LEYVAL Corinne

Corinne Leyval is Research Director at the CNRS within the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Continental Environments (LIEC UMR 7360 CNRS UL) and also Director of the OSU of OTELo (Earth and Environment Observatory of Lorraine - UMS 3662) and of the Scientific Pole of the University of Lorraine since 2014. Corinne's research work focuses on soil-plant-microorganism interactions and the ecodynamics of pollutants in soils, in particular the bioavailability of trace elements and the biodegradation of exogenous organic materials. Corinne is also working on the role of rhizospheric microorganisms (mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria) and the interactions between microorganisms and the dynamics of these populations. His work leads to applications in two areas: (1) the use of rhizospheric microorganisms as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for the toxicity of pollutants in soils, and (2) phytoremediation and restoration of polluted soils
Articles published on this website:
- Soil biodiversity, published in Soil, Living soils - The Monday 24 January 2022