Hélène Hardin-Pouzet is professor of neurosciences at Sorbonne University, at the Paris Seine Institute of Biology (Paris Seine Neurosciences laboratory, Neuroplasticity of Reproductive Behaviors team). His teaching focuses on integrative aspects from the physiology of major functions, endocrinology, neurophysiology and neuroendocrinology. For research, after having developed a theme on the central control of osmoregulation and the associated cellular and molecular plasticity, she is currently interested in the control of the gonadotropic axis and reproductive behaviors, in mouse models, with a special interest in the influence of endocrine disruptors and diet. Its research is supported, in part, by ANSES. Through her activity in both training and research, she has developed expertise in the field of animal research. Hélène Hardin-Pouzet is a former member of the scientific council of the French Society of Neuroendocrinology. She is currently a member of the French Society of Neurosciences, the Society of Endocrinology and the French Society of Neuroendocrinology.
Articles published on this website:
- Acute stress, chronic stress, stress management methods in humans, published in Health, Adaptation and resilience - The Monday 05 June 2023