Soil erosion: a story of fluid and grains


No material is so hard that it can withstand the onslaught of time without eroding. Water and wind patiently sculpt all the obstacles that stand in their way, whether natural or man-made. The issue of soil erosion by surface or deep water flow is addressed here through the problem of the resistance of embankment dikes and dams to water infiltration or water flow on their surface. A typology of the different possible erosion mechanisms is proposed. The characterization of the resistance properties of a soil to erosion is then evoked, as well as some design rules to curb erosion. The concepts discussed in this article are illustrated by examples of disorders observed on real structures, as well as by laboratory and field experiments, and by numerical simulations.

1. Eternal competition between soil, air and water

Water and wind shape our landscapes. On large scales, water falls as precipitation, the intensity of which can destructure the soil and wash it away by runoff. The water then forms torrents and rivers which, by transporting huge quantities of sediment, incise the landscape by creating valleys. Along the coastline, the repeated onslaught of waves changes the coastline as storms roll in. In gusts of wind, the wind moves dunes and raises clouds of dust that sometimes redeposit several thousand kilometres away (the sand of the Sahara, for example, is capable of crossing the Atlantic).

Figure 1: Overflow of the Chalabre dam (Aude department, January 2020) and resulting erosion niche [photos P. Gastineau and A. Wautier].
On a smaller scale, soil erosion is a matter of fluids (air or water) and grains, because soil can be seen as a granular material composed of grains in more or less complex interactions between them (Read: How matter deforms: fluids and solids). A flow exerts mechanical stresses on these grains and can, if sufficiently intense, destructure the soil, which then loses material and is carried away by the flow.

By building dikes and dams, man has been able to control the impact of water on his environment more and more effectively. Although today we often think of them as concrete structures, most of the existing dikes and dams are made of fill, i.e. compacted earth. These structures protect us, for example, from the onslaught of floods and storms, but they can also guarantee us a resource of water (drinking or irrigation water) and energy. Like all human constructions, they are not indestructible and are also subject to erosion. In this article, we propose to present the issue of soil erosion from the particular angle of erosion of dikes and dams (Figure 1). In this sense, the article is not intended to be exhaustive and does not address many issues such as soil desertification or the erosion of agricultural land [1]. It nevertheless presents soil erosion mechanisms that are far from being specific to dikes and dams alone, as well as the strategies developed to study them and limit their effects.

2. Different modes of erosion of dikes and dams

erosion sol - tumulus sable
Figure 2: Example of a sand mound resulting from a “sand boil” downstream of a dyke (Agly dyke, March 2013) [Source: © P. Mériaux].
At the scale of a structure, erosion under the effect of a water flow can be classified into two main families of phenomena. If the water erodes the visible parts of the structure, it is called external erosion. Conversely, if water erodes invisible parts of the structure or its foundation, it is called internal erosion [2]. It should be noted, and we will come back to this a little later, that the terms “external” and “internal” refer to the structure and not to the material. At the scale of the material, erosion occurs either on the surface of the material or directly in its volume, depending on the situation.

Internal and external erosion are responsible for about 50% and 45% of embankment dam failures, respectively, according to worldwide statistics [3]. However, the conditions of their occurrence, as well as their speed of development and their consequences in terms of the embrittlement of the structures they affect are still largely open questions, and much research is currently being carried out on the subject. In the current state of knowledge, it is therefore not possible to justify by calculation the resistance of an embankment dam in the event of uncontrolled overflow of the reservoir, even if experience shows that the dam can resist provided that the overflow does not last too long.

With regard to internal erosion, the work carried out over the last fifteen years or so has led to a classification, widely shared in the scientific community, into four mechanisms [4]. A distinction is made between regressive erosion, conduit erosion, contact erosion and suffusion.

  • Backward erosion corresponds to the entrainment from downstream of the material at the outlet of the internal flow. It is triggered by an internal flow in the ground that emerges perpendicular to the soil/water interface and is manifested by the appearance of “sand boils” (Figure 2). If the flow is too intense, the soil grains closest to the surface are washed away. Water laden with suspended particles gushes out of the soil. As the flow slows down, the particles redeposit themselves and small mounds, similar to miniature volcanoes, are often observed. If this process continues over time, the particles deposited come from increasingly distant areas and, as time goes on, an erosion conduit is created from downstream to upstream.
essai erosion sol
Figure 3: Example of a piping erosion test [photo from Hanson et al. (2010)[6], USDA Agricultural Research Service credit].
  • Piping erosion (or concentrated flow erosion) is the widening of a pre-existing conduit [5], such as a burrow, a crack, poor compaction along a pipeline or a conduit left by root decomposition. The water flowing through the pipe exerts shear forces at its edges that can pull material off the surface if the flow is sufficiently intense. The diameter of the conduit thus increases gradually, allowing an increasingly large flow of water to pass through, which will sustain the phenomenon until it encounters a stronger material or until the collapse of the conduit is observed (Figure 3).
  • Contact erosion occurs at an interface between fine and coarse soil when water flows either parallel to the interface or from the fine to the coarse material. When the flow is strong enough, the fine material can be eroded if the grains of the fine material are small enough to squeeze between the coarse grains of the coarse material. If the layers of material are arranged horizontally, contact erosion usually causes settlement (Figure 4).
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Figure 4. Development of contact erosion in a laboratory experiment [[7]].
  • Suffusion is the selective erosion of the smallest grains in a soil. In a granular material (Read: Sand: fluid or solid?), not all the grains are stressed in the same way to take up the mechanical stresses that are applied to the soil. Only a small fraction of the grains (barely 20%) transmit the main mechanical stresses. The other grains are only slightly stressed and can then easily be set in motion by an internal flow of water. If the granulometry (i.e. the distribution of grain sizes) is such that the smallest soil grains can circulate between the largest soil grains, a fraction of the soil will be able to erode under the effect of this internal flow. The soil in place then becomes more porous until it eventually collapses in on itself or encourages the establishment of other erosion mechanisms as the flow intensifies. In practice, this mechanism is difficult to demonstrate because the traces of suffusion are hardly visible before a break and are then completely erased by the break. Nevertheless, the phenomenon can be demonstrated in the laboratory.

erosion embankment structures
Figure 5. Towards a taxonomy of the erosion of embankment structures [Source: © A. Wautier]
The mechanisms of internal erosion, which nevertheless take place hidden from view below the soil surface, are now well identified. The same cannot be said of external erosion, certainly because its typology is more varied and the fluid flows considered are often very turbulent. To date, no classification of external erosion has been stabilised. However, overflow, shoreline erosion, local scouring and wave erosion can be mentioned as examples (Figure 5). Note that the names given in this article are personal and will be updated depending on upcoming research results.

  • Overflowing corresponds to the overflow of the water level over the crest of a dyke or dam. The result is an intense flow over the ground surface. The shear forces exerted by the water can then pull out grains and carry them along with it. This is certainly the most feared and spectacular erosion mechanism in relation to the failure of dams or embankments.
  • Shoreline erosion mainly concerns river dikes subject to the action of the river’s current and more generally river banks. In this case, the water flows parallel to the axis of the structure. Even if locally the fluid/grain interaction is similar to overflow (a flow of water on the ground surface), bank erosion involves less intense shear forces. On the other hand, they are more constant over time and can weaken the dike or bank that is subject to them in the long term.
  • Local scouring is the action of a jet of water on the ground following, for example, an overflow over a rigid structure. This type of concentrated flow, which impacts the ground perpendicularly to its surface, will locally dig into the ground. Once the process has begun, the recirculation of water and the eddies at work in the basin can help to maintain the erosion active.
  • Wave erosion is visible either by surge or by overtopping. Wave surge corresponds to the repeated action of waves breaking over an obstacle, much like on the beach. A dam or dyke prevents waves from spreading over the surface of a body of water and causes them to break. This surge generates energy that can sometimes destructure the impacted material and put grains in suspension. Overtopping corresponds to the flow of packets of water downstream of an obstacle following the breaking of waves large enough to reach the crest of the obstacle. It is this phenomenon that generates water sheaves that are as spectacular as they are dangerous during seaside storms. As the water falls back to the ground, it may have enough energy to carry some material with it. The energy levels involved in the overtopping are lower than in the surge, but the soils impacted are often less well protected because they are on the downstream side of the structure.

3. Characterize soil erodability

idealized surface erosion pattern
Figure 6. Idealized surface erosion pattern [Source: © A. Wautier]
The erodability of a soil results from the application of a flow that is too intense in relation to the mechanical resistance characteristics of a material. The term erodability contains two pieces of information which refer on the one hand to the initiation of erosion and on the other hand to its kinetics once erosion has started.

In the case where an interface between a solid and a fluid domain can be distinguished, and the fluid flows parallel to this interface, the erosion can be characterized as surface erosion at the material scale. The intensity of the flow is then characterized by the shear stress exerted by the fluid at this interface. The resistance of a soil to flow is characterized by the cohesion of the material as well as by its volume weight. This leads to the writing of a criterion for the initiation of erosion by comparing driving forces and resistant forces. The kinetics of erosion then results on the one hand from spatial fluctuations in the mechanical properties of the soil and on the other hand from spatio-temporal fluctuations in the fluid stresses at the interface, the latter being partly due to turbulence.

laboratory test soil sample erosion
Figure 7. Example of a laboratory test conducted at the INRAE. HET device (top) and soil sample before and after piping erosion (bottom) [[8]].
The situation described above (Figure 6) involves a two-phase geometry with a well-identified solid domain and fluid domain. It allows to describe some external erosion mechanisms but also the piping erosion mechanism (among the four internal eriosion mechanisms) which can be seen by looking at the local scale as surface erosion (at the edges of the conduit), and to a lesser extent the case of contact erosion with parallel flow at the interface. On the other hand, the other internal erosion mechanisms (backward  erosion, contact erosion with flow perpendicular to the interface and suffusion) involve flows in the volume and need to be analysed in more detail by considering the individual balance of the elementary soil grains.

A few laboratory tests exist today to characterize the erodability of a material, both in terms of the occurrence of the phenomenon (from which flow intensity) and the kinetics (at which speed a material erodes). These tests include the HET [8] (Hole Erosion Test) (Figure 7) adapted to the study of pipe erosion, the JET [9] (Jet Erosion Test) and the EFA [10] (Erosion Function Apparatus) adapted to the study of external erosion, or the suffusion permeameter adapted to the study of internal suffusion erosion. The interpretation of the first three devices is based on a surface erosion model (other models exist [11]) based on two parameters: an erosion coefficient (characterising the erosion kinetics) and a critical fluid stress (characterising the erosion initiation). The interpretation of the suffusion test is still missing of a well-established theoretical framework and remains, for the time being, a trial for research purposes only.

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Figure 8: Illustration of digital work at grain scale. Study of suffusion on the left [[13]] and simulation of erosion by jet flow on the right [[14]].
With the development of numerical computational tools, and in particular the rise of discrete element [12] methods (DEM) coupled with fluid flow resolution methods, it is now possible to address the issue of soil erosion directly at the microscopic scale (that of the grains constituting the material) (Figure 8). At this scale, we no longer really talk about erosion but about the detachment, transport and deposition/clogging of grains. A lot of research is now being carried out to link this very local vision with the engineer’s more global vision at the scale of the structure. The results of this small-scale work serve to clarify the erosion laws observed on a larger scale.

4. Some good practices to limit internal and external erosion

Knowledge of the various internal erosion mechanisms makes it possible to devise strategies to limit the action of water on the soil. These require the formulation of a certain number of “good conduct” rules. For dams and dikes, these rules, called recommendations, are written by the profession within national and international committees. These include the French Committee on Dams and Reservoirs (CFBR [15]) and the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD [16]).

Feedback teaches us that it is much easier to prevent than to heal because, once erosion has started, it is difficult to stop it before the structure concerned breaks. For example, the emblematic failure of the Teton Dam [17] in the United States in 1976 occurred only a few hours after the first leaks were detected and despite desperate attempts to repair it.

First of all, the choice of materials used to erect an embankment must be adapted to the hydraulic stresses to which it will be subjected. If, despite everything, the hydraulic stresses generated in a crisis situation are too intense, protection measures aimed specifically at limiting the hydraulic stress on the most fragile materials can be implemented (Read: Soil reinforcement: techniques that have become essential). Here are a few examples of strategies that can be implemented (this list is of course not exhaustive):

  • The use of low-permeability clay materials limits the intensity of flows infiltrating the soil and reduces the likelihood of internal erosion (Read: Clays: a surprisingly natural nanomaterial).
  • The respect of filter criteria between different materials in contact and the respect of self-filtration criteria for each material limits the risk of observing contact internal erosion or suffusion. If these criteria cannot be met, the use of geotextiles to be placed between the two soil layers in question can be used.
  • Maintained vegetation and control of burrowing animals will limit the presence of conduits conducive to piping erosion.
  • The intrinsic resistance of a soil to erosion can be improved through chemical processes (lime treated soils, mixing with a bentonite and cement slurry,…) or biochemical processes (soil bio-calcification) which increase the cohesion between the elementary soil grains.
  • Grass cover (or low vegetation) limits the shear stress exerted by a runoff at the soil surface (increase in the thickness of the boundary layer [18]) and thus delays the onset of erosion. The presence of vegetation also limits the destructuring of the soil by the splash effect during heavy rainfall or when waves pass over it.
  • The placement of riprap acts as a shell to the waves and dissipates their energy before they reach the finer materials.
  • The installation of a counter-reservoir downstream of a structure subject to regressive erosion limits the difference in water level between upstream and downstream and therefore the intensity of internal flows. This is why, for example, sandbags are placed around a “sand boil” during a crisis situation.

5. What future for dam and dyke protection technology?

Today a typology of soil erosion by water flow exists with regard to internal erosion (regressive erosion, conduit erosion, contact erosion and suffusion). On the other hand, the classification of external erosion mechanisms is still under discussion by the profession and the four mechanisms presented in this article should be considered only as a first basis for reflection.

A number of construction techniques are used to limit as much as possible the action of water on erodible soil. These techniques are based on the current state of scientific knowledge, which has not yet been completely stabilised. The understanding of the physics of erosion certainly remains a widely open problem and a very active field of research.

Figure 9. Remobilisation of material by backward erosion in a torrent (Manival, Isère department) [Source: © F. Fontaine, INRAE].
The different erosion mechanisms discussed in this paper are presented in relation to the behaviour of embankment dams and dykes, but they can be transposed to other situations involving natural materials (i.e. not modified by man) such as, for example, oil extraction where sand can be extracted by suffusion or backward erosion (Figure 9) at the same time as the oil (referred to as “sand production”), or the failure by erosion of natural dams resulting from landslides across watercourses.

As for the geomorphological erosion mentioned in the introduction, this is the result of a wider range of phenomena with visible consequences over much longer periods of time. The erosion mechanisms mentioned in this article are of course involved in the shaping of landscapes, but we could add to them landslides, various chemical alterations, freeze/thaw cycles, sediment transport, glacial creep, wind transport, impact of vegetation, etc.

6. Messages to remember

  • Under the action of a fluid (water or air), soil (natural or man-made) can erode either on its surface at the interface with the fluid flow, or in its volume under the action of water infiltration.
  • All earth structures are permeable and subject to erosion. A good design and a good follow-up make it possible to limit the phenomenon and to be able to start work in time in the event of disorder noted.
  • Soil erosion is still a very active research topic, whether from the point of view of understanding the physics of the different erosion mechanisms, characterizing the resistance properties of soils and the development speeds of the different mechanisms, or even technologies for detecting, measuring and monitoring in situ erosion.
  • The research is based on laboratory experiments (on the scale of the material), field experiments (on the scale of the work) and digital simulations (digital experiments).

Notes and References

Cover image. (Blackman dam, Tasmania, 2005. Photo Credit: The Mercury and Kim Eiszele)

[1] Van Oost, K. et al. 2007. The impact of agricultural soil erosion on the global carbon cycle. Science, 318, (5850), 626-629.

[2] This is still sometimes referred to as the hydraulic fox.

[3] Foster, M. et al. 2000. The statistics of embankment dam failures and accidents. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 37, 1000-1024.

[4] Bonelli, S. (2012). Erosion of geomaterials. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons

[5] This type of erosion is thus only found in cohesive materials that allow a conduit to exist without collapsing.

[6] Hanson, G. et al. 2010. Internal erosion and impact of erosion resistance. Collaborative management of integrated watersheds. Proc. of 30th annual USSD conference, 773-784.

[7] Beguin, R. (2011). Multi-scale study of contact erosion in earthen hydraulic structures. PhD thesis. University of Grenoble.

[8] Benahmed, N. and Bonelli, S. (2012). Investigating concentrated leak erosion behaviour of cohesive soils by performing hole erosion tests. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 16(1), 43-58.

[9] Hanson G. J. and Cook K. R. (2004). Apparatus, Test Procedures and Analytical Methods to Measure Soil

Erodibility In Situ. Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE, 20(4), 455-462.

[10] Briaud, J. L. et al. (2001). Erosion function apparatus for scour rate predictions. Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, 127(2), 105-113.

[11] Knapen, A. et al. 2007. Resistance of soils to concentrated flow erosion: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 80(1-2), 75-109.


[13] Wautier, A. (2018). Micro-inertial analysis of mechanical instabilities in granular media, application to internal erosion. PhD thesis. Aix-Marseille University.

[14] Benseghier, Z. (2019). Numerical study of the erosion of a cohesive granular material by fluid flow. PhD thesis. Aix-Marseille University.




[18] Size of the area over which a flow passes from zero velocity to its maximum velocity as shown in Figure 2.

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: WAUTIER Antoine (October 20, 2021), Soil erosion: a story of fluid and grains, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 14, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

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图1.沙拉布尔(Chalabre)大坝溢流(2020年1月,奥德省)造成了土壤侵蚀穴(erosion niche)[图片来源: P. Gastineau and A.Wautier]




图2.堤岸下游“沙涌”导致沙丘形成的例子(阿格利大坝,2013年3月)[图片来源: P. Mériaux]

  在堤坝设施结构层面,水流作用下的侵蚀主要分为两种类型。如果水流侵蚀了设施的可见部分,称为外部侵蚀。反之,如果水流侵蚀了设施的不可见部分或根基,则称为内部侵蚀[2]。应当注意的是“外部 “和 “内部 “这两个词是指设施结构本身而非材料,在下文中会继续讨论。在材料层面,侵蚀会发生在材料的表面或直接发生于其内部,取决于不同情况。


  关于内部侵蚀,过去15年开展的研究工作提出了四种机制,并得到学界广泛认可[4],即逆向侵蚀(regressive erosion),管涌侵蚀(conduit erosion),接触侵蚀(contact erosion)和潜蚀(suffusion)。

  • 逆向侵蚀是指在流体出口处附近的物质或土壤被带走、侵蚀或移动的过程。这由垂直于土壤/水界面的地下的内部水流触发,表现为“沙涌”的出现(图2)。如果水流湍急,最接近地表的土壤颗粒就会被冲走,悬浊液从土壤中喷涌而出。随着流速减缓,颗粒重新沉积,通常会观察到类似微型火山锥形的小丘。若此过程持续一段时间,沉积的颗粒物将来自越来越远的区域,随着时间的推移,就会形成从下游到上游的侵蚀通道。
图3. 管涌侵蚀试验的例子[图片来源:Hanson等。(2010)[6],美国农业部(USDA)农业研究服务部门授权]
  • 管涌侵蚀(或集中流侵蚀)是指原有侵蚀通道的扩张[5],如坑洞、裂隙、未压实或根分解后遗留的通道。流经通道的水在其边缘产生剪切力,如果流量足够大,可以将物质从通道表面冲刷出来。通道的直径会因此逐渐增大,使得越来越强的水流通过,该现象会一直持续直到遇到抗蚀性更强的物质或通道发生坍塌(图3)。
  • 接触侵蚀发生在细颗粒与粗颗粒土壤之间的界面上,包含水流平行于界面流动和从细颗粒流向粗颗粒土壤两种情形。当水流强度足够大时,如果土壤细颗粒小到能够挤入土壤的粗颗粒之间,细颗粒就会被侵蚀。如果不同大小的土壤颗粒层水平排列,接触侵蚀通常会导致其发生沉降(图4)。
  • 潜蚀是对土壤中最小颗粒物选择性侵蚀。在土壤颗粒中(沙子:液体还是固体?),并非所有的颗粒都以相同的方式承受着施加于土壤的机械应力。只有少部分仅约20%颗粒传递主要的机械应力。其他颗粒受力较小,容易随内部水流发生运移。如果粒度组成(即粒径分布)使得最小的土壤颗粒可以在最大土壤颗粒之间流动,那么部分土壤将会在内部流动的作用下发生侵蚀。土壤将会变得更多孔,直到最终崩塌,抑或随着水流的加剧,促进其他侵蚀机制的形成。这种机制很难在现实中被证实,因为潜蚀的痕迹在结构破裂前几乎无法被观察到,在破裂后也会消失殆尽。尽管如此,这一现象却可以在实验室中观测到。
图5.堤坝设施侵蚀的分类 [图片来源: A. Wautier]

  上述几类发生在土壤表面以下的内部侵蚀,其机制已经比较清楚了,而外部侵蚀的情况并非如此,因为其类型更加多样,流体流动性更强。迄今为止,还没有公认的外部侵蚀分类标准。但是溢流(overflow),岸带侵蚀(shoreline erosion),局部冲刷(local scouring)和浪蚀(wave erosion)都可以作为示例(图5)。关于外部侵蚀的分类较为初步,将根据后续研究结果持续完善。

  • 溢流是指水位超过堤坝或水坝的顶部溢出而形成地表强烈的水流。水流施加的剪切力可以拖拽并输运颗粒,这种侵蚀机制最令人担忧,因为可能会导致溃坝。
  • 岸带侵蚀主要发生在受水流影响的河堤,或通常意义上的河岸。在这种情况下,水流与堤岸平行。即使局部的流体/颗粒物的相互作用类似于溢流(水在地表的流动),堤岸侵蚀中的剪切力也不是特别强烈。另一方面,从长远来看,这些剪切力随时间持续,并可能减弱河堤或河岸的作用。
  • 局部冲刷是指水流喷射到地面导致的侵蚀,例如刚性结构上的溢流。这类集中水流垂直冲击地表,对地面造成局部冲刷。一旦这个过程开始,水的再循环和盆地中的涡流作用有助于加强这种侵蚀行为。
  • 浪蚀是指由浪涌(surge)漫顶(overtopping)两种形式引起的波浪侵蚀。浪涌是波浪反复冲击障碍物的行为,就像海浪冲刷沙滩一样。堤坝可以防止波浪在水面上扩散并使其中断。这种浪涌产生的能量有时会破坏障碍物的结构,使颗粒物处于悬浮状态。漫顶是指当波浪大到足以到达障碍物的顶点时,水流顺着障碍物向下游流动。在海边风暴期间,漫顶产生的风浪既壮观又危险。当水流回落时,可能带走一些物质。虽然漫顶产生的能量比浪涌低,但因为受影响的土壤位于堤坝的下游,漫顶对土壤的侵蚀比浪涌要更大。


图6.理想状况下表面侵蚀模式[图片来源: A.Wautier]





  目前一些实验室的测试可以表征材料的可蚀性,包括侵蚀现象的发生(由此产生的流动强度)和侵蚀动力学(材料侵蚀的速度)两个方面。这些测试包括HET测试(Hole Erosion Test)[8](图7),适用于管涌侵蚀的研究,JET测试(Jet Erosion Test)[9]和EFA测试(Erosion Function Apparatus)[10],适用于外部侵蚀的研究,或适用于内部潜蚀研究的潜蚀渗透仪(suffusion permeameter)。对前三种测试的解释基于表面侵蚀模型(还存在其他模型[11]),该模型基于两个参数:一个是侵蚀系数(表征侵蚀动力学),另一个是临界流体应力(表征侵蚀的起始)。但对潜蚀测试的解释仍缺乏建立完善的理论框架,目前仅是以研究为目的的测试。


  随着数值计算工具的发展,特别是离散元素方法[12](DEM,discrete element method)与流体流动解析方法(fluid flow resolution method)相结合的兴起,可以直接在微观尺度(即构成材料的颗粒尺度)上解决土壤侵蚀问题(图8)。在该尺度下,我们不再真正讨论侵蚀,而是土壤颗粒的剥离运移沉积/堵塞。目前有大量研究,将这种非常局部的视角与工程师在结构尺度上的更全局的视角联系起来。这项小尺度的研究结果有助于在更大范围内澄清观察到的侵蚀规律。





  • 低渗透性的粘土材料能够限制渗入土壤的水流强度,并减少内部侵蚀发生的可能性(黏土:令人惊讶的天然纳米材料)。
  • 不同材料接触时的过滤标准和每一种材料自身的过滤标准,限制了观测内部接触侵蚀或潜蚀的风险。如果不能满足这些过滤标准,则可以使用土工布将涉及的两种土壤层之间进行隔离。
  • 植被覆盖控制穴居动物将限制管涌侵蚀。
  • 土壤的内在抗侵蚀能力能够通过化学过程(石灰处理的土壤,与膨润土和水泥浆混合等)和生物化学过程(土壤生物钙化)得到提升,这些过程增加了土壤颗粒之间的粘结力。
  • 草地覆盖(或矮植被)能限制地表径流施加在土壤表面的剪切力(边界层厚度增加[17]),因此延缓了侵蚀的发生。植被的存在也缓解了大雨或水浪通过时的溅蚀效应对土壤所造成的破坏。
  • 乱石堤对海浪来说就像一个外壳,在海浪到达细颗粒土壤之前使其能量消散。
  • 在受逆向侵蚀的堤坝下游设置一个反调节水库,能够减小上下游的水位差,从而减缓内部流动的强度。这就是危机状况下在“沙涌”周围放置沙袋的原因。




[图片来源: F. Fontaine,国家法国国家农业、食品与环境研究所(INRAE)]。




  • 在流体(水或空气)的作用下,土壤(天然的或人造的)既可以在与流体接触的界面上发生侵蚀,也可以经过水渗透作用在内部发生侵蚀。
  • 所有的土质结构都是可渗透且容易受到侵蚀。良好的设计和措施可以使这种现象得以控制,并能够在出现问题的时候及时采取措施。
  • 无论是从了解不同侵蚀机制的物理学角度,还是从表征土壤抗蚀特性和不同侵蚀机制的发展速度角度,甚至是从原位侵蚀调查、测量和监测的技术角度而言,土壤侵蚀仍然是一个备受关注的研究方向
  • 本研究是基于实验室水平(材料尺度)、现场实验(现场工作规模)和数字模拟(数字实验)开展的。




封面照片(布莱克曼大坝,塔斯马尼亚,2005。照片来源:水星新闻图片社,金·艾泽勒(Kim Eiszele))

[1] Van Oost, K. et al. 2007. The impact of agricultural soil erosion on the global carbon cycle. Science, 318, (5850), 626-629.

[2]  有时也被称为hydraulic fox。

[3] Foster, M. et al. 2000. The statistics of embankment dam failures and accidents. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 37, 1000-1024.

[4] Bonelli, S. (2012). Erosion of geomaterials. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons

[5] 这种类型的侵蚀只出现在粘性材料中,因为这种材料允许通道的存在而不会塌陷。

[6] Hanson, G. et al. 2010. Internal erosion and impact of erosion resistance. Collaborative management of integrated watersheds. Proc. of 30th annual USSD conference, 773-784.

[7] Beguin, R. (2011). Multi-scale study of contact erosion in earthen hydraulic structures. PhD thesis. University of Grenoble.

[8] Benahmed, N. and Bonelli, S. (2012). Investigating concentrated leak erosion behaviour of cohesive soils by performing hole erosion tests. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 16(1), 43-58.

[9] Hanson G. J. and Cook K. R. (2004). Apparatus, Test Procedures and Analytical Methods to Measure Soil

Erodibility In Situ. Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE, 20(4), 455-462.

[10] Briaud, J. L. et al. (2001). Erosion function apparatus for scour rate predictions. Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, 127(2), 105-113.

[11] Knapen, A. et al. 2007. Resistance of soils to concentrated flow erosion: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 80(1-2), 75-109.


[13] Wautier, A. (2018). Micro-inertial analysis of mechanical instabilities in granular media, application to internal erosion. PhD thesis. Aix-Marseille University.

[14] Benseghier, Z. (2019). Numerical study of the erosion of a cohesive granular material by fluid flow. PhD thesis. Aix-Marseille University.




[18] Size of the area over which a flow passes from zero velocity to its maximum velocity as shown in Figure 2.

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: WAUTIER Antoine (March 4, 2024), 土壤侵蚀:流体和颗粒物的故事, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 14, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

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