The colours of the sky

Encyclopédie environnement - couleur du ciel - colors sky

Why is the sky blue, clouds white, grey, or black? Why are the sunsets red? Why is the night black? Where do rainbows come from? These phenomena are largely explained by the interaction, absorption and scattering of light from the Sun with the components of the Earth’s atmosphere: water droplets of various sizes, gas molecules, dust, etc. These mechanisms are at the origin of the different colours of the celestial vault and spectacular phenomena such as Brocken’s spectrum.

1. The nature of light

The Earth’s atmosphere (read the article on The Earth’s Atmosphere and Gaseous Envelope), visible in the header photograph, imposes the colour of the sky and gives rise to surprising light phenomena such as mirages and rainbows. Some phenomena are so familiar to us that we often take them for granted. Why is the sky blue on clear days? Why are the sunsets red? Why is the night black? All these questions seem naive but their answers are not so simple and involve physical phenomena that we will try to clarify. To do this, let us recall the constitution of light and first of all the nature of an electromagnetic wave and its propagation mode.

electromagnetic wave
Figure 1. Representation of an electromagnetic wave propagating in the Oz direction at a given time.

Light is a superposition of electromagnetic waves. Such a wave includes both an electric field, noted E, and a magnetic field, noted B, oscillating at the same frequency. These two fields are perpendicular to each other and propagate in the third z-direction, orthogonal to their directions, as shown in Figure 1.

The propagation of electromagnetic waves is carried out at a speed, often called celerity, which depends on the considered environment. In vacuum this velocity is c = 3×108 m/s (meter per second). The wavelength λ is the distance between two successive maximums of the fields. At a given point these fields cyclically oscillate with a period T, which is expressed in seconds. The wavelength is the product of this period with the speed: : λ = cT. It is expressed either in metres (m) or in one of its submultiples: micrometers (1 µm = 10-6 m), or nanometers (1 nm =10-9 m), depending on the characteristic scale of the phenomenon. A wave can also be characterized by its frequency ν which is none other than the inverse of the period ν = 1/T and is expressed in hertz (Hz) ; 1 Hz corresponds to a period T = 1s.

The electromagnetic spectrum represents the distribution of all electromagnetic waves according to their wavelength or frequency. This spectrum has a considerable range and varies by 1018 orders of magnitude between the shortest wavelengths, those of γ rays (10-14 m<λ<10-12 m) and the longest, those of radio waves (10-1 m<λ< 104 m), as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2. The electromagnetic spectrum.
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Figure 3. The visible spectrum.


The visible domain corresponds to the very narrow part of the spectrum perceptible by our eye, between λ = 0.4 µm for violet light and λ = 0.8 µm for red light (Figure 3). It is in this visible domain that solar radiation reaches its maximum intensity, in the vicinity of λ = 0.5 µm. White light is a superposition of waves of all wavelengths of the visible spectrum.

In fact, light has a double aspect: a wave aspect described above and a corpuscular aspect that manifests itself particularly in the energy exchanges between the Sun and the Earth’s atmosphere. The corpuscles thus brought into play are “energy grains”,or photons. Each photon carries a quantum of energy proportional to the frequency of the electromagnetic wave with which it is associated, and its energy is written E = where h is the Planck constant, h = 6.625 10-34 J.s (joule second). So, short-wavelength (high frequency) photons carry more energy than long-wavelength (low frequency) photons. Energy exchanges between solar radiation and the Earth’s atmosphere are discretely carried out by absorption or emission of photons.

2. Interaction of solar radiation with the atmosphere

As it passes through the atmosphere, the radiation (see Solar energies) from the Sun interacts with gaseous molecules and particles (water droplets, dust, aerosols) which are present. Two essential phenomena then occur: absorption and scattering. When radiation is fully or partially absorbed, there is energy transfer between the radiation and the molecules with which it interacts. This results in its attenuation in the direction of propagation. For example, ozone in the stratosphere (see The Earth’s atmosphere and gaseous envelope) absorbs almost all ultraviolet rays, of wavelength less than 0.3 µm, which are very harmful to living species, hence the need to protect this ozone layer.

When radiation is not absorbed, it can be deflected in all directions, it is the phenomenon of atmospheric scattering, the nature of which depends on several factors: the wavelength of the radiation, the density and size of particles and atmospheric molecules, the thickness of the atmospheric layer to pass through. There are generally three types of scattering: Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, from the names of those who discovered and analyzed them, and non-selective scattering. The prevalence of each of these types of scattering depends on the state of the atmosphere, as described below.

3. Blue sky with Rayleigh scattering

Rayleigh scattering is due to gaseous molecules present in the atmosphere (O2, N2, CO2, water vapour, etc.) and very small dust particles. It occurs when the size of the scattering particles is much smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. Typically, the molecules at the origin of this type of scattering are smaller than the nanometer, i.e. more than a thousand times smaller than the wavelengths of visible radiation, which are about 0.5 micrometers.

Figure 4. Rayleigh scattering : the atom excited by the electromagnetic wave re-emits a wave in all directions.

The oscillating electric field of the incident wave deforms the electronic cloud of atoms. This is the cause of an oscillation of the barycentre (or centre of gravity) of negative charges of the electrons with respect to the positively charged nucleus, which constitutes an oscillating electric dipole, which radiates in all directions and acts as a microscopic transmitting antenna. Figure 4 shows the dipole induced on an atom, but the same mechanism occurs on a molecule.

Note that the wave is re-emitted at the same frequency as the incident wave or that the scattered photons have the same energy as the incident photons. But the intensity of the scattered radiation is inversely proportional to the power 4 of the wavelength of the incident radiation. It is therefore a selective phenomenon that favours the shortest wavelengths of the spectrum (purple, blue). So, since the wavelength of violet light is twice shorter than that of red light, violet light is 16 times more diffused than red light, which explains the blue colour of the sky during the day.

On the other hand, at dawn and dusk, when the Sun is low on the horizon, the thickness of the atmospheric layer crossed by the radiation to reach our eyes is much greater than during the day. The short wavelengths are scattered in all directions, so that the observer looking in the direction of the Sun sees mainly the longest wavelengths, those associated with the red color. This is why the sky appears orange-red in the direction of the setting or rising Sun. Finally, it should be noted that if we observe the sky in the direction of the Sun in broad daylight (which is dangerous), the Sun appears white because we mainly receive a directly transmitted light that is much more intense than the scattered light.

4. Grey sky with Mie’s scattering

Encyclopédie environnement - couleur du ciel - poussière polluante Grenoble - color sky pollution
Figure 5. The dust and pollutants above Grenoble cause a greyish and bluish cloud due to Mie’s scattering. [© Philippe Combet]
When the size of the particles which are present in the atmosphere is slightly larger or of the same order of magnitude than the wavelength of the radiation, Rayleigh scattering gives way to Mie scattering, whose mechanisms and properties are different. This concerns water droplets, ice crystals, aerosols in the atmosphere (dust, smoke, pollens). This scattering is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the incident radiation, favouring blue but colour but in a much less pronounced way than for Rayleigh scattering. It rather occurs  in the lower layers of the atmosphere, which are the most loaded in aerosol, and gives to the sky colour a faded blue or even greyish appearance (Figure 5).

Then, the different shades of blue taken by the sky depend on the amount of water vapour and dust in the air. As this amount increases, the scattering at all wavelengths is amplified, resulting in an increase in the proportion of green and yellow giving a lighter hue to the blue. On the other hand, the absence of dust and water droplets allows blue radiation to predominate, as can be seen in high mountains.

5. White clouds and non-selective scattering

This scattering occurs when the size of atmospheric particles is much larger than the wavelength of the radiation. It is due in particular to water droplets found in clouds and fogs, which have a size of the order of 100 micrometers. The non-selective scattering then affects all wavelengths (hence its name) which explains the white color of the clouds. The same phenomenon explains the white colour of the snow because the light is scattered by snow crystals of millimeter size. When we see dark clouds, it is because sunlight is absorbed or scattered by other clouds between the Sun and those visible from the ground.

Figure 6 summarizes and maps the different scattering modes of the atmosphere, which directly influence the colour of the sky as a function of the wavelength of the radiation, its angle of incidence and the nature of the scattering particles.

6. Why is the night black?

Figure 6. Different types of scattering of solar radiation in the atmosphere.

In space, in the absence of atmosphere, the sky appears all black with light sources corresponding to planets, stars and the solar disk. We may also wonder why on Earth surface the night is black. In fact, several phenomena contribute to the darkness of the sky although the latter is not perfectly and uniformly black. The Moon and stars give a poor light on our planet and the phenomena described above exist. This time the explanation comes from our ability to perceive light, and therefore from our retina. It consists of cones and rods. Only the rods are sensitive to weak lights and they do not perceive colours (at night all cats are grey), unlike cones, which are sensitive to colours and are active in brighter light.

Even in the absence of an atmosphere, the sky would not be completely black in an infinite universe uniformly populated by stars, because the superimposed image of all distant stars would produce a uniform background of light. This is what can be observed in the disc formed by our galaxy, the Milky Way, where the density of stars is high. If we consider all the galaxies, the lighting is also not uniform because of another mechanism: the expansion of the universe. The further away the galaxies are, the faster they move away and the more their light is shifted to long wavelengths, i.e. to red and then to infrared, outside our visible spectrum. It is the Doppler effect on light, similar to the mechanism that makes us hear the sound of a vehicle higher or lower as it approaches or moves away from us.

The light on Earth that allows us to observe and often to admire nature comes largely from our star, the Sun. We have seen how the particles, droplets or objects that make up the atmosphere can affect the colours of the sky. This is why the Earth is often called the blue planet, as observed by cosmonauts. They do not see the land and for them the oceans are mirrors that reflect the blue image of the atmosphere, spotted with white or grey clouds.

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: BELORIZKY Elie (July 16, 2019), The colours of the sky, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed July 27, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

The articles in the Encyclopedia of the Environment are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, which authorizes reproduction subject to: citing the source, not making commercial use of them, sharing identical initial conditions, reproducing at each reuse or distribution the mention of this Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.


Encyclopédie environnement - couleur du ciel - colors sky


1. 光的本质

  在标题照片中可见的地球的大气层(请阅读《地球的大气层和气体层》)赋予天空以色彩,并产生令人惊奇的光现象,如海市蜃楼和彩虹。有些现象我们如此熟悉, 以至于我们常常认为它们是理所当然的。为什么晴天时天空是蓝色的?为什么日 落是红色的?为什么夜晚是黑色的?所有这些问题看起来都很幼稚,但答案并不简单,而且涉及到我们试图阐明的物理现象。为此,让我们回顾一下光的构成,首先回顾一下电磁波的性质及其传播模式。

图1. 电磁波在给定时间内沿Oz方向传播的示意图。

  光是电磁波的叠加。这样的波包括以相同频率振荡的电场(标记为 E)和磁 场(标记为 B)。这两个场彼此垂直,并在与它们的方向正交的第三个 z 方向上 传播,如图 1 所示。

  电磁波以一定速度传播,通常称为波速,大小取决于所处的环境。真空中该速度为 c=3×108m/s(米/秒)。波长λ是两个连续的场最大值之间的距离。在给定的点上,这些场以周期 T 进行周期振荡,周期 T  以秒为单位。波长是该周期与速度的乘积: λ=cT。它以米(m)或其约数之一表示: 微米(1µm=10-6m)或纳米(1nm=10-9m),单位选择取决于现象的特征尺度。波形的特征还可以用频率 ν 表征,它的周期为 ν=1/T  的倒数,以赫兹(Hz)表示。1Hz 对应于周期 T=1s。

  电磁波谱表示所有电磁波根据其波长或频率的分布,如图 2 所示,这种光谱有相当大的范围,在 γ 射线的最短波长(10- 14m<λ<10- 12m)  和无线电波的最长波长(10- 1m<λ<104m)之间变化 1018 个数量级。

图2. 电磁波谱。
图3. 可见光光谱图。

  可见光区域对应于我们肉眼可感知光谱中非常狭窄的部分,位于紫光 (λ=0.4μm)和红光(λ=0.8μm)之间(图 3)。该区域内,太阳辐射在 λ=0.5μm 附近达到最大强度。而白光是可见光光谱中所有波长的波的叠加。

  事实上,光有两种性质(波粒二象性) ,即上面描述的波的性质和在太阳与地球大气层之间的能量交换中表现出的粒子的性质。这种发挥作用的小球便是 “ 能量粒子”或称为“光子 ”。每个光子都携带一个与其电磁波频率成正比的能量量子,其能量记为 E=hν , 其中 h 是普朗克常数, h= 6.625 10-34 J.s(焦耳秒)。 因此, 短波(高频) 光子比长波(低频) 光子携带更多的能量。太阳辐射与地球大气之间的能量交换是通过吸收或发射光子离散进行的。

2. 太阳辐射与大气的相互作用

  当太阳光穿过大气层时,来自太阳的辐射(请阅读《太阳的能量》)与存在的气态分子和颗粒物(水滴、灰尘和气溶胶等)相互作用,就会产生两种基本现象: 吸收散射。当辐射被全部或部分吸收时,太阳辐射与其相互作用的分子之间就会发生能量转移,这导致其在传播方向上的衰减。例如,平流层中的臭氧(请阅读《地球的大气层和气体层》)吸收几乎所有波长小于 0.3µm 的对生物非常有害的紫外线,因此需要保护该臭氧层。


3. 蓝天和瑞利散射

  瑞利散射是由于大气中存在的气态分子(O2 ,N2 ,CO2 和水蒸气等)和非常小的尘埃颗粒引起的。当散射粒子的尺寸远小于辐射的波长时,就会发生瑞利散射。一般来说,这种引起散射的分子比纳米小,即比大约 0.5 微米的可见光波长小 1000 倍以上。

图4. 瑞利散射,被电磁波激发的原子向各个方向重新发射一个波。

  入射波的振荡电场使原子的电子云变形。这就是电子相对于带正电荷的原子 核的负电荷质心(或重心)振荡的原因,带正电荷的原子核构成一个振荡的电偶极子,它充当微观的发射天线,向四面八方辐射。图 4 显示出原子上产生的偶极子,而分子层面上也是同样的机制。

  需要注意的是,重新发射的电磁波与入射波具有相同的频率,或者说散射光子与入射光子具有相同的能量。但是散射辐射的强度与入射辐射波长的 4 次方成反比。因此,散射是一种选择性的现象,光谱上波长最短的波(紫色、蓝色)散射强度最大。由于紫光波长是红光的一半,所以紫光的漫反射率是红光的 16倍,这就解释了白天天空的蓝色。

  另一方面, 在黎明和黄昏时,当太阳在较低地平线上时,太阳辐射到达我们眼睛要穿透大气层的厚度要比白天大得多。短波被散射到各个方向了, 这样观察者朝着太阳方向主要看到的是长波长,即与红色相关的波长。这就是为什么天空在落日或朝阳方向上呈橘红色的原因。最后,应该注意的是,如果我们在白天观察太阳方向的天空(这很危险),那么太阳就会呈现白色,因为我们接收的直接透射光的强度要比散射光强得多。

4. 灰蒙蒙的天空和米氏散射

图5. 由于米氏的散射,格勒诺布尔上空的尘埃和污染物形成了灰蓝色的云。

  当大气中的粒子大小尺寸比辐射波长稍大或数量级相同时,瑞利散射就被米氏散射所取代。米氏散射的机制和性质与瑞丽散射不同,主要受到水滴、冰晶和气溶胶(尘埃、烟雾、花粉)影响。米氏散射与入射辐射的波长成反比,蓝色受到的影响较大但与瑞利散射相比不太明显。米氏散射更多地出现在气溶胶含量最高的低层大气,使得天空呈现褪色蓝甚至灰色(图 5) 。


5. 白云和非选择性散射

  当大气颗粒物的尺寸远大于辐射的波长时,就会发生非选择性散射。这主要是由在云雾中的水滴引起的(水滴的大小约为 100 微米)。非选择性散射会影响所有波长(故因此得名),可以解释云为什么是白色,也可以解释雪为什么是白色的(因为光会被雪中毫米大小的晶体散射)。我们所看到的乌云则是因为阳光被太阳与地面可见云之间的其他云吸收或散射。

  图 6 总结和绘制了大气的不同散射模式,它们直接根据辐射的波长、入射角和散射粒子的性质来影响天空的颜色。

6. 为什么夜晚是黑色的?

图6. 大气中太阳辐射的不同散射类型。

  在太空中,如果没有大气层,即使有来自于行星、恒星和太阳圆盘的光源, 天空也会显得全黑。我们可能也想知道为什么地表夜晚是黑色的,尽管那并不是完美且均匀的黑色。事实上,几种现象导致了这种黑。 一方面,月亮和恒星只给我们的星球带来微弱的光。另一方面,我们感知光的能力, 即来自于我们视网膜的感知光的能力,造成了夜晚的黑色。视网膜上的感光细胞由锥体细胞和杆体细胞组成。视杆细胞仅对微弱光线敏感,但是不能感知颜色(在黑暗中所有的猫都是灰色的) ,而锥体细胞只有在较亮的光线下才能对颜色敏感。

  当然,即使没有大气层,在恒星遍布的广阔宇宙中,天空也不会完全是黑色的, 因为来自所有遥远恒星的光的叠加会产生一个均匀的光的背景。我们的星系所形成的圆盘之中即可看到,银河的光是因为那里较高的恒星密度。如果我们考虑所有星系,光线就不会均匀,因为存在另一机制:宇宙膨胀。星系距离我们越远,它们离开的速度就越快,它们的光向长波方向偏移也就越多,即在变为红色甚至变为我们不可见的红外。这就是光的多普勒效应,类似于接近或离开我们的车辆所发出的更高或更低音调的机制。

  在地球上我们可以观察并经常欣赏的自然的光线主要来自我们的恒星——太阳。我们已经知道组成大气层的粒子、液滴或物体是如何影响天空的颜色的,这就是为什么地球经常称为蓝色行星(正如宇航员在太空中所看到的那样) 。宇航员看不到陆地,对他/她们而言,海洋是一面反射蓝色大气图像的镜子,上面点缀着白色或灰色的云。

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: BELORIZKY Elie (March 4, 2024), 天空的颜色, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed July 27, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

The articles in the Encyclopedia of the Environment are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, which authorizes reproduction subject to: citing the source, not making commercial use of them, sharing identical initial conditions, reproducing at each reuse or distribution the mention of this Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.