Laurent Briançon is a lecturer at the laboratoire SMS-ID since 2014. Lecturer at the Conservatoire des arts et métiers from 2003 to 2012, he is confronted with the future problems of the engineering students he trains and becomes project director in the Antea group design office. Laurent Briançon is conducting experimental and partnership research in the field of soil reinforcement and geosynthetics. He was heavily involved in the national ASIRI (Amélioration des Sols par Inclusions Rigides) project from 2005 to 2012 and participated in other research projects in the field of soil reinforcement (Rufex, GeoInov). It collaborates with university specialists in numerical modelling to propose complete solutions combining experimentation and modelling. Laurent Briançon was one of the curators of the exhibition "Les dessous de grands travaux" at the Musée des arts et métiers (2013 - 2018). Director of LabCom PITAGOR (Plateforme d’Innovations Technologiques Appliquées aux Géosynthétiques des Ouvrages Renforcés) since 2015, he has been pursuing his activity by developing laboratory experiments and proposing geotechnical auscultations of real structures.

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