Hervé Piegay is a geographer and CNRS Research Director at the laboratoire EVS (ENS de Lyon). He works mainly on the geomorphology of river systems, around the challenges of river management and restoration. He is also interested in new techniques for diagnosing and monitoring the effect of actions. It works in interaction with practitioners (Water Agencies, Regions, Ministry of Ecology, AFB, Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, EDF, local authorities). He coordinated an international team on the revitalization of the Rhine downstream of Kembs, research programs on the evaluation of river restoration projects and the state of braided rivers in the Rhône basin. Since 2010, he has been leading the scientific team of the Rhône Valley Human-Media Observatory. He has contributed to more than 230 scientific articles in specialized journals and book chapters. He has coordinated several synthesis works, such as river geomorphology tools with M.G. Kondolf of the University of Berkeley (2003, 2016). He has been co-leading since 2018 with C. Douady and S. Barraud H2O'Lyon, a University Research School focused on integrated watershed management.

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