PAVE Alain

Alain Pavé is Professor Emeritus at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, where he was attached to the Laboratoire de Biométrie et de Biologie Évolutive. His scientific specialties include mathematical modelling and simulation of biological and ecological systems, bioinformatics and environmental sciences. Director of URA 243 « Biométrie, Génétique et Biologie des Populations » (1988-1995) in Lyon, Alain Pavé was Deputy Director of the CNRS Programme Environnement (1990-1994), Director of the Programme Environnement, Vie et Sociétés (1994-1998), Director of the UPS CNRS-Guyane (2002-2010) and Director of the CNRS Programme Amazonie (2004-2011). His website,, presents his professional background, some personal information and his main publications (articles and books). Alain Pavé has published La Nécessité du hasard (2007), La Course de la gazelle (2011) and Les Cailloux du Petit Poucet (2015), as well as Comprendre la biodiversité (2019) au Seuil. He is the author, with Gaëlle Fornet, of a book entitled Amazonie, une aventure scientifique et humaine du CNRS, Ed. Galaade, Paris. 2010. He has participated in several scientific films, television and radio broadcasts, mainly around the Amazon. Alain Pavé is a member of the Académie des technologies (2002) and a correspondent of the Académie d'agriculture de France (since 2000).

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