RISI Camille

Camille Risi prepared her doctoral thesis, entitled "Stable water isotopes and their applications for the study of the water cycle and climate variations" at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD, Paris) from 2006 to 2009, under the supervision of Sandrine Bony and Jean Jouzel. She then went on to study this subject during a post-doctoral stay in the United States at the University of Colorado at Boulder, under the direction of David Noone. Since 2011, she has returned to LMD as a research fellow at the CNRS. The general purpose of its work is to assess climate models and the credibility of their projections. To do this, it uses observations of the isotopic composition of water, particularly in the vapour phase, provided by satellites. Using isotopic models, she interprets the composition of water as a tracer of different processes during the water cycle, particularly convective and cloudy processes, both in current and past climates.

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