1. Academic background 1969: Aggregation of history 1970: Assistant of Modern History at the université des Sciences sociales de Grenoble 1993: Professor of Modern History at the université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble 2 2. Institutional responsibilities At the université Pierre Mendès France in France: - Vice-President in charge of research at the université Pierre Mendès France in France (since 2007-2012) - Member of the Board of Directors of université Pierre Mendès France in France (1995-2003) - Member of the Scientific Council of université Pierre Mendès France (2007-2012) - Vice-President of the université Pierre Mendès France, in charge of training (1995-2000) In Grenoble University of Innovation: - Creator and coordinator of the LABEX "Innovation et Territoires de Montagne"- ITEM (2010-2012) This lab brings together researchers from different social science disciplines (history, geography, economics, management, law, STAPS, etc.) who have set themselves the objective of creating an internationally recognized centre of expertise on the Grenoble-Alpes site in the field of change and development in mountain environments. On the international scene: - Founding member and treasurer of the Association internationale d’histoire des Alpes (1995-2012) - Member of the Advisory Board of the laboratoire d’Histoire des Alpes, Mendrisio Academy of Architecture (Università delle Swizzera Italiana, Lugano) (2001-2011) - Member of the Steering Committee of NRP 48 (Programme National de Recherche) "Paysage et habitat de l’Arc alpin", Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche (2000-2007) Research activities Its research activities are organized around the history of the territories, and are divided into three fields: - Urban history, and more particularly the role of cities in the organization of territories - History of the Alps, in particular in relation with the Institute of Alpine History of the University of Lugano, of which I am one of the administrators - Social history of natural disasters, and the ways in which the territory is managed in the face of these disasters René Favier worked at the Rhones-Alpes Historical Research Laboratory - UMR CNRS 5190.

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