The solutions studied are based on the defense and adaptation mechanisms of plants to their environment in a context of abiotic (pollution) or biotic (insects) stress. The overall approach will be based on a molecular approach that relates to the chemistry of living organisms and ecology. She is at the origin of the concept of Ecocatalysis, which has given rise to a new line of research at the interface of bio-inspired Chemistry and scientific Ecology; it corresponds to a global approach to sustainable development leading today to the development of a new green sector based on the ecological rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and an unprecedented chemical and economic recovery of the phytotechnologies developed. She is the author of 191 publications and books, and 43 patents. Her work has been rewarded with 10 scientific prizes, including the A. Joannides Prize from the Académie des Sciences 2016, the Homme-Nature Prize from the Sommer Foundation 2016 and the CNRS Innovation Medal 2014. She is a national corresponding member of the Académie Nationale de Pharmacie and member of the Académie européenne des Sciences.
Articles published on this website:
- Restoration of polluted soils by plants (phytoremediation), published in Soil, Living soils - The Monday 03 October 2022