
antarctique - manchots empereurs - terre adelie - antarctic treaty - penguins


1. 南极条约:乌托邦的实现

1.1. 在什么情境下签署了该条约?

图1. 1957-1958年国际地球物理年发行的众多邮票中的一张。
[资料来源: 美国铸印局。由厄文·梅特斯(Ervine Metzl)设计。[公共领域],维基共享]


图2. 南纬60度以南地区,即《南极条约》所冻结的土地。
[资料来源: © Yves Frenot, IPEV]


1.2. 《南极条约》讲了什么?


图3. 1959年12月1日在华盛顿签署《南极条约》
[资料来源:赫尔曼·弗莱格(Herman Phleger) (http://www.teara.govt.nz/files/37206-pc.jpg)[公共领域],维基共享]




1.3. 谁是该条约的缔约国?


1.4. 支持《南极条约》的其他协定书

图4. 《保护南极海豹公约》保护科学研究。
[资料来源:© IPEV]


  • 《保护南极海豹公约》(CCAS [2],伦敦,1972年)禁止猎杀这些动物(图4)。
  • 《南极海洋生物资源保护公约》(CCAMLR[3],坎培拉,1980年)规定对南大洋界限(南纬50°左右的南极极地前沿)以内的广阔地理区域的渔业资源进行评估与管理(图5)。
  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-Terre Adélie海岸海床的繁荣景象
    图5. 如阿德利地(Terre Adélie)海岸海床的繁荣景象所示,虽然南极洲的陆地生物多样性贫乏,但海洋生物多样性却非常丰富。
    [资料来源: © Erwann Amice, IPEV]
  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-南极洲是地球上仅存的相对未受人类直接影响的地方之一
    图6. 南极洲是地球上仅存的相对未受人类直接影响的地方。
    [资料来源: © Gaetan Quere, IPEV]
    《保护南极环境议定书》(又称《马德里议定书》)是在《惠灵顿公约》失败后起草的。它将地球的这个区域称为“致力于和平与科学的自然保护区”。该公约于1991年10月4日签署,于1998年1月14日生效,现已成为人类在南极洲开展活动所遵循的主要规则之一 (图6)。

2. 《马德里议定书》与环境保护

2.1. 议定书及其附件: 人类活动的严格准则

表1. 加入《南极条约》体系各项议定书的主要国家(截至2018年3月29日)




  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-
    图7. 中国于2018年编制的关于在维多利亚陆地建设新研究站的EGIE项目。环境保护委员会和《南极条约》协商会议于2018年5月在布宜诺斯艾利斯审议了该EEIG项目。

    附件一规定,在《条约》区域内开展的任何活动必须首先接受环境影响评估。如果人们认为这种影响“至少是轻微的或暂时的”,该活动必须得到国家主管当局(在法国是法属南部和南极领地最高行政长官)的授权。如果估计预期影响 “超过轻微的或短暂影响”,则需编制一份详细的影响研究报告(EGIE [4]),并在国际层面上公布和评估(图7)。这一影响评估和许可程序至关重要,因为它是监管《条约》区域内活动的唯一工具。然而,该条约也存在不足之处:概念模糊,定义不清。这些概念在不同的国家可以有不同的解释。

  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-在1911年的南极探险中,斯科特带来了小马和雪橇犬
    图8. 在1911年的南极探险中,斯科特带上了小马和雪橇犬。事实证明小马完全不适合,雪橇犬也不足以帮助他完成任务。他不如竞争对手阿蒙森准备得充分。现在,《马德里议定书》附件二禁止将此类动物带进南极。
    [资料来源: Herbert G. Ponting[公共领域],通过维基共享]

  该附件还规定,可以将特别受威胁的南极物种列入“特别保护物种”名单。迄今为止,只有罗斯海豹(Ommatophoca rossii)具有这种地位。由于长期过度捕猎,海豹一直濒临灭绝的边缘,2006年才从名单中删除(图9)。

  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-海狮
    图9. 在19世纪和20世纪初,海狮几乎被捕猎者灭绝。它们主要因为皮毛而被猎杀。在停止捕猎后,海狮的数量迅速增长,2006年不再被列为特别保护物种。
    [资料来源: © Gildas Lemonnier, IPEV]
  • 附件四禁止船只在海上排放未经处理的石油、有害物质、垃圾或废水。
  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-纪念朱尔斯·杜蒙·居维尔发现南极洲的牌匾
    图10. 纪念朱尔斯·杜蒙·居维尔发现南极洲的牌匾。该牌匾放置在称为“D-Day Rock”的小岛上,在阿德利地上构成南极历史遗址和第81号纪念碑。
    [资料来源: © TA60, IPEV]

2.2. 环境保护委员会


  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-2017年在北京召开的第20次环境保护委员会会议上的委员会成员
    图11. 2017年在北京召开的环境保护委员会第20次会议上的委员会成员
  • 国家南极局局长理事会(COMNAP),
  • 和南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)。
图12. 麦哲伦花(Nassauvia magellanica)是一种原产于南美(智利)的植物,2010年在南极半岛迪赛普逊岛的捕鲸湾偶然发现。该植物一经发现就被在场的科学家连根拔除了。这表明了由于全球变暖和人类活动的增加,在南极洲引入非本地物种的能力又有了新的提高。
[资料来源: © Peter Convey, British Antarctic Survey]



  • 了解气候变化对南极陆地和海洋环境的影响,以及至少在局地范围对这些影响可能采取的应对措施。
  • 自然或意外引入的非本土物种对南极生物多样性带来的风险(图12)。
  • 环境百科全书-《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理-1990年代初至今,在南极洲乘船和上岸的游客数量的演变
    图13. 1990年代初至今,由船只运送并在南极洲登岸的游客数量变化情况。每年11月至3月间有近4万名游客访问第六大洲,其中科学家和相关后勤人员却不到7,000人。
     [资料来源: IAATO数据[5] 2017-http://www.ats.aq/documents/ATCM40/ip/ATCM40_ip163_rev1_e.doc; author edited graph]
    旅游业和其他非政府活动进行最适当的管理,这些活动对环境的影响预计会随着游客——主要是在短暂的南极夏季前往南极半岛的游客数量的剧增而增加 (图13)。应当指出的是,在起草《条约》或《议定书》时,旅游活动仍然处于零星状态,人们没有想到未来游客数量会有如此大的增幅。因此,在这些创始文件中,并没有预见到会有关于旅游活动的具体规则。
  • 保护南极洲陆地和海洋大型生态系统的代表性区域(与南极海洋生物资源保护委员会合作保护海洋大型生态系统)。

2.3. 检查——监测遵守情况的工具

图14. 2012年美俄在康科迪亚(法国-意大利)、马里奥·祖切利(意大利)和斯科特(新西兰)的联合视察报告。
[资料来源: © 《南极条约》秘书处: http://www.ats.aq/documents/ATCM35/att/ATCM35_att069_e.pdf](译者注:United States Department of State 美国国务院;United States-Russia Joint Inspection Team 美俄联合检查小组;U.S.-Russian Report of Inspections under Article VII of The Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of The Protocol on Environmental Protecion 美俄根据《南极条约》第七条和《环境保护议定书》第十四条撰写的检查报告)


2.4. 矿产资源开发——让我们直说2048年后的真相

  在《马德里议定书》的条款中,最广为人知的是关于暂停开采矿产资源的规定 (第7条):“禁止除科学研究以外的任何与矿产资源有关的活动”。但这也是最容易被媒体误解的条款,媒体普遍错误地宣称,在2048年《议定书》生效50年后,暂停开采矿产资源的这一规定将失效。



3. 南极海洋生物资源养护委员会:渔业资源和海洋保护区

图15. 磷虾位于南大洋海洋动物食物链的最底端,正越来越多地被人类捕捞,用作养鱼场的饲料。磷虾的捕捞量、特别是捕捞方法,引发了人们对南极周围海洋生态系统可持续性发展的关注。
[资料来源: By Uwe Kils I am willing to give the image in 1700 resolution to Wikipedia Uwe Kils[CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) 或 GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons]


图16. 罗斯海海洋保护区,显示采用的分区:整体保护区(A)、科学研究区(B)和磷虾捕捞区(C)。
[资料来源: © U.S. Department of State. OES/OPA.2017年1月.https://www.state.gov/e/oes/ocns/opa/ross/index.htm]

  2009年,第一个公海海洋保护区(MPA)启动。该保护区位于南奥克尼群岛南部高原,面积94,000平方公里。南极海洋生物资源养护委员会继续提议对其他海洋保护区(MPAs)进行分类。2016年10月,成员国一致同意了美国和新西兰关于建立世界上最大海洋保护区的提议。该保护区位于罗斯海,面积为155万平方公里。一些活动将受到限制,以实现特定的养护、栖息地保护、生态系统监测和渔业管理目标 (图16)。全球海洋保护区的72%将成为“禁捕”区,禁止一切捕捞活动。其他地区则允许捕捞鱼类和磷虾,但只能用于科学研究目的。关于其他分类提议的谈判正在继续,其中一个项目是由法国和澳大利亚牵头的南极洲东部项目。

4. 科学研究,公认的南极价值

  南极洲自被发现以来,一直是科学发现取之不尽用之不竭的宝库。这里集中了当前社会关注的所有问题: 气候变化、臭氧消耗、生物多样性侵蚀等。南极半岛可能与北极地区一样,是对全球变暖最敏感的地区: 过去50年间南极半岛的气温上升了2到4摄氏度。这直接影响到海洋的食物资源,再加上磷虾捕捞管理不善,导致了在这一领域一些鸟类数量减少(图17)。

图17. 阿德利企鹅。由于气候变化、磷虾捕捞和旅游业的综合影响,在南极半岛上这一物种正在减少。另一方面,在不存在上述环境压力的阿德利地,该物种的数量有增加的趋势。
[资料来源: © Clotilde Dubois, IPEV]



5. 单一治理,但它经得起时间考验吗?

图18. 2014年1月在特雷阿德利的杜蒙德乌尔维尔站展示的旗帜表明不同国籍的研究人员在一起工作。
[资料来源: © Philippe Apelt, IPEV]

  因此,《南极条约》及其相关议定书提供了一个独特的国际法律体系。该体系自创建以来,经过不断改进,运作良好。这就表明各国有可能就科学研究或环境保护等崇高目标达成一致(图18)。但是,由于决策建立在共识的基础之上,因此在一些重大问题上,如管理旅游活动、建立新的研究站、创立海洋保护区,要取得快速进展并非易事。某些在南极洲行为谨慎的国家的崛起,比如中国,正在不断增加其在整个南极洲的研究基础设施的数量,并毫不犹豫地公开使用诸如“利用南极洲”(RCTA 2017年在北京)等表述,未来也可能在某种程度上扰乱这一非典型治理的既定游戏规则。南极条约体系的工具作用及其目前的运作模式是否足够强健以应对这些新的压力,未来将见分晓。



封面照片:12月繁殖季节结束时阿德利岛上的帝企鹅。[来源: © Alain Mathieu,IPEV]

[1] 本文是对同一作者发表在Revue Australe et Polaire第82期上的一篇文章的补充。该文章于2017年12月由AMAEPF出版 (http://www.amaepf.fr/)

[2] CCAS – 保护南极海豹公约

[3] CCAMLR – 南极海洋生物资源养护委员会

[4] EGIE – 全球环境影响评估

[5] IAATO – 国际南极旅行社协会

[6] 鲸目动物由1946年签署的《国际捕鲸管制公约》审议。该公约是在《南极条约》制定之前签署的。因此,国际捕鲸委员负责处理南大洋鲸鱼问题。

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: FRENOT Yves (2024年3月13日), 《南极条约》:环境与科学的独特治理, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月15日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/societe-zh/antarctic-treaty-unique-governance-for-environment-and-science/.


The Antarctic Treaty: a unique governance for the environment and science

antarctique - manchots empereurs - terre adelie - antarctic treaty - penguins

The Antarctic Treaty is a unique example of the world’s international governance of a region dedicated to peace, science and environmental protection. Born at the end of the International Geophysical Year 1957-1958, the Treaty was subsequently supplemented by various instruments, including its Protocol on Environmental Protection, or Madrid Protocol: perhaps the one that most influences access conditions and activities south of the 60th parallel south. Among the most well-known rules of the Protocol is the moratorium on the exploitation of mineral resources in Antarctica. The suspension of this moratorium in 2048 is unlikely to succeed, contrary to what many media reports are announcing. But climate change or activities such as tourism, which were not anticipated when the founding documents of the Treaty were drafted, need to be taken into account in the drafting of future rules applying to the white continent. [1]

1. The Antarctic Treaty: the realization of a utopia

1.What circumstances led to the signing of the Treaty?

timbre annee geophysique internationale 1957-1958 - timbres 1957 1958 - encyclopedie environnement
Figure 1. One of the many postage stamps issued for the International Geophysical Year 1957-1958. [Source: By Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Designed by Ervine Metzl. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons]
In 1957-58, the International Geophysical Year (IGY) brought together more than 25,000 scientists, grouped in 4,000 organizations from 67 nations, and drew the world’s attention to Antarctica’s scientific interest (Figure 1). New technological tools from the Second World War, particularly in the field of rockets and radiocommunications, were used. The success of this event demonstrated that there could be a place on the planet without partisan interests and commercial greed, where human activities could be reserved for science. It was an opportunity to extend the experiment politically with one main objective: to ensure that Antarctica could continue to be used only for peaceful purposes and to avoid being the scene or the subject of international discord. It must be admitted that the rigours of the environment left little scope for exploitation of this sixth continent, apart from that of the marine resources of the Southern Ocean, and that the commitment had few geopolitical consequences.

Figure 2. Land claims frozen by the Antarctic Treaty in the area south of the 60th parallel south. [Source: © Yves Frenot, IPEV]
That’s probably why it was also easy for the seven so-called “possession” countries (countries claiming part of the continent: Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom – Figure 2), joined by the United States, the USSR, Japan, Belgium and South Africa, to sign the Antarctic Treaty on 1 December 1959 in Washington (Figure 3). It entered into force on 23 June 1961.

1.1 What does the Antarctic Treaty say?

First, only peaceful activities are allowed in Antarctica. Consequently, the Treaty prohibits all measures of a military nature (Article I). Similarly, any nuclear explosion is prohibited, as well as the disposal of radioactive waste in this region (Article V).

signature traite antarctique - traite antarctique - traite antarctique washington - antarctic treaty
Figure 3. Signing of the Antarctic Treaty in Washington on December 1, 1959. [Source: By Herman Phleger (http://www.teara.govt.nz/files/37206-pc.jpg)[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons]
It then makes Antarctica a continent dedicated to science where each signatory country can freely establish research stations wherever it wishes on the continent. It encourages scientific cooperation through exchanges of researchers and the free provision of scientific results (Articles II and III).

In addition, the Treaty freezes territorial claims. In other words, it does not ask the 7 possessed countries to renounce their claims, but it requires them not to mention them. Similarly, it prevents any further claims (Article IV).

Finally, the Antarctic Treaty applies to the entire region south of the 60th parallel south. It has no scheduled end.

1.3. Who are the States Parties to the Treaty?

It now has 53 signatory countries, including 29 so-called “Consultative Parties” which, having demonstrated their scientific activity in Antarctica, have acquired voting rights (Table 1). All these countries meet annually at the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCC) to exchange information and advise their governments to further the objectives of the Treaty.

1.4. Other instruments in support of the Antarctic Treaty

The Antarctic Treaty has gradually been enriched by other instruments that together constitute the Antarctic Treaty System:

convention protection phoques antarctique - antarctic seals
Figure 4. The Convention for the Protection of Antarctic Seals protects scientific research. [Source: © IPEV]
  • The Convention for the Protection of Antarctic Seals (CCAS [2], London, 1972) prohibits the hunting of these animals (Figure 4).
  • The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR [3], Canberra, 1980) provides for the assessment and management of fisheries resources over a wide geographical area up to the limit of the Southern Ocean, represented by the Antarctic polar front at about 50° south latitude (Figure 5).
fonds marins terre adelie - terrestrial biodiversity antarctica
Figure 5. While terrestrial biodiversity is poor in Antarctica, it is extremely rich in the ocean as illustrated here by the luxuriance of the seabed on the coast of Terre Adélie. [Source: © Erwann Amice, IPEV]
  • The Convention on the Regulation of Mineral Resources Activities (Wellington, 1988). One year after its adoption, Australia refused to ratify this convention, which opened the door to the exploitation of Antarctic mineral resources. In her view, this was contrary to the principles of the Treaty. It is also possible that Australia has had some ulterior motives for fearing that this may harm its own mining activities, which are essential to its economy. In France, the then Prime Minister, Michel Rocard, joined the Australian position. Emphasizing the risks that such activities would pose
    antarctique - antarctica
    Figure 6. Antarctica is one of the last places on the planet that is still relatively untouched by the direct impact of man. [Source: © Gaetan Quere, IPEV]
    run to the environment, Commander Cousteau then initiated an international campaign to oppose mining operations in Antarctica,. The lack of consensus among the Consultative Parties as a result meant that the Wellington Convention never entered into force.
  • The Protocol for the Protection of the Environment in Antarctica (also known as the Madrid Protocol) was drafted following the failure of the Wellington Convention. It refers to this region of the planet as a “natural reserve dedicated to peace and science”. Signed on 4 October 1991 and entered into force on 14 January 1998, it is now one of the major tools around which the rules of human presence in Antarctica are organized (Figure 6).

2. The Madrid Protocol and environmental protection

2.1. The Protocol and its annexes: a strict framework for human activities

Table 1. Main countries acceding to the various instruments of the Antarctic Treaty System (status as at 29 March 2018) [Source: Antarctic Treaty Secretariat (www.ats.aq)]. For an updated table, maintained by the Treaty secretariat, visit https://www.ats.aq/devAS/ats_parties.aspx?lang=f
The Protocol on Environmental Protection in Antarctica is a governance tool like nowhere else on the planet, setting out the principles that apply to all activities in Antarctica to ensure that they respect the environment.

From the outset, it was supplemented by four annexes that establish fundamental principles and binding rules applicable to human activities in Antarctica. They deal respectively with impact studies, the protection of fauna and flora, waste management and the prevention of marine pollution. Subsequently, a fifth annex on the management of specially protected areas was added to the Protocol in 2002. Finally, in 2005, a sixth annex was adopted, which specifies the liability regime for environmental damage. The latter annex will only enter into force once it has been ratified by all the Consultative Parties.

More specifically, some elements of these annexes illustrate the spirit in which the countries acceding to the Madrid Protocol are trying to minimize the impact of human activities in Antarctica.

projet EGIE - station recherche terre victoria - protection environnement - encyclopedie environnement
Figure 7. EGIE project prepared by China in 2018 for the construction of a new research station in Victoria Land. This EEIG was reviewed by the Committee for the Protection of the Environment and the Consultative Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty in May 2018 in Buenos Aires. [Source: © CHINA Draft CEE 2018, available on http://www.chinare.gov.cn/en/CEE2018/]
  • Annex I provides that any activity in the Treaty area must first be subject to an environmental impact assessment. If this impact is considered “at least minor or transitory”, the activity must be subject to an authorization issued by a competent national authority (in France, it is the Superior Administrator of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands). If the expected impact is estimated to be “more than minor or transient”, a detailed impact study is prepared (EGIE [4]), made public and evaluated at the international level (Figure 7). This impact assessment and licensing procedure is fundamental because it is the only tool for regulating activities in the Treaty area. However, it has the weakness of being based on relatively vague and ill-defined concepts that can be interpreted differently in different countries.
  • Annex II aims to protect fauna and flora through measures such as issuing permits for scientists working on these organisms or prohibiting any deliberate introduction of plant or animal species. As a result, dog sledding in Antarctica is a thing of the past and only above-ground cultivation is allowed (Figure 8).

expedition scott pole sud 1911 - pole sud - antarctique - encyclopedie environnement
Figure 8. On his expedition to the South Pole in 1911, Scott brought ponies and sled dogs with him. Although the ponies proved to be perfectly unsuitable, the dogs were not enough for him to carry out his business, which was less well prepared than that of his competitor, Amundsen. Annex II of the Madrid Protocol now prohibits the introduction of animals such as these. [Source: By Herbert G. Ponting[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons]
This same annex also provides for the possibility of listing particularly threatened Antarctic species on a list of “specially protected species“. To date, only Ross’s seal (Ommatophoca rossii) has this status. Fur seals, which had been close to extinction due to overexploitation until the early 20th century, were removed from the list in 2006 (Figure 9).

otaries - otarie - antarctique - sea lions
Figure 9. Sea lions were practically exterminated by sealers during the 19th and early 20th centuries. They were mainly hunted for their fur. After the cessation of hunting, due to their depletion, their populations increased very rapidly, no longer justifying their classification as specially protected species in 2006. [Source: © Gildas Lemonnier, IPEV]
plaque commemoration decouverte antarctique - jules dumont d'urvillle - rocher du debarquement - monument historique antarctique - antarctique - encyclopedie environnement
Figure 10. Plaque commemorating the discovery of Antarctica by Jules Dumont d’Urville, placed on the islet known as the “D-Day Rock”, which constitutes Antarctica’s Historic Site and Monument No. 81, in Adelie Land. [Source: © TA60, IPEV]

  • Annex III provides that no waste produced by human activity may be stored in Antarctica. All waste must therefore be repatriated or, in some cases, disposed of by methods that do not cause adverse effects on the environment.
  • Annex IV prohibits the discharge at sea by ships of oil, harmful substances, garbage or waste water not previously treated.
  • Finally, Annex V makes it possible to classify certain sectors as “specially protected areas of the Antarctic” because of their exceptional environmental, scientific or aesthetic values. Access to these areas then becomes regulated and a management plan specifies the access procedures and precautions to be taken to respect the values for which the classification is based. The same applies to sites or monuments classified for historical reasons (Figure 10).

2.2. The Committee for the Protection of the Environment

The Madrid Protocol establishes a special body, the Committee for the Protection of the Environment (CPE), which provides RCTA with opinions on the state of the environment and the measures to be taken to ensure its protection. The EPC is composed of representatives of the countries that have acceded to the Protocol (39 in 2017 – see Table 1) as well as three permanent observers:

comite protection environnement pekin 2017 - committee protection environment bejing 2017
Figure 11. Members of the Committee for the Protection of the Environment at its 20th meeting in Beijing in 2017. [Source: Antarctic Treaty Secretariat Image Bank]
  • the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR),
  • the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP)
  • and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).

Nassauvia magellanica
Figure 12. Nassauvia magellanica is a plant native to South America (Chile) discovered by chance in 2010 in the Bay of Whalers, on Deception Island, in the Antarctic Peninsula. The plant was eliminated as soon as it was discovered by the scientists present. This illustrates the new capacity to introduce and establish non-indigenous species in Antarctica as a result of global warming and increased human use. [Source: © Peter Convey, British Antarctic Survey]
Several other international organizations or non-governmental organizations may be invited to provide technical or scientific advice as experts.

The CPE meets annually, in parallel with the RCTA (Figure 11). Its discussions cover a wide range of fields and have resulted in the production of many Recommendations (non-binding) or Measures (binding) that are now binding on member countries and that regulate the daily lives of visitors to Antarctica, including scientists. The priorities currently set by the EPC concern in particular:

  • understanding the consequences of climate change on the Antarctic environment, both terrestrial and marine, and the possible responses to them at least locally.
  • the risks to Antarctic biodiversity from the introduction, natural or accidental, of non-native species (Figure 12).
evolution touristes antarctique - graphique evolution touristes antarctique - antarctique - evolution number tourists antarctica
Figure 13. Evolution of the number of tourists transported by ship and disembarking in Antarctica between the early 1990s and today. While nearly 40,000 tourists visit the 6th continent every year between November and March, at the same time there are less than 7,000 scientists and associated logisticians. [Source: IAATO data[5] 2017 – http://www.ats.aq/documents/ATCM40/ip/ATCM40_ip163_rev1_e.doc; author edited graph]
  • the most appropriate management of tourism and other non-governmental activities whose environmental impacts are expected to increase with the dramatic increase in the number of visitors, mainly to the Antarctic Peninsula, during the short southern summer (Figure 13). It should be noted that when the Treaty or Protocol was drafted, tourism activity remained marginal and it was not expected that it would increase to such an extent in the future. As a result, no specific rules governing this activity were anticipated in these founding documents.
  • the protection of areas representative of the large ecosystems present in Antarctica, both terrestrial and marine (in collaboration with CCAMLR for the latter).

2.3. Inspections: a tool for monitoring compliance

rapport inspections Etats-Unis Russie Concordia - united states russia joint inspection team
Figure 14. Report of joint US-Russia inspections at Concordia (France-Italy), Mario Zuchelli (Italy) and Scott (New Zealand) in 2012. [Source: © Antarctic Treaty Secretariat: : http://www.ats.aq/documents/ATCM35/att/ATCM35_att069_e.pdf]
In order to ensure compliance with the rules of the Antarctic Treaty and the Madrid Protocol, signatory countries may appoint observers who have free access at any time to stations and their facilities, as well as to ships and aircraft travelling to Antarctica. After being commented on by the countries concerned, the reports of these inspections (Figure 14) are then presented to the CPE and the RCTA, which can make recommendations. While these inspections have long concerned government scientific research stations, they are now increasingly targeted at tourist vessels or shipments dependent on private operators.

2.4. Mineral Resource Development: Let’s get the truth straight about the post-2048 period

Among the provisions of the Madrid Protocol that are best known to the general public is the moratorium on the exploitation of mineral resources (Article 7). It specifies that “any activity relating to mineral resources, other than scientific research, is prohibited”. But it is also the most misunderstood provision in the media, which generally wrongly claims that this moratorium will end 50 years after the Protocol enters into force in 2048.

Indeed, like the Antarctic Treaty, the Madrid Protocol has no scheduled end in its text. However, its Article 25 provides that it may be amended at any time with the unanimous agreement of the Consultative Parties, or that after 50 years, a Consultative Party that so wishes may request that the subject be discussed at a specific conference. This would then trigger an extremely cumbersome and binding process of adoption and ratification by States, which would require, in order to be effective, that three-quarters of the Consultative Parties, including all countries that were Consultative Parties in 1991 (26 countries at the time), approve the proposed amendment.

In other words, the drafters of the Protocol have taken such precautions to ensure its robustness that a change in its content from 2048 onwards, and in particular the end of the moratorium on mineral resource exploitation, remains highly unlikely.

3. CCAMLR: fisheries resources and marine protected areas

krill - fonds marins antarctique - animal at the base of the marine
Figure 15. Krill, at the base of the marine animal food chain in the Southern Ocean, is increasingly being fished, mainly for use as fish farm food. The quantities taken and especially the fishing methods are a source of concern for the sustainability of marine ecosystems around Antarctica. [Source: By Uwe Kils I am willing to give the image in 1700 resolution to Wikipedia Uwe Kils[CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons]
If the exploitation of mineral resources is prohibited, Antarctica has other resources currently exploited: marine living resources. In response to the growing commercial interest in krill and the overexploitation of several marine species in the past, CCAMLR was established in 1982 with the objective of conserving these resources. It now has 25 Members (24 States plus the European Union) and 11 acceding countries that undertake to comply with the provisions of the Convention without having signed or ratified it. It is applicable to all populations of fish, molluscs, crustaceans and seabirds encountered south of the Antarctic convergence [6] (Figure 15). CCAMLR adopts an ecosystem-based management approach, which does not exclude exploitation, provided that it is conducted in a sustainable manner and takes into account the effects of fishing on other components of the ecosystem.

zone peche krill antarctique - ross sea marine protected area
Figure 16. Ross Sea Marine Protected Area, showing the adopted zoning: integral protection area (A), scientific research area (B) and krill fishing area only. [Source: © U.S. Department of State. OES/OPA. January 2017. https://www.state.gov/e/oes/ocns/opa/ross/index.htm]
In 2009, the first High Seas Marine Protected Area (MPA), covering 94,000 km2 on the southern plateau of the South Orkney Islands, was launched. CCAMLR then continued its work to propose the classification of other MPAs. In October 2016, Member countries agreed on a proposal by the United States and New Zealand to establish the world’s largest marine protected area, covering 1.55 million square kilometres in the Ross Sea. Some activities will be limited to meet specific conservation, habitat protection, ecosystem monitoring and fisheries management objectives (Figure 16). 72% of the GPA will be a “no catch” area, in which all fishing activities will be prohibited, while in other parts, fishing for fish and krill will be allowed, but only for scientific research purposes. Negotiations are continuing on other classification proposals, notably in East Antarctica, a project led by France and Australia.

4. Scientific research, a recognized value of Antarctica

Since its discovery, Antarctica has remained an inexhaustible reservoir of scientific discoveries, a place that concentrates all the issues of current societal interest: climate change, ozone depletion, biodiversity erosion, etc. The Antarctic Peninsula, for example, is probably, along with the Arctic, the region of the world where warming is most sensitive: between 2 and 4°C over the past 50 years. This directly affects food resources at sea, which in this sector, in conjunction with poorly regulated krill fishing practices, leads to the decline of some bird populations (Figure 17).

manchots adelie - adelie penguins
Figure 17. Adelie penguins. This species is declining in the Antarctic Peninsula, due to the combined effects of climate change, krill fishing and tourism. On the other hand, in the Adelian Land where these environmental pressures do not exist, populations of this species tend to increase. [Source: © Clotilde Dubois, IPEV]
Climate change is also responsible for the retreat of many glaciers or the break-up of ice shelves floating on the edge of the continent. According to the IPCC, the resulting acceleration in the flow of land glaciers is likely to significantly increase the contribution of the 6th continent to global sea level rise in the coming years.

This scientific value of Antarctica is specifically recognized by the Madrid Protocol, Annex V of which on Specially Protected Areas specifies that any region, including any maritime region, may be designated as an “Antarctic Specially Protected Area” to protect outstanding environmental, scientific, historical or aesthetic values, or the wild state of nature, or any combination thereof, as well as any ongoing or planned scientific research.

5. A single governance, but will it stand the test of time?

drapeaux station dumont d'urville - terre adelie - antarctique - antarctic treaty
Figure 18. The flags displayed at the Dumont d’Urville station in Terre Adélie in January 2014 attest to the presence of researchers of various nationalities working together. [Source: © Philippe Apelt, IPEV]
The Antarctic Treaty and its associated instruments therefore offer a unique international legal system which, since its creation and through successive improvements, has worked rather well, demonstrating that it is possible for States to agree on such noble objectives as scientific research or environmental protection (Figure 18). But since decision-making is based on consensus, it is not always easy to make rapid progress on major issues such as the regulation of tourism activities, the establishment of new research stations, the creation of marine protected areas, etc. The rise of certain nations that have hitherto been quite discreet in Antarctica, such as China, which is constantly increasing the number of its research infrastructures throughout the continent and does not hesitate to use terms such as “use of Antarctica” (RCTA 2017 in Beijing) publicly, may also in the future disturb somewhat the well-established game of this atypical governance. The future will tell whether the tools of the Antarctic Treaty System and its current mode of operation are robust enough to respond to these new pressures.


References and notes

Cover image. Emperor penguins in Adelie Land at the end of the breeding season in December. [Source: © Alain Mathieu, IPEV]

[1] This article is based on and supplements an article by the same author published in the Revue Australe et Polaire No. 82 of December 2017 published by the AMAEPF (http://www.amaepf.fr/)

[2] CCAS – Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals

[3] CCAMLR – Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

[4] EGIE – Global Environmental Impact Assessment

[5] IAATO – International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators

[6] Cetaceans are considered by the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, signed in 1946 and therefore prior to the establishment of the Antarctic Treaty. It is the International Whaling Commission that therefore deals with whale issues in the Southern Ocean.

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引用这篇文章: FRENOT Yves (2019年2月11日), The Antarctic Treaty: a unique governance for the environment and science, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月15日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/society/antarctic-treaty-unique-governance-for-environment-and-science/.
