The adaptation of life to environmental constraints


The diversity of living forms, or biodiversity, is reflected in phenotypic variations (expression of variable traits), themselves largely caused by genetic variations both within species and at higher supraspecific levels. The environmental constraints encountered by different populations of the same species shape the expression of traits that maximize the survival and/or reproduction of individuals locally. The theory of natural selection has been enriched over time by the discovery of the molecular basis of genetic variation and the importance of chance in the evolution of traits. More recently, other mechanisms such as non-genetic transfer of information from one generation to the next (epigenetics) and symbiosis (interspecific cooperation) seem to have an important role in the adaptive potential of individuals and populations. More than a century and a half after Darwin and at the dawn of a sixth mass extinction of an unprecedented magnitude initiated by human activities, it is more necessary than ever to understand all the mechanisms at work in the adaptation of living organisms to a rapidly changing environment.

1. Individuals differ, populations evolve

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Figure 1. Industrial melanism in the peppered moth Biston betularia. This moth spends the day motionless on birch trunks, invisible to predatory birds (A, white typica morph). The black form, carbonaria (B), became the most abundant morph in polluted areas after the industrial revolution in England during the 19th century.

Different individuals of the same species may encounter very different environmental conditions. For example, a plant growing in the plain does not face the same climatic constraints as a plant growing in the mountains. Similarly, an animal living in urban, agricultural or forest areas will not have access to the same resources and will not be exposed to the same pollutants… In addition to these abioticPhysical and chemical factors of an ecosystem influencing a given biocenosis. Opposable to biotic factors, they constitute part of the ecological factors of this ecosystem. Climatic factors (temperature, light, air…), chemical factors (air gases, mineral elements…) are abiotic factors… constraints, each individual is also constrained by its interactions with other living organisms bioticRelated to life. The biotic factors of an ecosystem are the flora and fauna and the relationships between them. The environment in which life can develop. constraints. As environmental constraints are locally variable, individuals with different traits will be selected locally. An adaptive trait is a morphological, physiological, or behavioural characteristic that provides a survival or reproductive benefit to individuals with that trait in a given environment. However, all spatially variable traits are not necessarily adaptive.

The best-known example of an adaptive trait that varies in space is the peppered moth, Biston betularia (Figure 1). This moth spends the day motionless on birch trunks, invisible to predatory birds (A, white typica morph). During the industrial revolution in England in the second half of the 19th century, the carbonaria form (Figure 1B) became the most abundant form in polluted areas, being less visible than the white typica form on trunks blackened by industrial smoke. This iphenomenon has been called industrial melanismAn animal phenotype characterized by the entirely black colour of the body (skin, feathers, hair…). (Figure 1). In this species, colour is determined by a single gene that exists in two forms, or alleles: white or black. This is an example of local adaptation: white moths are more commonly consumed in polluted areas and disappear at the advantage of black moths, and vice versa in unpolluted areas. Colour is the locally selected adaptive trait; the selective factor is avian predation. To demonstrate this, black and white moths are placed on white trunks, or on black trunks, and the predation rate on both forms is observed in each situation.

Figure 2. The evolution of insecticide resistance illustrates the Darwinian process of natural selection: in treated population, only resistant insects survive and within a few generations the population has become completely resistant. The individual is the target of selection, but it is the populations that gradually evolve towards an increasingly high resistance by selection over generations of the most resistant individuals. Since the 1950s, the use of chemical insecticides on populations of disease vectors (mosquitoes) and crop pests has led to the evolution of resistant populations in all treated species, severely limiting the interest of using these toxic molecules that have become ineffective. The same phenomenon is observed in hospitals where the use of antibiotics selects resistant pathogenic bacteria.

There are many examples of local adaptation and they concern all living organisms, we can quote:
– insect populations treated with insecticides quickly become resistant to these insecticides (Figure 2);
– antibiotic-resistant bacteria are selected in hospitals;
– the size of finches’ beaks varies according to the size of locally available seeds [1];
– winter diapause is selected in insects in temperate climates;
– upper plants are generally smaller than those of the same species that grow on the plain (Figure 3).

Figure 3. These two plants of the same species Arabis alpina are derived from seeds collected from a mother plant growing at 3000 m (left plant) or 1000 m (right plant). They present very different morphologies: compact form, few small flowers for the first, and a looser habit, taller and more numerous flowers for the second. However, they are cultivated under the same conditions (Lautaret Alpine Garden, 2000 m altitude). The measurement of these traits in situ (i.e. where the seeds were collected), and in the common garden (where the experiment is carried out) makes it possible to distinguish the share of the environment and genetics in their expression. The survival and reproduction of individuals transplanted in situ compared to individuals living in the initial conditions can be measured to show the adaptive nature of these traits in relation to altitude. [Source: photo © Pierre de Villemereuil]
In natural populations, most traits are not discrete charactersCharacters that can only adopt very distinct states (examples: black or white; presence or absence of wisdom teeth). (white/black) encoded by a single gene. Weight, shape, or size are traits that vary continuously in populations: they are quantitative (polygenic) traits; moreover, the expression of these traits is dependent on the environment: a well watered and fertilized plant will reach a larger size than if it is planted in an arid and infertile environment, regardless of the genes it carries. This ability of organisms to adjust their traits to the resources available in the environment encountered is called phenotypic plasticity. The value of a trait measured in natural population (phenotype) depends partly on the individual’s genes, and partly on the environment in which the individual develops.

2. Can the environment directly influence adaptive traits?

According to the theory of natural selection [1], only the genetically determined part of a trait is transmitted to the progeny(the inheritable part of the trait). Adaptive traits therefore gradually increase in frequency in environments that are favourable to them via the differential survival and reproduction of individuals. Locally, the fixation of an advantageous feature depends on the intensity of the flow of migrants who counteract the effect of local selection by reintroducing the counter-selected features. However, more and more recent studies show that the environment experienced by parents could have an effect on the traits expressed by descendants, regardless of the genes (epigenetics) (see Epigenetics, the genome & its environment). Thus, it has been shown that caterpillars fed on plants that are more or less rich in nitrogen produce a progeny more efficient on the type of plant used by their parents [2]. Similarly, caterpillars exposed to pathogens produced offspring protected against them. The egg does not only contain the genes of both parents, but also additional molecules (growth factors, immune factors…) that would explain this transmission between generations. But there is even more surprising: two generations after a stress (smell associated with an electric shock, exposure to a pollutant…) suffered by their grandfather, mice from in vitro fertilization are conditioned to respond to this stress. Epigentic marksBiochemical modifications, applied by specialized enzymes to DNA or to proteins that structure it, histones. The best characterized brands are methyl groups (CH3) on DNA, as well as various chemical modifications of histones (methylation, acetylation…). modulating the expression of genes involved in the response to stress are present in the offspring [3]. Such a transfer of information on local environmental characteristics directly from parents to children (inheritance of acquired traits [4]) is an apparently more effective way than natural selection to predispose individuals to the environmental conditions they are likely to encounter, but the generality of this phenomenon in adaptation is far from established and the exact mechanisms involved remain to be uncovered (see Adaptation: responding to environmental challenges).

3. One’s environment is primarily made of all the others!

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Figure 4. The diversity of corollas (shape, odour, colour) observed between species of the genus Trollius results from the interaction with different pollinators in this arctic-alpine plant of Himalayan origin.

Beyond the abiotic environmental conditions encountered (climate, pollutant), every individual is the prey and/or predator of at least one other species: the environment of an organism is primarily made of all the others! Interactions with other species (see Symbiosis and parasitism): predators, parasites, competitors but also mutualists (e.g. pollinators, Figure 4) would constitute the main selective factors shaping adaptive traits in populations according to the hypothesis called the “red queen”Hypothesis of evolutionary biology proposed by Leigh Van Valen, which can be summarized as follows: “the permanent evolution of a species is necessary to maintain its ability following the evolution of the species with which it co-evolves”. It takes its name from an episode of Lewis Carroll’s book: Across the Looking Glass (Alice in Wonderland’s second installment) in which the main character and the Red Queen embark on a frantic race. Alice then asked: “But, Red Queen, it’s strange, we run fast and the landscape around us doesn’t change? ” And the queen replied: “We run to stay in the same place”.” hypothesis [5]. According to the alternative hypothesis known as the “court jester”Hypothesis proposed by Anthony Barnovsky as an antithesis of the “red queen“. It suggests that the transformation of species on a geological scale is not very much induced by competition between species but essentially due to the abiotic context. The case of the birch moth illustrates this hypothesis of the “king’s fool“. abiotic factors (meteorite falls, volcanism, climate change) would play a major role in the evolution of biodiversity. Both mechanisms are probably at play in the evolution of populations and species, with the evolution of cladesA set or group of organisms whose members, however different they may have become, descend from the same common ancestor group: it is a monophyletic group. In a phylogenetic tree: branch of the tree that contains an ancestor and all his descendants. (macroevolution) proceeding by gradual changes (“red queen” rhythm) with sometimes very rapid speciationEvolutionary process at the origin of the appearance of new living species that individualize from populations belonging to an original species. events linked to sudden changes in the environment (“court jester“).

4. Why are some apparently unfavorable traits selected?

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Figure 5. Extravagant sexual characteristics may be involved in competition between males for access to females, such as excessive antlers of deer, or in the choice of females, such as exuberant colours of guppies, peacocks or frigates.

The evolution of certain extravagant traits such as the excessive tail of peacocks or the bright colour of guppies may seem difficult to explain because they seem rather unfavourable in terms of survival (more visible to predators, bulky…); yet these sexual traits costly in terms of survival are selected in males because they allow better access to females, through direct competition between males, or because females choose males who have these traits to mate (Figure 5). It is sexual selection [6].

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this deliberate choice of females for males with apparent survival disabilities: the “good genes” hypothesis stipulates that there is a direct link between the trait chosen by females and the genetic quality of the male. For example, a bright colour of the plumage indicates that the male has genes for resistance to local parasites, which will be transmitted to the offspring (Hamilton and Zuk hypothesis) [6]. According to the “sexy son” hypothesis, the trait chosen does not need to be associated with a good genetic quality of the male, the fact that it pleases females makes it an adaptive trait in itself, since the descendants of this male will also please females. According to the disability hypothesis, the female assesses the male’s viability based on traits that a priori decrease survival…

5. Cooperation and adaptation: the theory of the holobionte

Encyclopédie environnement - adaptation - puceron du pois Acyrthosiphonpisum
Figure 6. In the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum the ability to survive on a host plant (clover or alfalfa) is conferred by different symbiotic bacteria. Adaptation to a given host plant is not the result of a sorting on the aphid’s genes, but of a sort on the bacteria it hosts. Since bacteria have a higher reproduction rate than aphids, this adaptation mechanism via the associated partner could be a very effective way for organisms to respond quickly to sudden environmental change (e.g., crop rotation, etc.). In addition, the colour of individuals is conferred by symbiotic bacteria that produce the green pigment, providing better protection against predators (ladybirds) by camouflage (see ref. [7]).
In recent years, a new vision of evolutionary processes has emerged: it incorporates cooperation (interaction with mutual benefits) between organisms at the same level as competition for survival. This vision was born from the consideration of the consequences of the incredible diversity of symbiotic microorganisms present in the organs and cells of all organisms. The mycorrhizaeSymbiotic association between the roots of plants and soil fungi. They affect more than 95% of terrestrial plants. They give plants better access to soil nutrients and help them better resist environmental stresses. plants, intestinal bacteria, endcellular bacterialocated inside the cell.Insect, Figure 6 [7]), or microbiota: All microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses) living in a specific environment (called microbiome) in a host (animal or plant). An important example is the set of microorganisms living in the intestine or intestinal microbiota, formerly called “intestinal flora”, play a major role in a large number of vital functions: nutrition, detoxification, immune response, behaviour, and even reproduction. Some authors even call for the formulation of a new synthetic theory of evolution in which the target of natural selection would no longer be the organism alone, but the whole organism and microbiota, called “holobionte” [8] (see Symbiosis and parasitism).

Symbioses are omnipresent in living organisms, at all scales (see Symbiosis & evolution & Symbiosis and parasitism). Thus endosymbiosisMutually beneficial cooperation between two living organisms, therefore a form of symbiosis, where one is contained by the other. At the cellular level, represents the processes that led to the formation of organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts) in eukaryotic cells. Thus, mitochondria comes from the integration of a bacterium, probably an alpha-proteobacterium, into a primary eukaryotic cell. The chloroplast was formed by the incorporation of a cyanobacterium into the eukaryotic cell. These transformations were accompanied by gene transfers from endosymbiotes to host cells and by the integration of metabolism. mitochondrial is at the origin of the eukaryotic cell: the mitochondria essential for cellular metabolism was at the origin a free bacterium, perhaps consumed, or parasite, of larger cells. Symbiosis is found in coral reefs (association between an algae and a cnidaria) or mycorrhizae (association between a fungus and the roots of a plant). This is also the case for the billions of bacteria that we harbour in our gut, which are key to our health (see Human microbiotes: allies for our health). Taking symbiosis into account in the theory of evolution could reconcile the controversy over the proportion of the innate (genetic) and the acquired (epigenetic, including symbionts-elements of the environment potentially transmitted from one generation to the next) in the adaptation of organisms to their environment, and provide new insights into the changes in speciation rates observed at the macroevolutionary level.


References and notes

Cover photo: Grand Veymont, a group of ibexes – [Source: © Alain Herrault,]

[1] Darwin CR (1959) On the origin of species by the means of natural selection,’origine_des_esp%C3%A8ces

[2] Cahenzli F & Erhardt A (2013) Transgenerational acclimatization in an herbivore-host plant relationship. Proc R Soc B, 280

[3] Goldberg AD, Allis CD & Bernstein E (2007) Epigenetics: a landscape takes shape. Cell 128, 635-638

[4] Sano H. (2010) Inheritance of acquired traits in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 5(4):346-348

[5] Van Valen L (1977) The red queen. The American Naturalist 111(980):809-810

[6] Hamilton WD & Zuk M (1982) Heritable true fitness and bright birds: a role for parasites? Science 218, 384–387

[7] Tsuchida T, Koga R, Shibao H, Matsumoto T & Fukatsu T. (2002) Diversity and geographic distribution of secondary endosymbiotic bacteria in natural populations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Molecular Ecology 11(10):2123-2135.

[8] Arnold C. (2013) The hologenome: A new view of evolution. New Scientist 217(2899):30-34.

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: DESPRÉS Laurence (April 8, 2019), The adaptation of life to environmental constraints, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 19, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

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图1. 桦尺蠖的工业黑化



图2. 抗药性的进化阐释了达尔文自然选择过程。







图3. 两株植物都是由高山南芥的种子发育而来。
种子分别源自海拔3000米(左侧)、1000米(右侧)处生长的母本植株。两株植物呈现完全不同的形态:左侧的植物更加紧凑,花小而少;右侧的植物则比较松散,植株较高,花更多。然而,它们栽培的条件相同(劳塔雷特高山花园,海拔2000米)。在原位(即采集种子的地方)和普通花园(进行实验的地方)分别测量这些性状,可以区分环境和基因在性状表现中所占的比例。测量原位移植个体的存活和繁殖,再与生活在初始条件下的个体相比,可以显示出这些形状与海拔高度相关的适应性。[来源:照片©皮埃尔·德·维尔梅梅鲁伊(Pierre de Villemereuil)]



  根据自然选择理论[1],只有性状的遗传决定部分才能遗传给后代(性状的可遗传部分)。因此,适应性性状在有利的环境中通过个体的不同生存和繁殖而逐渐增加。在当地,优势性状的固定取决于迁移个体流动的强度,它们会重新引入相反的性状特征,从而抵消当地选择的影响。然而,越来越多的最新研究表明,无论基因如何,父母所经历的环境可能会影响后代性状的表达(表观遗传学)(参见表观遗传学:基因组及其环境)。例如,研究表明,在不同氮含量的植物上饲养的毛毛虫所产生的后代,相对父母而言,在利用同类型植物方面更加高效[2]。同样,接触病原体的毛毛虫产生的后代会受到保护,使其免受病原体的侵害。卵子不仅含有双亲的基因,还含有额外的分子(成长因子、免疫因子……),这些分子可以解释这种跨代遗传。但更令人惊讶的是:当祖父经历压力(与电击、污染物相关)两代后,体外受精的小鼠仍存在对相同压力的应激反应。后代中可能存在表观遗传标记[3]由专门的酶对 DNA 或构成 DNA 的蛋白质(组蛋白)进行的生化修饰。最典型的品牌是 DNA 上的甲基(CH3),以及组蛋白的各种化学修饰(甲基化、乙酰化……)。)[3],这种标记影响应激反应相关基因的表达。这种关于当地环境特征的信息从父母直接传递给子女(后天性状的遗传[4])显然比自然选择更加有效,使个体易于适应他们可能遇到的环境条件,但这种适应现象的普遍性还远未确定,所涉及的确切机制仍有待揭示(参见 适应:应对环境挑战)。


图4. 金莲花属植物种间观察到的花冠多样性(形状、气味、颜色)。属于北极-高山植物,原产于喜马拉雅,是由于不同授粉者相互作用的结果。

  除了非生物环境条件(气候、污染物),每个个体都是至少一个其他物种的猎物和/或捕食者:一个有机体的环境主要是由所有其他物种组成的!与其他物种间的相互作用(见共生和寄生):根据“红皇后”(利·范·瓦伦 (Leigh Van Vale)提出的进化生物学假说,可概括如下:“一个物种必须永久进化以保持跟随与其共同进化的物种的进化的能力”。 它的名字来源于刘易斯·卡罗尔Lewis Carroll的书穿越魔镜》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的第二部:主角和红皇后展开了一场疯狂的竞赛。 爱丽丝接着问道:“但是,红后,很奇怪,我们跑得很快,周围的风景却没有变化? ” 女王回答说:“我们跑是为了呆在同一个地方”。)假说,捕食者、寄生虫、竞争对手以及互惠者(如传粉者,图4)构成塑造种群适应性性状的主要选择因素。另一种“国王的傻瓜”(安东尼·巴诺夫斯基(Anthony Barnovsky)提出的与“红皇后”相对立的假说。该假说认为,在地质尺度上,物种的转变并不是由物种之间的竞争引起的,而是由非生物环境引起的。桦尺蠖的案例说明了“国王的傻瓜”的这一假说。)假说认为,非生物因素(陨石坠落、火山活动、气候变化)在生物多样性的演变中起重要作用。在种群和物种的进化过程中,这两种机制可能都发挥着重要作用:分支进化一组或一群生物,其成员无论多么不同,都来自同一个共同的祖先群体:它是一个单系群体。在系统发育树中:包含祖先及其所有后代的树的分支。)(宏观进化)是渐进的(“红皇后”节奏);而有时非常迅速的物种分化新生命物种出现的起源的进化过程,这些物种从属于原始物种的种群中个体化。)事件是与环境剧烈变化(“国王的傻瓜”)有关[5]


图5. 夸张的性征可能与雄性间争夺雌性有关。


  人们提出了很多个假说,来解释雌性刻意选择这种带有明显生存障碍的雄性的现象:“优质基因”假说(Good genes),认为雌性选择的性状与雄性的遗传品质有直接联系。例如,羽毛的鲜艳颜色表明雄性具有抵抗当地寄生虫的基因,这种基因将会传递给后代(汉密尔顿-祖克假说)[6]。根据“性感儿子”假说(Sexy son),选择的性状不需要与雄性的良好遗传品质联系在一起,它取悦雌性本身就是一种适应性性状,因为这种雄性的后代也会取悦雌性。根据残疾假说(Disability hypothesis),雌性依据这些特征来评估雄性的生存能力…然而这些特征却是先天降低存活率的。


图6. 豌豆芽虫在寄主植物(三叶草或苜蓿)上生存的能力由不同的共生细菌赋予。
  近年来,出现了一种进化过程的新观点:它将生物之间的合作(互利互作)与生存竞争纳入了相同的层面。这一设想诞生于对所有生物体器官和细胞中存在令人难以置信的共生微生物多样性的思考。植物菌根植物根系与土壤真菌之间的共生关系影响着95%以上的陆生植物,能让植物更好地获取土壤养分,帮助植物更好地抵御环境压力。)、肠道细菌、昆虫胞内细菌位于昆虫细胞内)(图6[7])或微生物群生活在宿主(动物或植物)特定环境(称为微生物群)中的所有微生物(细菌、酵母菌、真菌、病毒)。其中一个重要的例子就是生活在肠道或肠道微生物群(以前称为 “肠道菌群”)中的微生物。)在许多生命功能中起着重要作用:营养、解毒、免疫反应、行为甚至繁殖。一些作者甚至呼吁建立一个新的综合进化理论,在这个理论中,自然选择的目标不再只是生物体本身,而是整个生物体和微生物群的集合,称为“全息生物”[[8](参见 共生和寄生)。

  在生命的所有尺度上,共生体无处不在(参见 共生与进化&共生和寄生)。因此,线粒体内共生两种生物之间的互利合作,因此是一种共生形式,其中一种生物被另一种生物所包含。在细胞层面,代表了真核细胞中细胞器(线粒体和叶绿体)的形成过程。因此,线粒体是由一种细菌(可能是一种α-蛋白细菌)整合到原始真核细胞中形成的。叶绿体则是蓝藻融入真核细胞后形成的。这些转变伴随着基因从内共生体转移到宿主细胞以及新陈代谢的整合。是真核细胞的起源:细胞代谢所必需的线粒体起源于游离细菌,可能是较大细胞的消耗物或寄生虫。共生现象存在于珊瑚礁(藻类和刺胞动物)或菌根(真菌和植物根)。我们肠道中的数十亿细菌也是如此,它们对我们的健康至关重要(参见 人类微生物群:我们健康的盟友)。在进化论中考虑共生,可以调和关于生物体适应其环境过程中先天(遗传)和后天(表观遗传,包括环境导致的可能代代相传的变化)因素所占比例的争议,并为宏观进化水平上观察到的物种形成速率变化提供新的见解。



封面照片:Grand Veymont, a group of ibexes – [Source: © Alain Herrault,]

[1] Darwin CR (1959) On the origin of species by the means of natural selection,’origine_des_esp%C3%A8ces

[2] Cahenzli F & Erhardt A (2013) Transgenerational acclimatization in an herbivore-host plant relationship. Proc R Soc B, 280 20122856; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.2856

[3] Goldberg AD, Allis CD & Bernstein E (2007) Epigenetics: a landscape takes shape. Cell 128, 635-638

[4] Sano H. (2010) Inheritance of acquired traits in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 5(4):346-348

[5] Van Valen L (1977) The red queen. The American Naturalist 111(980):809-810

[6] Hamilton WD & Zuk M (1982) Heritable true fitness and bright birds: a role for parasites? Science 218, 384–387

[7] Tsuchida T, Koga R, Shibao H, Matsumoto T & Fukatsu T. (2002) Diversity and geographic distribution of secondary endosymbiotic bacteria in natural populations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Molecular Ecology 11(10):2123-2135.

[8] Arnold C. (2013) The hologenome: A new view of evolution. New Scientist 217(2899):30-34.

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (, contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: DESPRÉS Laurence (March 12, 2024), 生命对环境制约的适应, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 19, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url :

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