ASTA Juliette

Juliette Asta has pursued her career as an associate professor-researcher at the Université de Grenoble, first at Professor Ozenda's Botany Laboratory and then at the Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine. In Teaching, she was mainly in charge of preparing students for the CAPES and Aggregation Competitions and Master's Ecology courses. In research, she has specialized in the study of lichens by studying different aspects, alone or in collaboration with her students and with other researchers from different disciplines: systematic studies on alpine flora and vegetation, multidimensional statistical approaches, mineral constitution, relationships between lichens and substrates, colonization (bark, soil, rock), physiological studies at high altitude, detection of different types of pollution (fluorine, heavy metals, acid pollution, incineration plant, landfills, etc.). Contribution to the development of AFNOR Standards on the use of lichens in the detection of air pollution. Supervised several university theses. Author of more than a hundred scientific publications. After his retirement, he became a volunteer researcher for 15 years and co-author of 3 Guides des Lichens de France (Lichens des arbres, Lichens des sols, Lichens des roches) and the Guide de la nature en Ville (Ed. Belin). Prix Gandoger de la Société Botanique de France (1994). President on two occasions of the Association Française de Llchénologie (A.F.L.) of which she has been a member since the beginning (1976) and a medalist (2004).
Articles published on this website:
- Lichens and environmental quality, published in Life, Nature under tension - The Tuesday 26 November 2019
- Lichens, surprising pioneering organisms, published in Life, Ecosystems - The Wednesday 14 August 2019