WIGNERON Jean-Pierre

Jean-Pierre Wigneron, SupAéro engineer, is director of research at Inrae, Bordeaux. He has developed pioneering work in the 2-parameter inversion of soil moisture and the VOD index, which is well related to plant biomass, from passive microwave observations. This work is the basis of the algorithms for processing observations from the SMOS satellites of ESA (European Space Agency) and SMAP of NASA. Recently, he coordinated the development of SMOS and SMAP (soil moisture and vegetation biomass) datasets, which are very innovative for applications on the water and carbon cycle. These remote sensing datasets from the INRAE Bordeaux laboratory are currently used in numerous international studies to monitor environmental changes and their impact on forests (deforestation, degradation, fire, drought, etc.). These studies have resulted in recent articles in Nature, Nature Clim. Change, Nature Geosc., Nature Plants, PNAS, etc. Jean-Pierre Wigneron is a fellow member of the IEEE society, associate editor of the international journal Remote Sensing of Environment, and member of the scientific committee of the national pole of remote sensing (THEIA). Jean-Pierre Wigneron has published more than 250 articles in international journals, has an H-index of 72 and is part of the 2021 list published by Clarivate Analytics of the most cited researchers in the world, a list which includes six scientists from Bordeaux and eight researchers INRAE.
Articles published on this website:
- Role of forests in the planet’s carbon balance, published in Life, Life and environmental factors - The Wednesday 25 January 2023