
rockfall - landslides

  在年轻的山脉(喜马拉雅山脉、安第斯山脉、阿尔卑斯山脉等)区,滑坡等岩石崩塌现象十分频繁,有时石块体积巨大,因此是主要自然灾害。其造成的地面破裂几乎遍布所有岩体中的结构软弱面。这些结构面源于成岩过程(沉积岩的层理面、岩浆岩的冷缩裂隙等),或构造运动(构造过程中因板块运动形成大小不一的裂缝和断层)。岩体失稳可能局限于表层,波及范围有限,如所有泄洪区都经常出现石块和碎屑崩落。然而,特定岩体的非连续面与边坡走向上,岩层滑动或翻转程度也相对较大,最终形成的大型滑坡体可达数千万立方米。不幸的是,地震后时常发生大型岩体断裂(如1970年的瓦斯卡兰山(Huascaran), 和2014年的尼泊尔(Nepal)。尽管可以采取支挡、锚固、防护网等岩体防护措施,但要将其应用于所有已确定风险的地点,如城市、村庄、山路或岩石海岸附近的悬崖,所需成本巨大、难以承受。

图1. 滑坡类型。
(glissement sur 1 plan 在一个平面上滑移,glissement sur 2 plan 在两个平面上滑移, glissement 滑移, chute libre 自由落体, rebond 回弹, Enjeu 利害关系者, Basculement 倾斜,glissement rotationnel 旋转滑移, Escarpement 滑坡壁, Fissures de traction 拉伸裂纹, Limite latérale 滑坡周界, Bourrelet de pied 滑坡舌, Surface de rupture 破裂面)



1. 岩质滑坡

图2. 法国吕克的滑坡(Luc’s Claps)。 [照片由迪迪尔·马泽·布拉谢(Didier Mazet-Brachet)提供]


  平推式滑坡通常发生于岩体中已存在的一个或两个非连续面(称为楔形面)。法国迪瓦地区吕克市镇的滑坡事件(Claps de luco-en-diois)就是典型例子:1442年,由于德龙(Drôme)河侵蚀了边坡底部,厚厚的石灰岩层在层理面上发生滑动(图2)。滑坡体积超过1 hm3。但过去两千年里,阿尔卑斯山地区最大的滑坡是1248年11月影响格拉尼尔山(Mont Granier)北部泥灰岩边坡的滑坡事件。近500 hm3的泥灰岩在层状节理上向东滑动,摧毁了好几个村庄,造成1000多人死亡(图3)。

图3. 格兰尼尔(Granier)滑坡。 [照片由D·汉茨(D. Hantz)提供]

  旋转型滑坡发生于轴对称表面;有时被称为圆弧型滑坡,因为在垂直截面上,滑动面呈圆弧状。这类滑坡可能发生在连续性地块 (如土壤) 中,也可能在没有非连续面的情况下发生平推式滑坡。从法国昆布兰市镇的滑坡(La Clapière)到圣艾蒂安德锡涅村的滑坡(Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée)就属于旋转型滑坡,滑坡体约为50 hm3(图4)。


图4. 昆布兰市镇的滑坡(Clapier)。[图片来源:© Lithothèque/PACA. http://www.lithotheque.ac-aix-marseille.fr/ ]

  人类也能引发山体滑坡。最著名的例子是意大利托克山(Mont Toc)滑坡。瓦依昂(Vajont)水库大坝落成并蓄水后,270 hm3的岩石滑进水库,导致水大量溢出大坝,50 m高的水墙摧毁了隆加罗市(Longarone)(导致2000人遇难)。2001年上映的电影《人类的疯狂》(La folie des hommes)讲述了这场灾难。这次滑坡是20世纪阿尔卑斯山规模最大的高速滑坡。

2. 倾倒

图5.塞希利耶讷(Séchilienne)边坡运动示意图。[来源: 皮埃尔·安东尼(Pierre Antoine), 安德烈·吉拉德都(André Giraud), 让·马克·文容(Jean-Marc Vengeon), 1999. http://www.risknat.org/projets /cper/projets1994-1999/04-Vengeon_&_al_2000-Sechilienne.pdf]
(Altitude 海拔,MONT-SEC SEC山, NW 西北方向,SE 东南方向,Crevasses dont l’ouverture est mesurée parextensométrie télétransmnise 用远程应变计测量裂缝宽度,Vecteurs déplacement (géodésie) 位移矢量(大地测量学),Zone de développement de la rupture 断裂发展区,Galerie de reconnaissance instrumentée 仪器监测廊道,Romanche 罗曼什河)

  倾倒是滑坡体围绕其重心下方旋转轴翻转的过程。已有裂隙的岩块发生翻倒与岩层或岩壁发生弯曲不同。法国塞希利耶讷市镇(Séchilienne)塞克山(Mont Sec)的滑坡(图5)是近乎垂直的河岸发生了翻倒,形变层厚度超100 m,导致形成新裂缝,这些裂缝的状态仍在监测中。

3. 岩崩

  岩崩是指岩石在边坡上发生飞溅、弹跳或滚动等快速运动。这在山区非常常见,也见于有悬崖和岩石峭壁的沿海地区。岩崩发生前,相关岩体通常会发生滑坡或倾倒。如果仅有碎石崩落,那落石间几乎没有相互作用。而在大规模岩质滑坡和岩崩中,石块如同颗粒一样流动,块体间的相互作用至关重要,这些块体从几dm3到几百m3不等,滑坡体总体积可达数十hm3。阿尔卑斯山区在20世纪发生了两次大规模山体滑坡,一次是意大利伦巴第的瓦尔波拉(Val Pola)山体滑坡,另一次是瑞士瓦莱州的兰达(Randa)山体滑坡。

4. 如何预测边坡行为?


4.1. 诊断稳定边坡

  利用和规划土地时,必须考虑边坡在百年人类活动时间尺度(human time scale)上的稳定性。为确定给定时间内是否有发生危害的可能,必须明确当前稳定状态(“过”稳定)和可能导致失稳的过程。岩质边坡的稳定性主要取决于鲜为人知的内部结构(岩石不连续面的分布),岩石强度及其不连续性。可能降低岩体稳定性并导致其破裂的主要因素包括:水的存在、冰的作用、地震和其他振动、坡脚受侵蚀或挖掘、过载。如果这些因素是自然产生的,则无法断定其演变进程。此外,我们往往并不了解这些因素的确切作用过程,因而很难模拟。基于此,只能用发生概率来预测和表述稳定边坡的未来行为,专家采用“危险度”一词描述岩体的潜在不稳定性。

  我们无法定量特定岩体破裂的概率(局地性风险),但可以根据历史数据库或地貌测量(如使用激光扫描仪)边坡或匀质地区的边坡位移(弥散性风险),估算单位面积的断裂数量及断裂发生时间(频率)。例如,格勒诺布尔(Grenoble)附近圣埃纳尔山(Mont Saint-Eynard)悬崖的激光扫描仪连续测量结果表明,每年每公顷(hm2:边长为100米的正方形)面积上坠落的岩石体积超过1 m3

4.2. 边坡清理或加固设计


  评估岩体稳定程度最快捷方法是将位移描述为岩体在单个平面上的滑动:比较引起滑动的力(滑动力)和对抗滑动的最大力(抗滑力),抗滑力与滑动力的比值即为边坡稳定性安全系数(safety factor)。只有安全系数大于1才能认定边坡稳定。滑动力的计算不仅要考虑岩体的质量,还要考虑地震或者水渗入边坡等潜在临时事件产生的应力。


4.3. 慢速位移的不稳定边坡监测


5. 岩石的运移距离能有多远?

图6. 能量线法。
(Altitude 海拔,Energie 能量,Position initiale 初始位置, Position finale 最终位置,angle d’énergie 能量角,Energie dissipée 能量耗散,Ligne d’énergie 能量线,Energie cinétique 动力学能量)

  多种力学方法都可用于计算滑坡造成的岩石运动距离。第一个方法基于能量角,可以量化滑坡体位移过程中的能量损失(图6)。滑坡体位移停止时,其势能较位移前更低;在一个边坡剖面中,从位移起始区域画一条线(能量线) ,且其倾角等于能量角,即可判定滑坡体的停止点。三维空间中,停止点位于地形曲面与锥体的交点,锥体顶点为起始区域。对于几百hm3的滑坡体,能量角可以小于10°。格兰尼尔(Granier)滑坡便是典型的例子,滑坡体移动距离超过8公里。岩体崩塌的能量角一般约40°,但位移量最大的岩崩能量角低于30°。


  对于落石,可采用合适的软件计算其在边坡上坠落、弹跳或滚动的轨迹。虽然坠落轨迹的计算较为容易,但难以建立弹跳模型,可以借助能量恢复系数(energy restitution coefficients),该系数表示岩块在边坡弹跳或与另一块体碰撞后初始能量的留存比例。此外,对停留在边坡上落石的观察可为预测落石发生范围和频率提供有效信息。当然,观察结果可能存在偏差,因为近几个世纪,这些落石可能因自然因素或人类使用发生过移动。

图7. 落石模拟的例子:图中白色痕迹为模拟的落石路径;彩色点为边坡上观察到的落石。(模拟软件:Rockyfor3D)



6. 自我防护/如何免受岩体失稳伤害



  • 通用方法,如地表或地下排水,以及利用护坡植被限制径流导致的侵蚀(沟蚀)和机械性能(摩擦力,岩石节理的黏聚力)改变后的渗透;
  • 支护,如挡土墙、锚杆或用喷射混凝土覆盖的锚网;
  • 防护网(悬挂或沿壁锚定),即金属网结构,用以滞留块体和防止坠落石块飞溅;
  • 清理与挖除:这些解决方法也可消除不稳定因素,但较为激进,且并非总能达到预期,例如持续形变以及爆破导致的振动往往会损害被清除部分周围地块的稳定性。


  • 环境百科全书-岩崩-防护障
    图8. 防护障。[图片来源:加维特(Gavet),世哲出版(Sage)]
  • 导流堤是修筑在边坡上的堤坝,旨在将落石引导至没有风险的地方;
  • 棚硐,类似于应对雪崩的隧道,可以保护落石区的交通路线;
  • 在陡峭的边坡上设置刚性防护装置,尽量靠近岩石松动区域,但这类设施安装难度很大。
  • 环境百科全书-岩崩-Ripailler地区的柔性防护网
    图9. 里帕伊勒(Ripailler)地区的柔性防护网。[图片来源:国家环境与农业科技研究院(IRSTEA)]


环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: FABRE Denis, HANTZ Didier (2024年3月12日), 岩体滑坡和崩塌,死路一条?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月14日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/sol-zh/rocky-landslides-and-landslides-a-fatality/.


Rock slides and rock falls, a fatality?

rockfall - landslides

Due to their frequency and sometimes very large volumes in young mountain ranges (Himalayas, Andes, Alps…), rock falls, such as landslides, are among the major natural hazards. The rupture of the ground they imply takes place on surfaces of mechanical joints that are present in almost all rock masses. These result either from the genesis of the rock mass (stratification planes of sedimentary rocks, thermal retreat cracks of magmatic rocks…), or from their tectonic history (fractures and faults of all sizes, linked to the movements of tectonic plates). The instability of rock masses can remain superficial and concern limited volumes: very frequent block and particle falls in all relief areas. However, depending on the orientation of the main discontinuities with respect to the slope, larger rock slides or topples are also observed. Finally, large landslides can reach volumes of several tens of millions of m3. The rupture of such masses following an earthquake has unfortunately been observed several times (Huascaran 1970, Nepal 2014). Rock protection structures, such as supports, anchors, various nets… are possible. However, it remains economically difficult to equip all sites identified as being at risk, such as cliffs near cities, villages and mountain roads or the rocky coastline…

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - types de mouvements de pente - types of slope movements - landslides
Figure 1. Types of slope slides.

Slope movements are generally classified according to their mechanism. This is how we distinguish: slides, topples, falls, flows (Figure 1). They cover volumes ranging from cubic decimetres to several hundred cubic hectometres (one cubic hectometre corresponds to a 100 m ridge cube, or one million cubic metres).

Their speed is also very variable, from a few mm per year to more than 100 km/h (a value that approaches the free fall speed in the air). This article deals with landslides that can occur in the rock environment (see “Landslides“).

1. Rock slides

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - glissement Claps de Luc - sliding of luc's claps - landslides
Figure 2. Sliding of Luc’s Claps. [Source: photo Didier Mazet-Brachet]
A slide is a movement of a mass of soil or rock on an individualized failure surface. Different types of slides can be distinguished according to the shape of the failure surface.

Translational landslides generally occur on one or two planes (referred to as “wedges”) of pre-existing discontinuity(s) in the rock mass. A well-known example in France is the Claps de Luc-en-Diois where, in 1442, thick limestone beds slipped on a stratification plane following the erosion of the foot of the slope by the Drôme river (Figure 2). The volume of the slip exceeds 1 hm3. But the largest landslide in the Alps in the last two millennia was the one that affected the marl slope north of Mont Granier in November 1248. Nearly 500 hm3 of marl rock slid eastward on the stratification joints, destroying several villages and killing more than 1000 people (Figure 3).

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - glissement Granier - sliding of granier - landslides
Figure 3. Sliding of the Granier. [Source: photo D. Hantz]
Rotational slides occur on an axisymmetric surface; they are sometimes called circular slides because on a vertical section, the failure surface is an arc of a circle. They can occur in continuous massifs (often in soils) or without discontinuity planes allowing translational sliding. An example is given by the slide from La Clapière to Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée, with a volume of about 50 hm3 (Figure 4).

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - glissement Clapiere - landslides
Figure 4. Sliding of the Clapier. [© Lithothèque/PACA. http://www.lithotheque.ac-aix-marseille.fr/ ]
The other slides are called compound (or split) slides because they involve internal deformation or splitting of the moving mass.

Some landslides can be triggered by humans. The most famous example is Mount Toc (Italy). Following the filling of the Vajont dam, 270 hm3 of rock slipped into the reservoir, causing the dam to overflow and a 50 m high wave that destroyed the city of Longarone (2000 victims). The movies “La folie des hommes”, released in 2001, recounts this disaster. This slide is the largest rapid slope movement that occurred in the Alps in the 20th century.

2. Topples

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - schema mouvement de pente sechilienne - landslides
Figure 5. Schematic section of the Séchilienne slope movement. [Source: Pierre Antoine, André Giraud, Jean-Marc Vengeon, 1999. http://www.risknat.org/projets/cper/projets_1994-1999/04-Vengeon_&_al_2000-Sechilienne.pdf ]
A topple is a downward rotational movement about an axis located below the centre of gravity of the moving mass. A distinction is made between the toppling of pre-cut blocks and the bending of rock beds or cliff faces. The movement of the Mont Sec to Séchilienne (Figure 5) is an example of a toppling of subvertical banks, resulting in the formation of crevasses whose opening is monitored. This deformation of the massif develops over a thickness of more than 100 m.

3. Rock falls

Rock falls are rapid movements involving blocks that fly, bounce or roll on a slope. Very frequent in mountainous areas, they can also be found in coastal areas on coasts with cliffs and rocky escarpments. These rapid movements are usually preceded by a sliding or toppling of the rock mass concerned. A distinction is made between rock or particle falls, for which the interaction between elements is negligible, rock mass falls and rock avalanches, which are granular flows in which the interaction between boulders plays an important role. The size of the elements varies from a few dm3 to several hundred m3. The total volume can reach several tens of hm3. Two landslides of this size occurred in the Alps in the 20th century, that of Val Pola in Lombardy (Italy) and that of Randa in Valais (Switzerland).

4. How to predict the behaviour of a slope?

Specialized engineers are called upon to study slope movements in different contexts: (a) diagnosis for a currently stable slope (for how long is its stability ensured?); (b) design of a future excavation (or cut) or reinforcement of an existing slope (what slope angle to adopt, how many anchors to make?); (c) monitoring of an unstable slope in slow movement (does the movement risk evolving towards a fast movement and when?). The methods used differ according to the context and objective of the study.

4.1. Stable slopes

In land use planning, the problem arises of the sustainability of the slope on a human time scale, of the order of the century. To know whether a failure is likely to occur within the time frame considered, it is necessary to know the current state of stability (“excess” stability) and the processes that can lead to the failure. The state of stability of a rock slope depends mainly on its internal structure (cutting of the rock by discontinuity surfaces), which is generally poorly known, and on the strength of the rock and discontinuities. The main factors that can reduce the stability of a rock mass and lead to its failure are: the presence of water, the presence of ice, earthquakes and other vibrations, erosion or excavation at the foot of a slope, overloading. The evolution of these factors, when they are of natural origin, cannot be predicted in a deterministic way. In addition, the exact processes by which they act are often not well known and therefore difficult to model. As a result, the prediction of the future behaviour of a stable slope can only be probabilistic, hence the term hazard used by specialists to characterize the potential instability of a rock mass.

In the case of a well identified rock mass (localized hazard), it is not possible to quantitatively determine a probability of rupture. On the other hand, on the scale of a slope or homogeneous area subject to slope movements (diffuse hazard), it is possible, from historical databases or geomorphological measurements (by laser scanner for example), to estimate the number of failures per unit area and time (failure frequency) for phenomena of a certain size. For example, it was determined from successive laser measurements of the cliff of Mont Saint-Eynard, near Grenoble, that there is about a fall in volume of more than 1 m3 per year per hm2 (hectare : square of 100 m on each side).

4.2. Desig of an excavation or reinforcement of a slope

In this context, the problem is no longer when instability will occur, but how to ensure that it does not. The stability of the envisaged slope can then be analysed by adopting a pessimistic model (in other words by applying the precautionary principle): most often, the lack of information leads to the assumption that the discontinuities are of infinite extension; the values of the various parameters used for the calculations are not the most likely, but more unfavourable values with a low probability of being reached. In addition, excessive stability is generally desired. If it is not reached, the project is modified accordingly, for example by reducing the slope angle.

The fastest method used to assess the degree of stability of a rock mass can be described simply in the case of a slide of a rock mass on a single plane: it consists in comparing the force that tends to cause the slide (driving force) with the maximum force that can be mobilized to oppose it (maximum resistance force). The ratio of the second to the first is called the safety factor. It must be greater than one for the proposed slope to be stable. The calculation of the driving force takes into account the weight of the rock mass, but also probable temporary phenomena such as earthquakes or water infiltration into the slope.

More sophisticated numerical methods, called discrete element methods, can also be used to calculate the block displacements resulting from excavation. These methods make it possible to analyze complex mechanisms and determine whether displacement is acceptable. Unlike the method described above, which is based on a static analysis, discrete element methods are based on the fundamental principle of dynamics, or Newton’s second law.

4.3. Monitoring of an unstable slope in slow motion

When slope movement is detected and threatens issues, it must be monitored. Monitoring generally involves measuring the movement of landmarks on the slope or in the rock mass, for example in boreholes or galleries. The movement velocity is rarely constant, it is generally influenced by water infiltration into the slope following rain or snowmelt and by earthquakes. Experience shows that when the speed increases in the absence of such external factors, acceleration can continue until the slope fails, when the moving mass is completely detached from its starting area and propagates downstream possibly at high speed. An example of a monitored slope is given in Figure 4 (see above).

5. How far can rock movements spread?

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - methode ligne energie - power line method - landslides
Figure 6. Power line method.

Various mechanical approaches can be used to estimate the propagation distance of rock movements. The first is based on the energy angle, which quantifies the loss of energy during the propagation of landslide (Figure 6). When the moving mass stops, its potential energy is lower than before the movement; in a slope profile, the stopping point can be obtained by drawing a line (energy line) from the starting area of the movement and with an inclination equal to the energy angle. In three dimensions, the stopping point belongs to the intersection of the topographic surface with a cone whose vertex is the starting area. For movements of several hundred hm3, the energy angle can be less than 10°. This is the case with the Granier landslide, which spread up to 8 km from its starting area. For block falls, the energy angle is about 40°, but it can drop below 30° for the furthest blocks.

The energy dissipated is mainly due to rebounds, which are not perfectly elastic, the fragmentation of blocks, the emission of seismic waves and possibly the destruction of trees.

In the case of rock falls, a second approach consists in calculating, using adapted software, the trajectories of the blocks that fall, bounce or roll on the slope. While the calculation of air trajectories is not a problem, rebound modelling is more difficult. This is done using energy restitution coefficients, which represent the proportion of the initial energy that is conserved after the bounce on the slope or after the impact with another block. In addition, the observation of the blocks deposited on a slope provides valuable information on the possible extension of the phenomenon, as well as on its frequency. However, this observation may be biased because blocks may have been moved or exploited in recent centuries.

Encyclopedie environnement - eboulement - simulation eboulement - rockfall simulation - landslides
Figure 7. Example of a rockfall simulation: the white traces represent the simulated paths of the blocks; the colored points represent the collapsed blocks observed on the slope. (software used: Rockyfor3D)

Figure 7 shows the simulation, performed with Rockyfor3D software, of a landslide that occurred on Mont Saint-Eynard, near Grenoble.

When the number of blocks is very large and the blocks interact strongly with each other (rock mass falls and rock avalanches), the movement can be considered as a flow and modelled using the laws of granular mechanics. This approach is also used to model landslides propagating over long distances in the manner of a fluid (rock slides evolving in mudflows).

6. Protection, or how to protect yourself from rock instabilities

In terms of natural hazards, two categories of protection are distinguished. The purpose of active protections is to remove the hazard itself, while passive protections do not seek to oppose natural phenomena but only to limit their harmful consequences for developments (buildings, communication routes).

The active protections are diverse. It is about:

  • general methods, such as surface or deep drainage, and slope vegetation that limits erosion due to runoff (gully excavation) and infiltration that alters mechanical properties (friction, cohesion of rock joints);
  • supports, such as retaining walls, rock bolts or anchored mesh covered with sprayed concrete;
  • wire mesh (draped or pinned), i.e. metal structures designed to contain the massif and prevent the spread of falling rocks and blocks;
  • scaling, mining: these are radical solutions that consist in removing unstable elements; however, these solutions are not always as definitive as expected: the continuous alteration and the vibrations of the blasts are often harmful to the stability of the surrounding massifs.

Passive protections are also very diverse:

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Figure 8. Protection barriers. [Source: Gavet, photo Sage]
  • barriers (Figure 8) and dikes are gabions or concrete blocks placed at the foot of unstable slopes; their purpose is to stop the propagation of rock elements before reaching the stakes; their location, which requires sufficient space and their dimensioning, takes into account the properties of the materials that constitute them, but first of all numerical simulations that are made to model the propagation of blocks (trajectory circulations);
  • the diverters are also embankments; installed on the slope, they divert the flow of the elements towards a space without stakes;
  • protection galleries, similar to avalanche tunnels, are likely to protect communication routes when crossing corridors;
  • rigid fences are placed on steep slopes as close as possible to the starting areas; their installation is often difficult to achieve;
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Figure 9. Deformable nets, Ripailler. [Source: IRSTEA]
  • deformable wire-mesh (Figure 9) can be placed lower on the slopes until they are close to the issues at stake; the most well-known case is the use of “submarine” type nets (used during the Second World War to prevent the penetration of ports by submarine vehicles) stretched between rigid poles and maintained by fusible carabiners; this device is thus calculated to resist an impact energy previously determined in the study of randomness and its propagation.

The appropriate responses to reduce the risks associated with rock instabilities are effective but often require a large budget. We cannot consider eliminating risk wherever it exists. The best protection is always based first on geological reconnaissance, then on preventive actions such as drainage or regular purging of unstable elements and on monitoring based on measurements when movements are detected. Such monitoring often triggers an alert with a road closure or evacuation of an inhabited area.

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: FABRE Denis, HANTZ Didier (2019年11月6日), Rock slides and rock falls, a fatality?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年9月14日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/soil/rocky-landslides-and-landslides-a-fatality/.
