The genome between stability and variability

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The genome of living beings is permanently affected by anomalies, due to accidental errors or agents inside and outside the body. Fortunately, enzymes correct most of these anomalies and thus reinforce genetic stability. But they can also cause mutations that contribute to variability. Other systems can produce new genetic combinations. These mutations and recombinations are essential for the adaptation of populations to changes in the environment and therefore for evolution.

1. Introduction

Figure 1. DNA molecule under replication due to the complementarity of nucleobases (always matched A-T and G-C). The two strands of DNA are antiparallel. DNA polymerase can only work in one direction (green arrows). So, replication is continuous on the bottom strand and discontinuous on the other. [Source: Adapted from a scheme by Madeleine Price Ball (CC0 1.0)]
Who says genomeGenetic material of a living organism. It contains genetic information encoding proteins. In most organisms, the genome corresponds to DNA. However, in some viruses, including retroviruses such as HIV, the genetic material is RNA. says DNA molecule (deoxyribonucleic acid) since it carries the genetic information of living organisms [1]. In many viruses it is replaced by a very similar molecule, RNA (ribonucleic acid).

DNA consists of a double sequence of monomersmolecules which, by successive sequences with identical or different molecules, give rise to a polymer structure. (nucleotides) of which there are four types that only differ the nitrogenous base or nucleobase  An organic nitrogen compound present in nucleic acids as a nucleotide in which it is bound to a ose, ribose in the case of RNA and deoxyribose in the case of DNA. In genetics, they are often simply referred to as the bases of nucleic acids : adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T) and cytosine (C). It is the precise sequence of these four types, and therefore the four nucleobases, that constitutes the “text” of the genetic message. Its structure in two complementary strands, where A is always facing T and G facing C, – the famous double helix (Figure 1) – has two major advantages:

  • It allows, in a single step, thereplicationProcess to obtain two molecules identical to the initial molecule. into two identical daughter molecules (Figure 1), thus transmitting genetic information through cell divisions and sexual reproduction.
  • It allows the repair of lesions that appeared on one of the strands as well as the creation of recombinant molecules, i.e. new genetic combinations. This double-stranded structure therefore promotes both stability and variability of genomes.

Genetic variations in DNA fall into two main categories: mutations and recombinations.

  • Mutations are sudden changes in the genome of a living cell or virus. In multicellular organisms, if the mutations affect the germ cells intended to give gametes, they will be transmitted to the offspring and will therefore become inheritable.
  • Recombinations consist in producing a new genetic combination from exchanges between existing genetic materials. There are several types of recombinations with very different biological mechanisms and roles. Classically, this definition only concerned DNA belonging to the same species. We now know that there are spontaneous genetic exchanges between different species, called transgenesis, that we will include in this category.

These two main types of variations are themselves divided into several modalities. We will endeavour to extract the elements most relevant to clarify their respective roles in population dynamics and evolution.

2. The mutations

2.1. General information

The stability of genetic messages encoded by DNA can be affected by errors of the enzyme that performs the replication, the replicase. This enzyme can thus put a nitrogenous base in place of another on the new strand. But apart from any replication, DNA is also permanently damaged. It is important to distinguish between lesion and mutation (see Genetic polymorphism & variation). Lesions are abnormalities in the physical structure of DNA that, in most cases, will prevent its replication. They cannot therefore be transmitted to the progeny. On the other hand, a mutated molecule has a normal physical structure. Only the sequence of the nucleobases – and therefore the information they contain – is modified. It can therefore replicate without problem and transmit the mutation to daughter cells.

The lesions are very diverse and there are quantities of repair enzymes, each highly specialized for a particular type of lesion. This is referred to as the “cell toolbox” for DNA repair (work awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2015). Paradoxically, it is these repair systems that, by mistake, will create the actual mutation from the primary lesion. These lesions can be caused either by agents internal to the body (or endogenous) or by agents from the external environment (or exogenous). Here are some examples to set the ideas.

  • Endogenous agents: In warm-blooded animals, it is estimated that the DNA molecule can undergo 20,000 to 40,000 single-stranded cutsCuts in a bond between two adjacent nucleotides on a strand of a nucleic acid fragment. per cell and per day, as a result of molecular agitation. There can also be base losses, it is estimated that 10,000 T and C are lost and 500 A and G are lost, still per cell and per day. In these cases, we can even speak of spontaneous lesions. Among the most frequent endogenous agents are oxygen derivatives (free radicals or ROSA abbreviation for “Reactive oxygen species” or “reactive oxygen species”. Free radicals derived from oxygen, very reactive and very toxic. The abbreviation ROS is commonly used, even in French.), which are normal by-products of respiratory metabolism, they play an important role in oxidizing nucleobases that will need to be replaced. It would also be necessary to add the transposable elements,DNA sequence, sometimes called transposon, capable of moving autonomously in a genome, by a mechanism called transposition. These mobile DNA sequences are part of what are called dispersed repeats and are considered powerful drivers of evolution and biodiversity. we will discuss them further below.
  • Exogenous agents: they can be physical (radiations) or chemical. The most common are ultraviolet (UV) rays, whose effect is generally limited to the skin because they are not very penetrating (see Cellular impact of solar UV rays). For example, it is estimated that sunbathing can cause, per cell and per hour, 60,000 to 80,000 abnormal chemical bonds between contiguous thymins of the same DNA strand, each of which being sufficient to block replication. If they are not all repaired, the cell dies: it is sunburn.

It is therefore clear that DNA stability is a dynamic process, resulting from a permanent balance between the production of lesions and their repair. These repair mechanisms do not operate at a constant level, they are subject to regulation.

A first type of regulation depends on the number of lesions in the cell. This phenomenon was first highlighted in the colibacillus (Escherichia coli), a bacterium that is one of the preferred subjects of study for geneticists. As early as 1974, it was assumed that there was a response, called SOS [2], which regulates the intervention of several repair systems according to the number of injuries. When there is a small number of lesions, this response increases the effectiveness of faithful repair mechanisms. But beyond a certain threshold of damage, these mechanisms are overwhelmed. The SOS response then induces the synthesis of a replicase able to cross specific lesions (see below), but with a certain error rate. This is called SOS mutagenesis. At the end of the 1990s, it was shown to facilitate the adaptation of the bacterial population to a hostile environment, at the cost of significant losses due to harmful mutations. It is a kind of last chance, hence the name SOS.

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Figure 2. Examples of model organisms used in genetics. A, Baker’s yeast [Source: Photo © Masur via Wikimedia Commons]. B, Drosophila [Source: Photo © Sanjay Acharya (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons]. C, Thale cress [Source: Photo © DawidSkalec (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons]. D, Mouse [Source: Photo © Rasbak (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons.]
An induction of faithful repair mechanisms following irradiations has been shown on other organisms highly prized by biologists (Figure 2): in the 1980s in baker’s yeast, in 2000 in vinegar fly [3], in 2006 in a plant called “thale cress” [4] and in 2008 in mice exposed to radiation at Chernobyl [5]. These data call into question the still widespread claim that the effects of radiation are directly proportional to doses. For moderate doses, this is clearly not true. More detailed information on this work can be found at:

The second type of regulation concerns the fidelity of replication according to the type of organism. In all living cells, bacteria and others, this replication involves, in addition to DNA replication, a corrective enzyme system. Thanks to the old strand, this system corrects the errors made on the new strand by the replicase, which results in a very low error rate, in the order of 1 in 10 billion (10-10). Such accuracy is essential for organisms with large DNA molecules: 4 million base pairs in colibacillus and 3 billion in humans.

But in multicellular organisms, the number of cells can be very large: in the human species, it is estimated at one hundred thousand billion (1014). In these organisms, the majority of mutations are neutral, because the genome contains a large number of non-coding sequences (see Genetic polymorphism & variation). Even taking this into account, an error rate of 1 in 10 billion (10-10) is still too high. This is even more so since many mutations also occur outside replication. If there were only one copy of the gene per cell, many of them would carry deleterious mutations and the organism would not be viable. It is the interest, and the necessity, to have two chromosome sets for these organisms (diploidyProperty of a cell whose chromosomes it contains are present in pairs (2n chromosomes). The concept is generally to be contrasted with haploidy, a term referring to the ownership of cells with single copy chromosomes (n chromosomes). An organism or part of an organism is said to be diploid when its cells are themselves diploid.). Most mutations that inactivate one gene are recessive, so one functional copy is sufficient for the cell to function normally. In a nutshell, it can be said that diploidy acts as a spare wheel.

If we now look at the case of viruses, the situation is very different because most of which have very small genomes. For DNA viruses, there is generally no corrective activity associated with replicase, so the mutation rate is much higher, from 10-8 to 10-6 depending on viruses. This is even more true for viruses whose genome is composed of RNA, because RNA replicases are much less accurate than DNA replicases, the error rate is then 10-6 to 10-4.

However, in these RNA viruses, two categories must be distinguished according to the size of the genome. In those whose genome size is around 10,000 nucleotides, the fidelity of replication depends on the replicase alone. This is the case with influenza viruses (13,500 nucleotides) and HIV, which causes AIDS (10,000 nucleotides). In the latter, the rate of point mutations has been estimated at 1 in 10 per genome and per replication cycle. As the number of viral particles produced (virions) is of the order of 10,000 per day and per infected cell, it can be seen that the overall population in an infected host can exhibit considerable variability.

In RNA viruses with a genome of around 30,000 nucleotides or more, it is now known that there is corrective activity associated with the replicase. This is the case with Coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, whose genome contains 29,903 nucleotides. This corrective activity improves replication fidelity by a factor of 20, thus making it possible not to produce an excessive number of defective virions.

To put it more generally, in all viruses, whether DNA or RNA, there does seem to be a negative correlation between the rate of mutations and the size of the genome. For each viral species, a balance has been developed for the rate of mutations by natural selection. It should not be too high, so that the perpetuation of the viral species is not compromised, but still enough to create variability that allows the virus to bypass the defense mechanisms of its host. On this last point, the case of HIV is quite emblematic.

This leads us to make two remarks on the role of mutations in the evolutionary process:

  • They play a key role in the adaptation of species to their environment because, by increasing genetic diversity, they are the material on which natural selection can act. What we have just seen with viruses is an example. The development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, insecticide-treated insects, or herbicide-treated plants, are other examples.
  • A genetic mutation is not inherently advantageous or disadvantageous, depending on the environment. For example, in the Kerguelen Islands, in the subantarctic, there is a wingless fly species, Calycopteryx moseley (Figure 3). This character, strongly disadvantageous in our regions, is on the contrary beneficial there because it prevents these flies from being carried into the ocean by the very strong winds that constantly sweep these islands.
    Encyclopédie environnement - génome - Mouche sans ailes - Calycopteryx moseley - wingless fly
    Figure 3. Wingless fly, Calycopteryx moseley, living in the Kerguelen Islands, in an extremely windy environment. [Photos © Marine Pouvreau]

What are the different categories of mutations? They are classically distinguished by the size of the DNA segment concerned. In increasing order, these range from point mutations, where a single pair of nitrogenous bases is modified, to mutations that affect larger or smaller DNA segments, to tens of thousands of nucleotides. Not to mention the changes in the number of chromosomes. The last two categories mainly concern eukaryotic organisms, whose chromosomes are located in a particular compartment of the cell: the nucleus. These chromosomes each consist of a very long DNA molecule but in a complex “package”, composed of several families of proteins.

2.2. Point mutations

They can be due either to errors during replication or, more frequently, to poorly repaired lesions; they create variants of the same gene (alleles). In E. coli, it is the SOS system that causes the vast majority of mutations after UV irradiation. Most of the examples cited above relate mainly to point mutations.

2.3. Chromosome mutations

These are rearrangements produced by agents that cause DNA breaks, including radiations (other than UV). Several double-strand breaks can lead to more or less significant rearrangements depending on their number and the size of the segment concerned.

In the case of two very distant double-stranded breaks on the same chromosome, the entire segment between the breaks can be either (a) lost, causing the individual to die, (b) reversed at the same site (inversion), or (c) transferred to another chromosome (translocation) if other breaks have occurred on it. Inversions and translocations are quite frequent in natural populations. They interfere with the proper matching of chromosomes during meiosis The process of double cell division that takes place in the cells (diploids) of the germline to form gametes (haploids), or sex cells in eukaryotic organisms. and thus cause some sterility. As a result, they can be involved in speciationEvolutionary process that leads to the emergence of new living species that individualize from populations belonging to an original species. processes. Often, neighbouring species differ in chromosomal rearrangements.

2.4. Mutations of chromosome sets

This category has different mechanisms from the previous ones. These are no longer anomalies resulting from primary lesions but mechanical errors in cell division processes, mitosisrefers to the chromosomal events of cell division, the stage of the cell cycle of eukaryotic cells. This is the step of non-sexual/asexual duplication (unlike meiosis) of the chromosomes of the mother cell and their equal distribution in each of the two daughter cells. or meiosis. Some can lead to situations where individuals have more than two chromosome sets (2N), but always an integer number of sets (3N, 4N…), this is polyploidy (see Focus Polyploidy). They are viable because the “gene balance” is respected: all genes have the same number of copies. On the other hand, the 3Ns are sterile because the genetic balance of the gametes is necessarily abnormal. Meiosis obviously cannot evenly distribute an odd number of chromosomes among the gametes. The polyploids 4N, 6N or 8N are fertile. But they immediately create a new species, because any crossing with diploid parents would give sterile descendants, their meiosis being very unbalanced.

Other “failures” of meiosis can lead to a chromosomal imbalance in some gametes, which will therefore be found in the offspring. For example, they will be 2N-1 (monosomy) or 2N+1 (trisomy), we then speak of aneuploidy, which is a harmful situation because the genetic balance is no longer respected.

3. Recombinations

There are many recombination modalities with very different biological roles.

3.1. The homologous recombination

Figure 4. Simplified model of homologous recombination between two similar DNA molecules. The letters A and a represent two variants (alleles) of the same gene. The same goes for B/b and C/c.

It is the most common and also the oldest known type. As its name suggests, it is done between identical DNA molecules (Figure 4). In diploid organisms, it occurs regularly, during meiosis, between homologous chromosomes, by crossover. It is a “soft” variability: the re-collection is done at exactly the same point, so there will be no mutations or modifications in the arrangement of genes on the chromosomes. This results in new and viable genetic combinations that may, in a given environment, have different adaptive capacities than parental combinations. In bacteria, it can also occur during conjugation [6] which allows genetic exchanges between cells [7].

This recombination mechanism is also involved in DNA repair. In diploid organisms, double-strand breaks caused on a chromosome by irradiation can be repaired by the presence of an intact homologous molecule in the segment concerned.

3.2. Other types of recombinations

To simplify, we will group together types of events with very different biological roles. They could be grouped under the term additive recombination because they result, in most cases, in the addition of DNA segments in genomes.

Among the most common mechanisms is the transposition of mobile genetic elements (called transposable elements) [8], which contain only a few hundred or thousands of nucleotides and possess, at a minimum, functions necessary for their “jumps” into the host genome. They occur in both bacteria and the most complex eukaryotes, sometimes in large numbers. In the former, they can be exchanged between different species during conjugation [6]. As they generally carry antibiotic resistance genes, they are one of the main factors in the very rapid spread of these resistances in pathogenic bacteria, with the serious medical problems that result.

In the human species, while our genes themselves, encoding all our proteins, constitute only about 2 to 3% of the DNA of the nucleus, the various families of transposable elements constitute nearly 50%. Most of them have been established in our lineage since very ancient geological times, long before the appearance of our species. The retrovirusFamily of RNA viruses with high genetic variability. Have an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, which allows the transcription of viral RNA into a particular DNA molecule capable of integrating with the DNA of the host cell., (to which HIV belongs), which are both virus and transposable element, alone represents 8% of our DNA. Fortunately for genome stability, only a small number of these elements are still mobile. As with “classical” mutations, the insertion of a transposable element can be harmful if it is done in a gene, but it can also bring interesting genetic innovations, either by modifying gene regulations or by their own functions. Multiple data show that they have contributed to the evolution of genomes and therefore species [9].

Finally, it is necessary to mention the phenomena of transgenesis, i.e. the genetic exchanges between different species. Since the late 1990s, it appears that they are much more frequent than we thought. The species barrier, which had been thought to be impassable under natural conditions, is actually quite porous, at least on an evolutionary scale. Again, this is a source of innovation that contributes to the plasticity of genomes and evolution.

4. Conclusion

We presented a brief overview of the different types of genome variations. We could not detail the enzyme systems involved in the repairs and recombinations, they alone would have required a complete article (if not two!). Readers interested in these mechanisms can refer to the following sites [10]. To conclude, two important points should be highlighted:

  • Genetic variations occur randomly. They are not directed by the environment for adaptive purposes, as postulated in the Lamarckian vision of evolution. This has been abundantly demonstrated experimentally (Read Lamarck and Darwin: two divergent visions of the living world). However, contrary to what was believed until the 1980s, their frequencies can be modulated by the environment. We have seen this illustrated in bacteria with the increase in the rate of mutations by the SOS response and, in fruit fly and thale cress, with the stimulation of homologous recombination following irradiation. These are not the only factor capable of modulating the frequency of variations, many physiological stresses can lead to this result. For example, the application of antibiotics to bacterial cultures also triggers SOS mutagenesis and thus increases the frequency of mutations [11,12]. This subject is also covered in the article Adaptation: Responding to environmental challenges.
  • This article is at the heart of what can be called the dialectic stability/variability of living beings. Two a priori antagonistic properties but in fact quite complementary. Both are essential for the survival of populations and the evolution of species.

Stability to allow a population to adapt sustainably to its environment when it is relatively stable and variability to facilitate genetic changes when the environment changes, allowing natural selection to work. The SOS response in bacteria is a good illustration of this since it is capable of performing either of these two functions, depending on environmental conditions.


References and notes

Cover image. [Source: © vitstudio; Image 134698571 via Shutterstock]


[2] R. Devoret (1993) Mécanisme de la mutagenèse SOS, Med/Sci vol.3, n°9, I-VII. (in french)

[3] J. Ducau et al (2000) Mutation Research 460:69-80

[4] J. Molinier et al (2006) Nature 442:1046-1049

[5] B.E. Rodgers & K.M. Holmes (2008) Dose response 6:209-221


[7] Video of Miroslav Radman:

[8] D. Anxolabéhère, D. Nouaud & W.J. Miller (2000) Transposable elements and genetic novelties in eukaryotes. Med/Sci, I No. 11, vol. 16, I-IX.

[9] see “The surprises of evolution: viruses among our ancestors? “in

[10] or

[11] S. Da Re & M.-C. Ploy (2012) Antibiotics and bacterial SOS response. Med Sci (Paris) 28:179-184 (in french)

[12] J. Blázquez, J. Rodrı́guez-Beltrán & I. Matic (2018) Antibiotic-Induced Genetic Variation: How It Arises and How It Can Be Prevented. Annu. Microbiol Rev. 72:209-30

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: BREGLIANO Jean-Claude (May 30, 2021), The genome between stability and variability, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 14, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

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Encyclopédie environnement - génome - genome


1. 引言

图 1. 处于复制状态的DNA分子,由于碱基的互补性(总是A-T和G-C匹配)。两条DNA链是反向平行的。DNA聚合酶只能在一个方向上工作(绿色箭头)。所以,复制位于底部的那条链是连续的而在另一条则是不连续的。[来源:改编自Madeleine Price Ball (CC0 1.0)的一个方案] (图1 New strand新链 ;Old strand旧链;Overall direction of replication复制的总方向)


  • 它允许,通过一个单一的步骤复制复制:获得两个与初始分子相同的分子的过程。形成两个相同的分子图1),从而通过细胞分裂和有性繁殖传递遗传信息。
  • 它可以修复出现在其中一条链上的损伤,同时创造重组分子,即新的遗传组合。因此,这种双链结构提升了基因组的稳定性和变异性。


  • 突变是活细胞或病毒基因组的突然变化。在多细胞生物中,如果突变影响了提供配子的生殖细胞,它们就会传递给后代,而且会因此成为可遗传变异。
  • 重组是指通过现有遗传物质的交换产生新的遗传组合。重组类型有多种,其发生的生物学机制和作用各异。传统意义上的重组定义只涉及同一物种的DNA。我们现在知道,不同物种之间有自发的基因交换,这被称为转基因,我们也将其纳入这一类别。


2. 基因突变

2.1. 一般信息



  • 内源性因子:据估计,在温血动物中,由于分子搅动,每个细胞内的DNA分子每天可经历2万至4万次单链切割单链切割:,切割发生在核酸片段链上两个相邻核苷酸之间。也可能存在碱基的丢失。据估计,每个细胞每天损失10000个T和10000个C和500个A和500个G。在这些事件中,我们甚至可以将其称之为自发性损伤。最常见的内源性因子是氧衍生物(自由基活性氧ROS: Reactive oxygen species,“活性氧物种”或“活性氧物种”的缩写。由氧产生的自由基,非常活泼,毒性很大。经常使用缩写ROS,在法语中也常常这样使用。),它是呼吸代谢的正常副产物,在氧化核碱基方面起着重要作用。此外,还有转座元件转座元件: DNA序列,有时称为转座子,通过一种叫做转座子的机制,能够在基因组中自主移动。这些可移动的DNA序列是分散重复序列的一部分,被认为是进化和生物多样性的强大驱动力。,我们将在下文进一步讨论。
  • 外源性因子:它们可以是物理(辐射)或化学因素。最常见的是紫外线(UV),其影响通常仅限于皮肤,因为其穿透力不是很强(参见太阳紫外线的细胞影响)。例如,据估计,日光浴会让每个细胞在每小时内,同一条DNA链的相邻胸腺之间产生6万到8万个异常化学键,每一个异常化学键都能阻止复制。如果没有全部修复,细胞就会死亡:即皮肤晒伤。



图 2. 遗传学中使用的模式生物示例。A,面包酵母[来源:照片©Masur通过维基共享]。B, Drosophila[来源:照片©Sanjay Acharya (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons]。C, Thale cress[来源:照片©DawidSkalec (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons]。D,小鼠 [来源:照片©Rasbak (CC BY-SA 3.0)通过维基共享。]


但在多细胞生物中,细胞数量可能非常多:在人类物种中,估计有100万亿(1014)个细胞。在这些生物体中,大多数突变是中性突变,因为基因组包含大量非编码序列(参见遗传多态性和变异)。即使考虑到这一点,100亿分之一(10-10)的错误率仍然太高。此外,由于许多突变也发生在复制之外的其他过程,这就更加明显了。如果每个细胞只复制一个基因,其中许多复制将携带有害突变,有机体将无法存活。因此,对这些生物体来说,有两组染色体(即二倍体,二倍体:其特性为每个细胞的染色体成对存在 (2n条染色体)。这一概念通常与单倍体形成对比,单倍体是指拥有单个复制染色体(n个染色体)的细胞。当生物体的细胞是二倍体时,也就称该生物体或生物体的一部分是二倍体。)是有利且必要的。大多数使一个基因失活的突变是隐性突变,所以一次功能性复制就能使细胞正常工作。简而言之,二倍体就像一个备用轮。






  • 突变在物种适应环境方面发挥着关键作用,通过增加遗传多样性,突变在自然选择的过程中可以发挥作用。我们前面讨论的病毒就是一个例子。耐抗生素细菌、耐杀虫剂昆虫或耐除草剂植物的出现则提供了更多示例。
  • 基因突变并非天生有利或不利,而是取决于环境。例如,在亚南极带的克尔格伦群岛上,有一种无翅苍蝇(Calycopteryxmoseley)(图3)。这种特性在我们生活的地区是非常不利的,但在克尔格伦群岛上却是有益的,因为这些苍蝇就不至于被常年肆虐克尔格伦群岛的狂风卷进海洋。

图 3. 无翅苍蝇Calycopteryx moseley,生活在克尔盖伦群岛的极端多风环境中。[图片©Marine Pouvreau]

2.2. 点突变


2.3. 染色体变异


如果两个相距较远的双链断裂(Double-stranded breaks, DSB)发生在同一条染色体上,断裂点之间的整个DNA区段可以有如下后果:(a)丢失,导致个体死亡,(b)在同一位点倒转(inversion倒位),或(c)转移到另一条发生断裂的染色体上(translocation易位)。倒位和易位在自然种群中相当频繁。这些染色体突变干扰减数分裂减数分裂:真核生物中的细胞双重分裂过程,发生在生殖系细胞(二倍体)中以形成配子(单倍体)或生殖细胞。中的染色体配对,从而导致不育。因此,它们可以参与物种形成物种形成:导致新的活物种出现的进化过程,,这些新物种从属于原始物种的种群中分离出来。过程。通常情况下,相邻物种的染色体重排存在差异。

2.4. 染色体组突变

这类突变的机制不同于与前面几类。这些异常不是由原发性损伤引发的,而是由细胞分裂过程(有丝分裂有丝分裂: 是指细胞分裂的染色体事件,是真核细胞周期的一个阶段。这是母细胞染色体的非有性/无性复制(不同于减数分裂)的步骤以及它们在两个子细胞中的平均分配。或减数分裂)中的机械错误引发的。有些可能导致个体出现两个以上的染色体组(2N),但总是整数倍的染色体组(3N, 4N…),这就是多倍体(参见聚焦多倍体)。它们可以存活,因为“基因平衡”得到了尊重:所有基因都有相同的复制数。另一方面,三倍体是不育的,因为配子的遗传平衡必然异常。减数分裂显然不能均匀地在配子中分配奇数倍染色体。多倍体4N、6N或8N是可育的。但它们立即创造了一个新物种,因为任何与二倍体亲代杂交的后代都将不育,这些后代的减数分裂非常不平衡。


3. 重组


3.1. 同源重组

图 4. 两个相似DNA分子之间同源重组的简化模型。字母A和a代表同一基因的两种变体(等位基因)。B/ b和C/ c也是如此。(图4 Double stranded DNA from each parents 来自亲本的双链DNA;An enzyme breaks DNA strands 断裂DNA链的酶(核酸内切酶);Ligation 连接;Exchange of strands between parents molecules 亲本分子间的链交换;After replication:four types of homologous molecules 复制后:四种类型的同源分子;Two of parent type 两种亲本类型;Two recombineds 两种类型的重组)



3.2. 其他类型的重组





4. 结论


  • 遗传变异随机发生。这与拉马克进化论的假设不一样,遗传变异不会受环境的引导而去适应环境。已经有大量实验对此加以证明(参见拉马克和达尔文:两种对待生命的不同看法)。然而,与20世纪80年代以前人们的想法相反,其频率会受到环境的调节。我们已经在细菌、果蝇等生物中看到了这一点,细菌中SOS反应使得突变率上升,而在果蝇和拟南芥中,辐射激活同源重组。这些并不是唯一能够调节频率变化的因素,许多生理压力都可以导致这个结果。例如,在细菌培养中使用抗生素也会引发SOS突变,从而增加突变的频率[11,12]。《适应:应对环境挑战》一文中也涉及到这一主题。
  • 本文核心论述了稳定性/可变性的辩证统一。两者先天对立,但实际上又相辅相成。两者对于种群生存和物种进化都至关重要



封面照片: [Source: © vitstudio; Image 134698571 via Shutterstock]


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[12] J. Blázquez, J. Rodrı́guez-Beltrán & I. Matic (2018) Antibiotic-Induced Genetic Variation: How It Arises and How It Can Be Prevented. Annu. Microbiol Rev. 72:209-30

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: BREGLIANO Jean-Claude (February 23, 2024), 平衡在稳定性和变异性之间的基因组, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 14, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

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