
Encyclopédie environnement - jet streams



图1.全球急流分布示意图,包括极地急流(蓝色)和副热带急流(红色)。两类急流风向均自西向东,分别分布在费雷尔环流圈(黄色填充区)的两侧。其中,极地急流风速更快(可达300 km/h)且更不稳定;与之相比,副热带急流的风速不超过100 km/h。跨大西洋向西飞行的航班会尽力避开极地急流,而向东的航班则会利用急流加速飞行。[来源:美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)](Jet polaire 极地急流;Jet subtropical 副热带急流)

  20世纪,得益于航空技术的发展,气象学家得以更多地观测急流,而这也让他们的心中升起一个挥之不去的谜团:为什么这些风的移动方向和地球的自转方向一致,都是自西向东,却还能形成四支环绕地球的强风带呢?诞生于地球旋转的风,其速度却比地球旋转的速度更快,听上去的确自相矛盾。图1是全球急流分布的示意图,这张图曾在《环境百科全书》的另一篇文章中出现过(详见《《大气环流及其构成》),体现了急流位置的瞬时性和不稳定性。为了解开上述谜团,本文将基于旋转系统的重要性质——角动量守恒(conservation of the angular momentum),分别解释极地急流和副热带急流的形成原因。感兴趣的读者可以在经典教材或课程中找到对这一性质的详细说明[1](详见《动力学定律》),在本文中,我们将仅从守恒的角度出发,解释并评估这一性质对急流造成的影响。


  这种守恒性是如何转化的呢?我们可以借助花样滑冰这一广为人知的例子来理解此问题——当滑冰运动员沿身体中轴收紧全身,他们的转速会非常快(图2)。首先,在整个旋转过程的开始阶段,他们一条腿弯曲撑地,同时尽可能伸长另一条腿和两条手臂,来获得尽可能大的平均半径r1r1 ≈ 0.8 m)。通过动量和平均半径,可获得一定的角速度ω1和初始角动量[2]1(r1)2,式中m为常量,表示滑冰者的质量。开始旋转后,如图2所示,他们迅速收紧四肢,使自己的平均半径大幅缩短(r2 0.3 m)。为了保持运动员身体的角动量守恒,半径的减少必须通过角速度的增加来补偿,因此可推算出ω21(r1)2/(r2)2=7ω1。因此,初始转速为每秒2圈的滑冰运动员最终能够达到每秒接近2 × 7 = 14圈的速度,足以让观众眼花缭乱。然而,尽管空气的摩擦力很小,冰鞋在冰上的摩擦力却很大,所以他们很快就会减慢速度,然后停止旋转。




  让我们假设存在这样一个气团,如文章《信风的关键作用》中所述,其在赤道地区受热,以接近地球自转线速度的绝对线速度(即1600 km/h)离开地面,上升至对流层顶,在该纬度,这一高度接近15 km。绝对线速度Va 指的是地球上的物体相对于太空中不随地球旋转的观察者的运动速度;相对线速度Vr 则与之相反,指的是物体相对于与地球一起旋转的观察者的运动速度。该气团随后进入哈得莱环流(详见《大气环流及其构成》)。在上述旋转系统中,气团在移动路径上必然受到角动量守恒[3]的约束(详见《动力学定律》)。

  因为质量m为常量,所以气团的角动量守恒(mVar)可以简化为Var的守恒。其中,绝对线速度Va是行星的自转线速度ΩrΩ为地球自转角速度)和气团的相对线速度Vr之和。因此,该旋转系统中的守恒方程可记为:Var = (Ωr+Vr)r。假定地球为半径为R的球体,在赤道地区的低空,纬度和相对线速度皆为0,该守恒量Var等于ΩR2。而赤道地区的对流层顶距地面仅约15 km,远远小于地球半径(≈ 6400km),因此可以近似认为,此处与地轴的距离仍然等于地球半径。由此可知,对流层顶的Var与低空相同,都近似等于ΩR2

  而在哈得莱环流的上部,随着气流向极地方向移动,纬度θ由0°逐渐增加到接近±30°,到地轴的距离变为r=Rcosθ(图3)。根据角动量守恒可推导出(ΩRcosθ+Vr )Rcosθ =ΩR2,即Vr = ΩR(1-cos2θ)/cosθ。在赤道,纬度θ = 0°,气流的相对线速度为零,这意味着空气与地球的旋转速度相同。而到了纬度θ = 30°处,即副热带急流所在地区,角动量守恒导致相对线速度变为Vr  ≈ 0.29 ΩR ≈ 460 km/h,这意味着空气的旋转比地球自转更快。然而,事实上,纬度θ = 30°地区的风速通常不到100 km/h,远小于460这一理论值。这是因为就像滑冰运动员的制动一样,摩擦和湍流会导致动量损失,致使风速由预测值降低到实测值。


  相比于副热带急流,极地急流更具代表性,风速也更快,可达300 km/h左右。其位于费雷尔环流和极地环流的交界处(详见《大气环流及其构成》),平均纬度接近θ=±70°。如果我们将相应的cosθ = 1/2代入前文所述的关系式,可得到相对线速度Vr ≃ 2400 km/h。当然,这一估算并不完全合理,因为到达该纬度对流层顶的气团与赤道地区的气团实际上并非同一个。但是,从中足以看出,随着对流层顶与地轴之间距离的减小,当纬度足够大时,相对线速度可能会变得非常大。

  到达纬度θ=±70°处对流层顶的气团有两大来源:费雷尔环流或极地地区。其中,来自费雷尔环流的气团会经过近地面的大气边界层,受到较大的摩擦。如果气团的角速度Ω保持不变,那么其离开地面时,角动量将接近3ΩR2/4。如果上升至对流层顶的过程中没有明显的能量耗散,根据前文所述的公式,可推算出相对线速度为Vr ≈ 1600 km/h。与副热带急流类似,计入摩擦损耗后,实际风速会大大降低,约为300 km/h。而来自极地地区的气团由于与地轴相距过近,角动量很小,因此对急流风速的贡献也较小,更多的是影响急流位置。在近地面,极地环流中向南移动的气流与费雷尔环流向北移动的气流交汇,将辐合区锁定在纬度θ=±70°附近。


  令人好奇的是,为什么急流的实际风速远远小于由角动量守恒定律推算出的理论值呢?为什么会存在如此巨大的能量损耗,以至于每条急流实际的风速只有理论值的1/5左右?对副热带急流而言,其位于哈得莱环流的上部,也就是离地面约15 km的高空中。这一高度远超大气边界层的厚度(约几百米),几乎不存在粘性摩擦造成的耗损。那么,真正导致副热带急流能量损耗、风速变小的原因是什么呢?答案其实很简单。在副热带急流气团的发源地赤道地区,存在高度不稳定且复杂多变的对流活动。这些对流活动发端于大陆上空暖空气和海洋上空冷空气的交界处。受白天太阳辐射影响,较轻的暖空气上升,较重的冷空气下沉,二者共同作用,催生并维持了一个具有强对流活动的环流——即赤道辐合带(ITCZ)。在ITCZ中,湍流活动旺盛,并且经常发生暴风雨。这些强烈的湍流扰动从主要气流处吸收了大量的动能,并借助粘性力,使之以热能形式耗散。通过此类过程,上升的气流失去了部分初始角动量。这也是“赤道无风带”(doldrums)的结果。(详见《信风的关键作用》)。


图4.赤道东风季节性移动最北(红色)和最南(蓝色)的位置。该位置被称为赤道辐合带,英文缩写ITCZ,是南北半球哈得莱环流的交界面,信风在此辐合并产生上升运动。[来源:马特哈尔丁(Mats Halldin),版权所有](July ITCZ 七月赤道辐合带;January ITCZ 一月赤道辐合带)





封面照片:www.netweather.tv, 2011

[1] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_kinetics_(classical_mechanics)

[2] 角动量是物体质量、其绝对(或伽利略)参照系中的角速度和其平均旋转半径平方三者的乘积。

[3] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_kinetics_(classical_mechanics)

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: MOREAU René, FLOR Jan-Bert (2024年3月11日), 急流, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月14日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/air-zh/jet-streams/.


Jet streams

Encyclopédie environnement - jet streams

Jet streams, major winds that flow from west to east in the atmosphere, can be explained by analogy with the rotation of skaters on ice. Indeed, these two phenomena have in common a remarkable property of fast rotating movements: the invariance of the angular momentum. Nevertheless, due to friction on the ground in the atmospheric boundary layer and energy withdrawals due to turbulence, the speeds of these winds are significantly lower than the values deduced from this invariance property.

1. From figure skating to jet streams

Encyclopédie environnement - jet streams - Allure typique des jet streams
Figure 1. Typical jet stream pattern around the globe, moving from west to east, on either side of Ferrel’s cell (yellow colour). The polar stream stream (blue color) is the fastest (its speed can reach 300 km/h) and the most unstable of the two. It is avoided by transatlantic flights to the west and on the contrary sought by flights to the east. The speed of the subtropical jet stream never exceeds 100 km/h. [© NOAA]
Increasingly observed and measured during the 20th century, thanks to advances in aeronautics, jet streams had long been a real enigma for meteorologists: why do these winds turn around the planet, from west to east like the Earth itself, forming four rings in over-rotation? This may seem paradoxical, since it implies that these winds rotate faster than the planet. Figure 1, already present in another article in this encyclopedia (read Atmospheric circulation: its organization), schematizes their instantaneous positions and instability. The purpose of this article is to provide an explanation, based on a strong property that characterizes rotating mechanical systems: the conservation of the angular momentum when friction is negligible. Interested readers can find a justification for this property in classic texts or courses [1] (read The Laws of Dynamics). In this article, let us limit ourselves to recalling this property of invariance, interpreting it and evaluating its consequences for jet streams.

Encyclopedie environnement - jet streams
Figure 2. Illustration of the conservation of the angular momentum of an ice skater. On the left, she takes her support and starts a rotational movement by extending her second leg and both arms perpendicular to the vertical axis of her body, maximizing her average radius. On the right, the skater has acquired a much higher rotational speed to compensate for the sudden reduction in her average radius.

How does this property of invariance translate into? The well-known example for interpreting and understanding it is the very fast rotation of skaters on ice when they tighten their entire body around their vertical axis (Figure 2). First of all, to start turning, they take a strong support on one of their very bent legs, while keeping the other leg and their arms as far apart as possible. They use their momentum and their average radius r1 made as large as possible (r10.8 m) to acquire a certain angular velocity ω1  and an initial angular momentum [2] 1(r1)2, where m denotes the mass of the skater that will remain invariant. Once this is done, they quickly tighten the spread limbs, as shown in Figure 2, reducing their average radius to a value r2 much smaller than r1, say r2 ≃ 0.3 m. To maintain the skater’s kinetic moment, this decrease in radius must be compensated by an increase in angular velocity, which becomes ω21(r1)2/(r2)2=7ω1. Thus, the skater capable of initially starting at 2 laps per second manages to turn at a speed close to 2 x 7 = 14 laps per second, sufficient for the spectators to have a blurry image of him. However, if the friction of the air is low, the friction of the skate on the ice is high and quickly slows down and stops the skater’s rotation.

As we will see, this invariance property is at the origin of important atmospheric phenomena, including jet streams, the subject of this article. Many other phenomena visible on planets (Saturn’s ring), in stars (concentration of the solar wind towards solar latitudes of 70°) and in galaxies (accretion discs) can also be interpreted using this invariance property.

2. The subtropical jet stream

Encyclopedie environnement - jet streams - Schema hemisphere nord de la Terre - nothern hemisphere earth - jet streams
Figure 3. Diagram of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, where Ω represents its angular velocity, R its radius and r the distance from the ground to the axis of rotation at a latitude θ. The ring represents a jet stream, present at the top of the troposphere at a given latitude θ and assumed stationary.

Let us isolate by thought an air pack subjected to the ascendancy of the equatorial region commented in the article The key role of the trade winds. It leaves the ground with an absolute horizontal speed close to that of the Earth, i.e. 1600 km/h, and rises towards the limit altitude of the troposphere, close to 15 km at this latitude. Absolute speed Va  refers to the speed that would see an observer far away in space  and not rotating with the Earth; on the contrary, relative speed Vr is the speed that an observer in solidarity with the Earth sees. The air packet then enters one of Hadley’s cells (read Atmospheric Circulation: Its Organization). In this rotating system, its path is necessarily marked by the conservation of its angular momentum [3] (read The laws of dynamics).

The invariance of the angular momentum of this air package is reduced to that of the Var product since the mass m must also be invariant. However, the absolute velocity Va is the sum of the planet’s driving speed, which can be written Ωr by designating by Ω the angular velocity of the Earth, and the relative velocity Vr of the air packet with respect to the Earth. The invariant quantity in this rotating system is therefore: Var = (Ωr+Vr)r. In the vicinity of the equator and at low altitude (zero latitude and zero relative velocity), it is ΩR2 by designating R as the radius of the Earth that is assumed to be spherical. At the top of the troposphere, at an altitude close to 15 km, still a distance from the neighbouring axis of R ≈ 6400km, it can be assumed that it has the same value ΩR2 as at ground level.

In the upper part of the Hadley cell, following the current in the southern plane, the latitude θ increases to values close to ±30° and the distance to the axis becomes r=Rcosθ (see Figure 3). The conservation of the angular momentum then leads to the relationship (ΩR cosθ+Vr)R cosθ =ΩR2, i.e. Vr = ΩR(1-cos2θ)/cosθ. At the latitude of the equator (θ=0), it drives an air flow at a relative speed of zero, which means that the air rotates at the same speed as the solid planet. But at latitude θ=30°, typical of tropical jet stream, this relationship leads to Vr ≃ 0.29 ΩR≃ 460 km/h, which means that the air must then rotate faster than the solid planet. This value is much higher than the actual speed of this wind, which is always less than 100 km/h; but it is quite understandable that the losses of kinetic moment due to friction and turbulence are sufficient to reduce this prediction to a realistic value. These losses are the atmospheric equivalent of the braking of ice skaters.

3. The powerful polar jet stream

It is by far the fastest of the two since it reaches speeds of around 300 km/h; it is also the one we are talking about when we talk about jet stream in the singular. Its average latitude, at the intersection of the Ferrel cell and the polar cell (read Atmospheric circulation: its organization), is close to ±70°. If we applied the relationship seen above with cos θ = 1/2, we would find a relative speed Vr ≃ 2400 km/h. This estimate is not at all justified, because the air packets that reach the top of the troposphere at this latitude do not come from near the equator. Nevertheless, it illustrates the enormous potential for increasing relative speed associated with reducing the distance to the Earth’s axis when latitude becomes large enough.

It has been understood that the air packages arriving at the top of the troposphere at latitudes close to ±70° come either from the Ferrel cell or from the polar regions. The first ones passed near the ground, in the atmospheric boundary layer where friction is high. If they had kept the angular velocity of the planet Ω, their angular momentum would be close to 3ΩR2/4 when they leave the ground. If they reached the top of the troposphere without significant energy dissipation, the same formula would lead to a relative speed Vr ≃ 1600 km/h. As with the tropical jet stream, it is therefore necessary to take friction into account to arrive at a realistic order of magnitude, close to 300 km/h. As for the air supplied by the polar cell, since it comes from the vicinity of the poles, where the distance to the axis is very small, it does not provide as much kinetic moment as the air supplied by the Ferrel cell. Its influence consists mainly in locating the polar convergence zone towards a latitude close to ±70°, between the Ferrel cell where air flows northwards near the ground and the polar cell where it flows southwards.

4. Strongly slowed currents

One may wonder why these currents remain so much slower than the predictions deduced from the conservation of the angular momentum and why they suffer such significant energy losses, to the point of dividing by about 5 the speed of each jet stream. In the case of the subtropical jet, these losses cannot come directly from the viscous friction which is quite negligible in the upper part of the Hadley cell. It is located at an altitude of around 15 km, much higher than the thickness of the atmospheric boundary layer, which is in the order of a few hundred metres. The answer is quite simple: these losses come from the intense turbulent agitation in the updraft of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ICTZ), disrupted by the highly unstable and variable convective movements of the tropical regions. These originate at the interfaces between warm air over continents during the day and cold air over the oceans. The very light currents of warm air rise; the heavier cold currents descend; together they create and maintain large cells with a strong convection movement, very turbulent and often stormy. It is this turbulence that takes a large part of the kinetic energy from the main motion and dissipates it into heat by viscosity, thus slowing the upward current that loses part of its initial angular momentum. This is a consequence of the “doldrums” of tropical regions (read The key role of the trade winds).

In the skater’s example, friction on the ice reduces its rotation in a few seconds, allowing spectators to see the attenuation after several laps at high speed. The mechanism that slows down the polar jet, fed by air that circulates in the vicinity of the ground in the Ferrel cell or in the polar cell, is similar. It is the viscous friction, amplified by local turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer near the ground, that reduces the initial kinetic moment of the rising air packets up the troposphere at the latitude where the Ferrel cell and the polar cell converge.

Encyclopedie environnement - jet streams - positions extremes du courant d’est equatorial liees à ses deplacements saisonniers
Figure 4. In red and blue, extreme positions of the equatorial eastern current related to its seasonal movements. The latitude of this current marks the separation between the Hadley cells of each hemisphere, where the trade winds converge and generate equatorial ascendancy. It is known by its English name Inter Tropical Convergence Zone, and is often referred to as ICTZ. [© Mats Halldin]
As Figure 1 suggests, the jet streams themselves are far from being regular and stationary winds. They are subject to instability excited by the periodic pulsations to which the troposphere is subjected. And Figure 4 shows that seasonal variations move the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) northward in summer and southward in winter (read The Key Role of Trade Winds). The alternation between the continents over which the air is relatively dry and the oceans over which it is on the contrary loaded with moisture also contributes to this excitement. Finally, during the day, the air rising from the ground is warmer and therefore lighter than the air that has cooled, weighed down and stabilized during the night. These differences in temperature and humidity cause variations in density, which lead to very turbulent convective formations. Each of these three mechanisms has its own characteristics, but together they feed the instabilities and turbulence of jet streams, which contributes to reduce their average velocity to values about 5 times lower than the predictions derived from the invariance of the angular momentum.

These examples of the ice skater and jet streams illustrate the remarkable consequences of preserving the angular momentum in relatively fast rotating mechanical systems. Friction on the ground and in the air, as well as turbulent mixing, are certainly antagonistic mechanisms. Nevertheless, it remains true that this invariance property is at the origin of important atmospheric phenomena, taken into account in the management of transcontinental commercial flights. Thus, to reduce fuel consumption, flights from Europe to the United States bypass the polar jet stream from the north, and return flights are placed in this jet stream.


References and notes

Cover photo: www.netweather.tv, 2011

[1] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_kinetics_(classical_mechanics)

2] The angular momentum is the product of the mass of the body by its angular velocity in the absolute (or Galilean) reference frame and by the square of its average radius.

[3] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_kinetics_(classical_mechanics)


环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: MOREAU René, FLOR Jan-Bert (2019年3月2日), Jet streams, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月14日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/air-en/jet-streams/.
