
Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - black body radiation


1. 不同类型的辐射


  • 声波(sound wave),由说话的人、乐器或扬声器发出,随着波传播的振动量是压强。
  • 地震波(seismic wave)是弹性波,可以通过改变介质的方式穿过介质,改变的程度取决于地震的强度。
  • 电磁波(electromagnetic wave),顾名思义,是以一定频率振动的电场E和磁场B为特征的波。这些场相互垂直,且与波的传播方向垂直。

  《天空的颜色》一文对电磁波进行了详细的描述。在给定环境中传播的特定电磁波的特征包括其频率ν、其电场的振幅和方向、其在环境中的传播速度(即波速)V。在真空中,该速度c≃ 300000 km s-1。波长λ = V/ν,指的是在T = 1/ν周期内,速度为V的波传播的距离。频率的单位是赫兹(Hz),即每秒(一般写作s-1)的周期数。电磁波的强度与其电场振幅的平方成正比,代表了波所携带的能量流。如电场的方向固定,则称这种固定电场为波的极化。

  不同的电磁波可根据其频率ν,或等价地根据其在真空中的波长λ = c/ν进行分类。不同的电磁波波长相差巨大:大型无线电波的波长可达103 m,而γ射线的波长则仅有10-12 m。可见光光谱仅包含波长0.4 µm的紫色和0.8 µm的红色之间的一小部分(1 µm = 1/1000 mm)。

  电磁波是由电荷的快速振荡产生的。无线电波(λ ~ 100m)、电视波(λ ~ 10m)、手机和WIFI(wireless fidelity,无线局域网)使用的无线电波(λ ~ 0.10m)是由激发电流穿过天线发射的。而波长较短的波,如X射线(λ ~ 10-10m),则可以通过在真空中以不同的能量加速或制动电子产生,或者由先前激发的原子发射。γ射线是由核反应产生的(见《放射性》)。

  气体的原子或分子在受到能量源激发后,会发出特定波长的电磁辐射。这是气体的性质之一,借助该性质,能够获知恒星表面的光谱(line spectrum),进而分析其化学成分。此外,任何物体都会因为具有温度发出电磁辐射,称为热辐射(thermal radiation)。这种辐射分布在连续的波长范围内,称为连续光谱(continuous spectrum)。白炽灯、太阳或星星,以及一切加热到一定温度的物体表面都会发生上述现象。为了分析这种辐射,有必要了解黑体的特性。

2. 黑体的内部辐射

  黑体(black body)是一种理想物体,它会吸收自身接收到的全部电磁能量,而不会发生反射或传输。因此,黑体在受到光照时将完全吸收光线,并呈现出黑色,“黑体”正是由此得名。然而,其只在低温下呈现黑色,在高温下则会发光,且随着温度的升高,通量明显增加。




  因此,电磁能量密度ρ(T),即空腔每单位体积的能量是恒定的。该能量密度来自频率从0到无穷大的所有波。可知ρ(T)与绝对温度T的4次方成正比,即ρ(T) = αT4。故总能量和向外的辐射都会随着温度的升高而显著增加。因此,当空腔温度较高时,小孔看起来非常明亮,而在非常低的温度下,小孔则完全变黑。

  不同的频率ν对能量密度的贡献ρν(ν, T)构成了所谓的光谱能量密度(spectral energy density)。经验表明,该密度在空腔中的各点都相同,且与空腔的几何形状、体积,以及构成空腔壁的材料无关。因此可将其视为关于νT的普适函数。要确定这一函数,只需在空腔壁上钻一个小孔,并结合νT,对测量到的辐射进行函数分析。

图2. 不同温度下黑体的能谱密度ρν(ν, T)

  在特定温度下,观察到函数ρν(ν, T)随频率变化呈现钟形曲线(图2),在频率值νm = 5.879 ×1010T(s-1)处存在显著的最大值,该值随开氏温度K(Kelvins,开尔文)线性增加。这解释了辐射体的颜色变化:铁在680℃(953K)时呈暗红色,在810℃时呈浅红色,在1000℃时呈黄色,在1200℃时呈白色[1]

3. 黑体辐射的能量

  空腔内的能量密度难以直接测量,需通过测量腔体表面小孔S辐射的能量流来代替。要测量该通量,可在孔前放置一个传感器,传感器的加热速率能够反映其吸收辐射的能量。通过表面辐射的能量流定义为:在单位时间内和单位面积上穿过该表面的能量。如果所有的辐射都以速度c垂直于表面S逃逸(图3a),则体积成分Sc dt将在时间dt内穿过表面。因此,相应的能量为ρSc dt。通过除以时间和表面积,我们将获得与总能量密度ρ直接相关的能量流ρc

图3. 在时间dt期间,黑体通过腔壁小孔S发射的辐射:a)能量流仅指向方向n;b)能量流指向方向u。

  实际上,通过表面积S的能量受到一个因子¼的影响,该因子源于如下的几何学问题:在空腔内部,辐射经过多次反射,会以各向同性的方式分布在所有方向上。因此,实际上只有一小部分辐射在单位矢量u表示的方向附近以与法线n成角度θ的方式出射(图3b)。更准确地说,在u周围的非常小的立体角[2]中,只有总辐射的dΩ/4π可以介入。此外,同上文案例一样,必须考虑图3b中倾斜圆柱体的体积成分在时间dt内穿过表面的量。该圆柱体在传播方向Scosθ处存在法向截面和法向长度c dt。故可得体积S cosθ cdt。因此,单位时间内在单位面积上输出的基本流量为dΦ=ρ=ρc cosθ dΩ/4π。在洞外的半空间上,所有辐射方向cosθ/4π的总和,即等于¼,根据1871年实证发现的斯特藩-玻尔兹曼定律(Stefan-Boltzmann’s law),总能量通量为:

Φ = ρ c/4 = σT4 (其中σ = 5.670×10-8 W.m-2.K-4

  其中,频率为ν的辐射对该通量的贡献等于ρν(ν, T)c/4,并且可以测量。需要注意的是,黑体发出的辐射完全独立于由小孔射入、并被完全吸收的入射辐射。1884年,斯特藩(Stefan)的博士生路德维希·玻尔兹曼(Ludwig Boltzmann)为这种辐射奠定了热力学理论基础,但直到1901年,马克斯·普朗克(Max Planck)才利用量子理论阐明了这一基础(见《焦点》)。

4. 发射和吸收,基尔霍夫定律


图4. 黑体辐射的能谱密度相对于波长的函数。

  类似地,如果温度为T的非黑体吸收了其入射辐射的一小部分a,则该物体在相同温度下发出的辐射通量将是黑体在该温度下发出的通量的一倍。该系数a即为吸收率(absorptivity)。发射率(emissivity),即在相同温度下,从一个表面发射的辐射与黑体发射的辐射之比,用系数e表示。基尔霍夫定律(Kirchhoff’s law)指出,这两个系数是相等的,即a = e。对于像镜子一样的完美反射器,a = 0,因此e = 0,即完美反射器不会出现热辐射。

  通常来说,最好将黑体的光谱能量密度表示为波长λ = c/ν的函数,而不是波的频率ν的函数。波长函数ρλ(λ, T)很容易从频率函数ρν(ν, T)推导得来(详见《焦点》)。如图4所示,不同温度下能谱密度关于λ的函数图象呈现出钟形曲线。

图5. 温度为3450K时,250W卤素灯与黑体辐射的光谱比较。

  由图5可知,卤素灯在3450 K时的辐射与黑体(e = 1)在该温度下的辐射完全一致。

  在常温下,材料会辐射红外线。材料的发射率不仅取决于波长,还取决于其表面状态。通常来说[3],对于抛光铝箔,e(λ= 3µm)= 0.09,e(λ = 10µm) = 0.04。如果观察各类材料对所有波长的总发射率e,可得到如下数据:抛光金的e = 0.02,沙子的e = 0.60,雪的e = 0.80,液态水的e = 0.96,白纸的e = 0.70-0.90,黑纸的e = 0.90,人类皮肤的e = 0.98。土壤和液态水的发射率接近1,有助于通过卫星红外成像确定地面温度。

5. 维恩定律及其在天体物理学中的应用

  图4所示的ρλ(λ, T)曲线显示了由维恩定律(Wien’s law)得出的λm的最大值:

λmT = 0.201 hc/kB = 2.896×10-3 m.K



  太阳表面可以看作是黑色表面的一次近似;当λm = 0.501 μm时,太阳辐射的密度ρλ(λ, T)最大。根据维恩定律,可以推导出太阳表面的温度TS = 5777 K。


图6. 太阳在大气层外的实际发射光谱与T = 5777 K时的黑体普朗克理论曲线的比较。 [来源:http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/spectra/, ASTM E490于大气层外记录的标准太阳光谱]

  如将太阳表面近似为黑体表面,则太阳辐射的通量遵循斯特藩-玻尔兹曼定律:Φ0 =σT4。因此,半径R0 = 7×105 km的太阳发出的总功率P0等于该通量乘以半径为R0的球体表面积,即P0 = 4πR02Φ0。在距离太阳L处,相同的功率分布在半径为L的球体上,其局部通量Φ = P0/(4πL2)=Φ0(R0/L)2。已知地球与太阳的平均距离L = 1.5×108 km,可得到出通量Φ= 1367 W/m2。图6显示了在大气层外测得的太阳实际发射光谱,将其与普朗克定律的理论表达式进行比较,发现该光谱与T = 5777 K时的 ρλ(λ, T) 几乎重合。与理论黑体曲线的几个最显著的偏差是由太阳表面的元素发射线和吸收线,主要是氢的巴尔默线[4]导致的。




  彭齐亚斯(Penzias)和威尔逊(Wilson)在1964年发现了类似于黑体的化石辐射(fossil radiation)的存在,其最大值λm =1.06 mm,对应温度为2.73 K。这种辐射具有非常低的各向异性,在不同方向上测得的辐射值变化非常小。该发现为大爆炸(big-bang)模型提供了重要支持,该模型假设宇宙随着时间的推移不断膨胀并冷却。根据这一理论,宇宙辐射自初级时期以来就一直存在。在初级时期,宇宙温度约为4000 K,由电子和质子组成。这种由电子和质子组成的等离子体与全频率的电磁辐射发生强烈的相互作用,因此物质和辐射处于平衡态。之后,宇宙冷却到3000 K,形成一种主要由氢原子组成的物质,黑体辐射作用仅在氢的特征频率下进行。因此,大部分电磁辐射与物质解耦,宇宙通过绝热膨胀冷却到2.73 K,该过程和气体膨胀相类似。在解耦后,物质演化成更重的原子,并自发组织形成星系、恒星和尘埃云,其发出的电磁辐射也成为宇宙黑体辐射的一部分。

图7. 以频率函数形式绘制的宇宙辐射光谱,红色十字为COBE卫星测量值,绿色曲线为T = 2.726 K条件下,根据普朗克定律得出的计算值。需要注意的是,1 cm-1所对应的频率为3 ×1010 s-1。[来源:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic microwave background]

  图7显示了这种宇宙辐射随频率变化的通量谱,该通量谱于1989年由COBE卫星[5]测量得出。如图所示,在T = 2.726 K的实验条件下,由普朗克公式(见《焦点》)计算得出的能谱密度ρν(ν, T)理论曲线与卫星测量值完美重合。化石辐射存在于宇宙各处,目前总辐射量约为每立方厘米500光子。

6. 热成像摄像机的应用


图8. 摄氏温度下的小狗热像图。[来源:https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermographie]

  红外辐射的波长依赖于温度,在室温下(约300 K),根据维恩定律得出的最大辐射约为λ ~ 10 µm。因此,热成像相机的传感器测量的红外辐射,实际上是在λ = 10 µm附近选定一波长范围,并测量该范围内所有辐射的ρλ(λ, T)函数值之和得到的。相机产生的颜色是假颜色,将颜色与辐射强度相关联,便于直接读取温度。热成像图像中的每种颜色都有相应的温度,本文封面照片上的热成像和图8中小狗的热成像都是如此。




封面照片:英国地铁口的热成像[来源:branestawm2002,CC BY- Visual Hunt]

[1] http://www.thethermograpiclibrary.org/index.php?title=Table_emissivated_in_thermography

[2] 就像角度代表单位半径圆的弧长一样,立体角代表单位半径球面上的一部分曲面。对于在点O处的观察者来说,看到物体的立体角是物体的表观表面在以O为中心的单位半径球体上的投影。例如,在封闭的空腔内,看到空腔的立体角是单位半径球体的总表面积,即4π。

[3] http://www.thethermograpiclibrary.org/index.php?title=Table_emissivated_in_thermography

[4] 埃利·贝洛瑞斯基(Elie Belorizky),《量子力学导论》(Introduction to Quantum Mechanics),杜诺德(Dunod),巴黎(Paris),2003.

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic microwave background

[6] 不要将其与用于简单夜视的所谓红外相机混淆,红外相机工作的波长更短(1 m),不能用于热测量。

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: BELORIZKY Elie, PIQUE Jean-Paul (2024年4月23日), 黑体的热辐射, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年10月27日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/physique-zh/thermal-radiation-of-black-body/.


The thermal radiation of the black body

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - black body radiation

Why does the colour of a metal change when it is heated? How can the temperature of a light source such as a tungsten filament lamp or the surface of the sun or stars be determined? What is the temperature of the Universe? What is the principle of a thermographic camera? The answers to these questions are based on the analysis of the radiation of a black body, i.e. a body that absorbs all the light it receives. Planck’s theory explaining this radiation was the first step towards the development of quantum mechanics.

1. The different types of radiation

There are several types of radiation, i.e. the emission of waves. We can quote:

  • The sound waves emitted by a person who speaks, a musical instrument or a loudspeaker, the vibrating quantity that propagates with the wave being then the pressure.
  • Seismic waves are elastic waves that can pass through a medium by modifying it according to the intensity of the earthquake.
  • Electromagnetic waves which, as their name suggests, are characterized by an electric field E and a magnetic field B which vibrate with a certain frequency. These fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation.

In the article the colour of the sky, electromagnetic waves have been described in detail. A particular electromagnetic wave propagating in a given environment is characterized by its frequency ν, the amplitude and direction of its electric field, its propagation velocity (or celerity) V in the environment considered. In vacuum this speed is c 300 000 km s-1. The wavelength is λ = V/ν : it is the distance travelled by the wave at speed V during a period T = 1/ν. The frequency is expressed in hertz (Hz), i.e. in periods/second noted more simply s-1. The intensity of an electromagnetic wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of its electric field. It represents the flow of energy carried by the wave. The orientation of the electric field, when fixed, is its polarization.

The different electromagnetic waves are classified according to their frequency ν, or equivalently according to their wavelength in vacuum λ = c/ν. The wavelength range is very wide: from 103 m for large radio waves to 10-12 m for γ rays. The spectrum visible to our eye is limited to wavelengths between 0.4 µm for violet and 0.8 µm for red (1 µm=1/1000 mm).

Electromagnetic waves are created by rapid oscillations of electrical charges. Radio waves ~ 100 m), television waves ~ 10 m), those used by mobile phones and WIFI (Wireless Fidelity, λ ~ 0.10 m), are emitted by antennas traversed by exciting electric currents. Shorter lengths, such as X-rays ~ 10-10 m), can be obtained either by accelerating or braking electrons in vacuum at different energies or by being emitted by previously excited atoms. The  γ rays result from nuclear reactions (see Radioactivity).

The atoms or molecules of a gas excited by an energy supply emit electromagnetic radiation at specific wavelengths characteristic of the nature of the gas (this is how the chemical composition of the star surface is known). This is called a line spectrum. There is also a so-called thermal radiation, which any body emits merely because of its temperature. This radiation is distributed over a continuous range of wavelengths, known as a continuous spectrum. This is the case of a filament lighting lamp, the Sun or stars and more generally the surface of a body heated to a certain temperature. To analyze this radiation, it is necessary to study the properties of the black body defined in the following section.

2. The internal radiation of the black body

A black body is an ideal object that would absorb all the electromagnetic energy it would receive, without reflecting or transmitting it. Thus illuminated, it would totally absorb light and should appear black, hence its name. However, it only appears black at low temperatures, because it emits light, with a flux strongly increasing with temperature; it is this phenomenon that is described here.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - cavite percee trou corps noir - black body
Figure 1. A cavity drilled with a hole in the wall is a black body because the incident radiation has a negligible probability of exiting through the hole.

A black body is well represented by a small hole drilled in a cavity heated at an absolute temperature T (e. g. a furnace). The hole must be small enough not to disturb the balance in the cavity (Figure 1). Indeed, if the hole in the wall is small enough, any radiation from the outside that enters the cavity is reflected several times on the walls and has a very low probability of exiting through the hole. The radiation from the hole to the outside can then be experimentally analysed as a function of the frequency ν of the waves emitted and the temperature T of the cavity walls .

In this cavity, empty of any gas to simplify, the atoms composing the walls permanently emit electromagnetic radiation and absorb that emitted by the other atoms of these walls. This emission can be explained qualitatively in a classical way by movements of charged particles. Each atom is formed by the positively charged nucleus and the electronic cloud of negative charge that gravitates around it. It behaves like an electrostatic dipole, i.e. a positive charge associated with a negative charge. Under the effect of temperature, this dipole oscillates randomly and behaves like a microscopic antenna, excited by a micro-current, which radiates energy. This continuous spectrum radiation occupies the entire cavity. Conversely, the electric field of the waves sets these charges in motion and thus gives them energy, which constitutes absorption. A state of equilibrium is quickly reached so that during a unit of time the energy emitted by the atoms is equal to the absorbed energy.

Thus the electromagnetic energy density ρ(T) (energy per unit volume of the cavity) is constant. This energy density comes from all waves with a frequency from 0 to infinity. It can be seen that ρ(T) is proportional to the power 4 of the absolute temperature T, i. e. ρ(T) = αT4. The total energy, and therefore the radiation emitted, increases considerably with temperature. Thus the hole appears very bright when the cavity is at high temperature and completely black at very low temperature.

Each contribution to energy density at the frequency ν, ρν(ν,T), constitutes what is called the spectral energy density. Experience shows that it is the same at every point in the cavity and that it is independent of its geometric shape and volume as well as of the material that constitutes its walls: it is a universal function of ν and T. To measure this function, simply drill a small hole in the cavity, and analyze the radiation that comes out as a function of ν and T.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - densite spectrale energetique corps noir - energy spectral density of black body
Figure 2. Energy spectral density of the black body ρν(ν,T) for different temperatures.

At each temperature it is observed that the function ρν(ν,T) follows a bell curve as a function of frequency (Figure 2) with a pronounced maximum for a frequency value νm = 5.879 ×1010T (s-1) which increases linearly with temperature expressed in degrees K (Kelvin). This explains the change in colour of a radiating body: iron is dark red at 680°C (953 K), light red at 810°C, yellow at 1000°C and white at 1200°C [1].

3. Energy radiated by a black body

The energy density inside a cavity is a quantity which is difficult to measure directly, and instead the energy flow radiated by a small surface hole S is accessed. This flux can be measured by placing a sensor in front of the hole whose heating rate will represent the energy of the absorbed radiation. The flow of energy radiated through a surface is defined as the energy crossing that surface per unit of time and area. If all the radiation escaped perpendicular to the surface S at velocity c (Figure 3a), the content of the volume Sc dt would pass through the surface in a time dt. The corresponding energy would therefore be ρSc dt. By dividing by time and surface, we would obtain an energy flow ρc directly related to the total energy density ρ.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - rayonnement emis corps noir - black body radiation
Figure 3. Radiation emitted by the black body through a small surface S of the wall during the time dt: a) case where the flow would only be directed in the direction n, b) case where the flow would be directed in a direction u.

In reality, the outflow through the surface S is affected by a factor ¼ whose origin is geometric. Indeed, inside the cavity, the radiation is distributed in all directions in an isotropic manner by multiple reflections. Thus only a small part of the radiation exits in the vicinity of a direction represented by the unit vector u at an angle θ with the normal n (Figure 3b). More precisely in a very small solid angle[2] dΩ around u, only the proportion dΩ/4π of the radiation can intervene. In addition, as in the previous case, the content of the oblique cylinder in Figure 3b that would pass through the surface in a time dt must be considered. This cylinder has a normal cross-section at the propagation direction S cosθ and a length c dt. This volume is therefore S cosθ cdt. The elementary flow per unit of time and area output is therefore dΦ = ρ = ρ c cosθ dΩ/4π. The sum on all directions of radiation, i. e. on the half-space outside the hole, of cosθ/4π being equal to ¼, we obtain a total energy flux given by Stefan-Boltzmann’s law discovered empirically in 1871:

Φ = ρ c/4 = σT4 with σ = 5.670×10-8 W.m-2.K-4

The contributions to this flux of frequency radiation ν are equal to ρν(ν,T)c/4 and can be measured. It should be noted that the radiation emitted by the black body is completely independent of incident radiation that would penetrate through the hole and be totally absorbed. The theoretical foundations of this radiation were laid in thermodynamics by Stefan’s doctoral student Ludwig Boltzmann in 1884, but were only elucidated by Max Planck in 1901 using quantum theory (see focus).

4. Emission and absorption, Kirchhoff’s law

By definition, a surface is black in a certain frequency domain if any electromagnetic radiation in that frequency domain is absorbed. Nevertheless, this surface re-emits electromagnetic waves by thermal radiation. The flux Φ radiated by a surface S at  temperature T is equal to the flux emitted by a small hole of the same surface in a cavity at the same temperature. Indeed, if the hole is closed by the black surface (Figure 3), at thermal equilibrium, the flow from the black surface to the inside of the cavity must be equal but opposite to the average heat flow from the cavity absorbed by the black surface.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - densite spectrale energetique corps noir - energy spectral density of black body radiation
Figure 4. Energy spectral density of black body radiation as a function of wavelength.

Similarly, if a non-black object at temperature T absorbs a fraction a of the incident radiation that falls on it, the radiation flux emitted by the object at the same temperature will be once the flux emitted by a black body at that temperature. The factor a refers to absorptivity. The emissivity, which is the ratio between the emission of radiation from a surface and that of a black body at the same temperature, is denoted by the factor e. Kirchhoffs law states that these two factors are equal, i.e. a = e. For a perfect reflector like a mirror, a = 0, therefore e = 0: a perfect reflector does not radiate thermally.

Often it is preferable to express the spectral energy density of the black body as a function of the wavelength λ = c/ν rather than the frequency ν of the waves. This function ρλ(λ,T) is easily obtained from ρν(ν,T) (see focus). The graph of this function, which is represented as a function of λ for various temperatures in Figure 4, looks like a bell curve.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - comparaison spectre lampe halogene corps noir - spectrum lamp halogen
Figure 5. Spectrum of a 250 W halogen lamp compared to the blackbody radiation at 3450 K.

Figure 5 shows the radiation of a halogen lamp that corresponds well to that of a blackbody (e = 1) at 3450 K.

At ordinary temperature the materials radiate in the infrared. The emissivities of materials depend on the wavelength but also on the state of their surface. Typically [3] for a polished aluminium foil e = 3 µm) = 0.09 and e = 10 µm) = 0.04. If we look at the total emissivity e integrated at all wavelengths we have, for example, e = 0.02 for polished gold, e = 0.60 for sand, e = 0.80 for snow, e = 0.96 for liquid water, e = 0.70-0.90 for white paper, e = 0.90 for black paper and e = 0.98 for human skin. Soils and liquid water have emissivities close to 1, which facilitates the determination of ground temperatures by infrared imaging of satellites.

5. Wien’s Law and applications to astrophysics

The ρλ(λ,T) curves shown in Figure 4 present a maximum for λm given by Wien’s law:

λmT = 0.201 hc/kB = 2.896×10-3 m.K

where h is the Planck constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum and kB is Boltzmann’s constant (read Pressure, temperature, heat). This very simple expression is used to estimate surface temperatures.

Temperature of the solar surface

The solar surface can be considered as a first approximation as a black surface; the density ρλ(λ,T) of the solar radiation is maximum for λm = 0.501 µm. From Wien’s law it is then possible to deduce the temperature of the solar surface TS = 5777 K.

Heat flux radiated by the Sun to the Earth

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - spectre emission reel soleil
Figure 6. Comparison of the actual emission spectrum of the Sun outside the atmosphere with the Planck theoretical curve for a black body for T = 5777 K[source: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/spectra/, standard solar spectrum outside the atmosphere ASTM E490]

By assimilating the solar surface to a black surface, the flux emitted by the Sun is according to Stefan-Boltzmann’s law Φ0= σT4S. The total power P0 emitted by the Sun of radius R0 = 7×105 km is therefore the product of this flux by the surface of the sphere of radius R0, P0 = 4πR02Φ0 At a distance L from the Sun, the same power is distributed over a sphere of radius L, which represents a local flux Φ’ = P0/(4πL2) = Φ0 (R0/L)2. At the average distance from the Earth L = 1.5×108 km, we obtain a flux of Φ’ = 1367 W/m2. Figure 6 shows the actual emission spectrum of the Sun measured outside the atmosphere and which can be compared to its theoretical expression from Planck’s law, proportional to ρλ(λ,T) for T = 5777 K. The few most notable deviations from the theoretical blackbody curve are due to the emission and absorption lines of the elements present on the solar surface, mainly Balmer’s lines [4], of hydrogen.

Radiation temperature of the Earth’s surface

This subject is covered in the article The Earth’s gaseous envelope.

Fossil radiation from the Universe

Penzias and Wilson discovered in 1964 the existence of fossil radiation similar to that of a black body with a maximum at λm = 1.06 mm which corresponds to a temperature of 2.73 K. This radiation has a very low anisotropy, i.e. it varies very little according to the orientation of the receiving antennas. This observation provides important support for the big-bang model, which assumes an expanding Universe that cools over time. According to this theory, cosmic radiation has persisted since the primary period when the Universe was composed of electrons and protons at about 4000 K. This plasma of electrons and protons interacted strongly with electromagnetic radiation at all frequencies, so that matter and radiation were in equilibrium. The Universe then cooled down to 3000 K forming a material composed essentially of hydrogen atoms. The interaction with the black radiation was only carried out at the frequencies characteristic of hydrogen. Most of the electromagnetic radiation was therefore decoupled from matter and the Universe cooled by adiabatic expansion to 2.73 K (similar to the expansion of a gas). After the previous decoupling, matter evolved into heavier atoms that organized themselves into galaxies, stars, dust clouds. The electromagnetic radiation from these objects is added to the cosmic radiation of the black body.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - spectre rayonnement cosmique Univers satellite COBE - spectrum cosmic radiation universe
Figure 7. Spectrum of the cosmic radiation of the Universe as a function of frequency, measured by the COBE satellite (red crosses) and calculated from Planck’s law for T = 2.726 K (green curve). Note that 1 cm-1 corresponds to a frequency of 3 ×1010 s-1[source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic microwave background]

Figure 7 shows the flux spectrum of this cosmic radiation as a function of frequency, measured using the COBE satellite [5] in 1989. The theoretical curve proportional to the energy spectral density ρν(ν,T) given by Planck’s formula (see focus) is perfectly superposed on the experimental points for T = 2.726 K. It should be noted that fossil radiation is present throughout the universe and currently corresponds to a total radiation of about 500 photons/cm3.

6. Application to thermographic cameras

A thermographic camera [6] records the different infrared rays that vary according to the temperature of the emitting body. It thus makes it possible to measure the temperature from the law of blackbody radiation. A removable filter allows the radiation to be integrated into spectral atmospheric transparency windows. The system converts the radiation power into digital or analog signals: these are transcribed into temperature by the computer and transformed into an image. The image thus obtained is called “thermogram”.

Encyclopedie environnement - rayonnement thermique corps noir - image thermique chien - thermal image of dog
Figure 8. Thermal image of a small dog with a temperature scale in degrees Celsius [Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermographie]

The wavelength of infrared radiation depends on temperature; at room temperature, around 300 K, the maximum radiation given by Wien’s law is around λ ~ 10 µm. The sensor of these cameras measures the received infrared radiation which is the sum of the proportional contributions to the function ρλ(λ,T) in the selected wavelength range in the vicinity of λ = 10 µm. The colour produced by the camera is a false colour, obtained by associating a colour with the intensity received in order to facilitate the direct reading of the temperature: each colour in the image has a corresponding temperature as in the thermal image on the cover photo of this article or the thermal image of a dog in Figure 8.

A thermal camera can be used in many situations: by firefighters to search for earthquake victims and their location in hard-to-reach places or to detect emerging or smoldering fires, by companies to detect weak points in building insulation, in airports to detect people with suspected fever, for the study of nocturnal species such as bats without disturbing them with a visible light source.


References and notes

Cover image. Thermal image of an English subway mouth. [Source: branestawm2002 via Visual Hunt / CC BY]

[1] http://www.thethermograpiclibrary.org/index.php?title=Table_emissivated_in_thermography

[2] In the same way that an angle represents the length of an arc of a circle of unit radius, a solid angle represents a portion of a surface on a sphere of unit radius. For an observer at a point O, the solid angle at which an object is seen is the projection of the apparent surface of the object onto a sphere of a radius unit centred at O. For example, inside a closed cavity, the solid angle at which the cavity is seen is none other than the total surface area of a sphere of unit radius, i. e.

[3] http://www.thethermograpiclibrary.org/index.php?title=Table_emissivated_in_thermography

[4] Elie Belorizky Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Dunod, Paris, 2003.

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic microwave background

[6] Not to be confused with the so-called infrared cameras used for simple night vision, operating at shorter wavelengths (1 µm), which does not allow thermal measurements.

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: BELORIZKY Elie, PIQUE Jean-Paul (2021年1月15日), The thermal radiation of the black body, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年10月27日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/physics/thermal-radiation-of-black-body/.
