After his studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Uriel Frisch has done a PhD under the supervision by Evry Schatzman, mostly on wave propagation in turbulent media and stochastic equations. He did most of his career as CNRS researcher at Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur with several stays in USA. He worked on intermittency and complex-domain singularities, on singularities of the 3D Euler equations and their relation to energy dissipation in the limit of zero viscosity. He also worked on plasma physics and MHD and on large-scale cosmological structures in the Universe. In the last ten years he spent about 30 % of his time on history of science (documenting Leonardo da Vinci, Euler, Cauchy, Hankel, Clebsch). He was elected in 2008 to the French Academy of Science. He obtained a few major prizes: 1967 Prix Peccot (College de France); in 2003 the Lewis Fry Richardson medal of the European Geophysical Society ; in 2010 the International Prize “Modeste Panetti e Carlo Ferrari” (Torino) ; in 2015 Officier Ordre National Mérite.
Articles published on this website:
- On the contributions to statistical physics of Giorgio Parisi, Nobel Prize winner 2021, published in Physics, Matter in motion - The Tuesday 23 November 2021