DOUKI Thierry

Thierry Douki is a researcher at the CEA within the Laboratoire SYMMES (SYstèmes Moléculaires et nanoMatériaux pour l’Energie et la Santé) of the Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie (INAC), a federal research institute CEA-Université Grenoble Alpes. A chemist by training, he is interested in the formation and repair of DNA damage. His activities involve first of all the study of chemical mechanisms on isolated DNA or simple models. He also works at the cellular level through the development of sensitive and specific analytical tools, based in particular on mass spectrometry. He is interested in chemical genotoxic agents such as air pollutants, or physical agents such as ultraviolet radiation. In this field, he was particularly interested in the influence of the type of radiation on the nature of DNA damage. He is heavily involved in several photobiology societies and is an expert at ANSES.

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